FBI Found "Tens Of Thousands Of Emails" Belonging To Huma Abedin On Weiner's Laptop

Funny, you guys have absolutely no fucking clue about my political leanings.. all you have are insults like typical mindless sheep. Hillarious.. keep drinking the kool aid!


Well-Known Member
LMAO! Just keep believing what the media spoon feeds you ya sheep!

Watch the 'polls' start correcting themselves ;)
They were wrong all along.. you should check who the media 'polls'.. SHEEP
LOOOL.. typical liberal scum.. tsk tsk.. you're really hurting my feelings! MUAH!
Tiny_Lou.. LMFAO
Do you guys really believe Hillary isn't a piece of shit???
Keep slinging insults like a typical Libby.. that's all you got
You're cute Lou!


Answer the question.. do you honestly believe Hillary isn't a a piece of shit? This answer will speak volumes about your intellect. answer the question without an insult..


Well-Known Member
want to bet $5,000 on it?

i know a guy who will give you two to one odds.

put up or shut up, pussy.
(Pssssst....this sock and that other one, 'ry16', smell a lot alike ;))

This should prove to be fun and amusing!
(Prepares pop corn.)
Uncle buck, no one knows how this is all gonna shake out.. i trust our government as much as I trust random people on the internet.. obviously you folks are putting a lot of trust in the 'system'. Quite funny actually..