Subcool SS used dirt?

I just don't know what has been used up and how much to add after I've grown in it.
I did, however, buy another garbage can for used soil so I can play around with it. I plan to use it on one plant per grow. I have two flower stations so by next summer I will have reamended few times.
You don't have to know. When the microbes have set up shop they work with the plant to give it what it wants.

Start a small worm bin and make the best stuff. Much bettter than in a bag. For a LOT less $$
I have a bin. It's been around for about 60 days. There's a learning curve to that too but I'm slowing understanding what the worms need.
does that provide all the nutrients a plant needs?
and then some.
just think of all those immense trees in the forests, healthy and green, and ONLY living on their prior years leaf-detritus.
how is that possible??
those trees have to need more total nutrients than the cannabis plant, right?
Sure they do. But with a healthy soilweb (particularly with myco) they live and grow on their own, forever (essentially)
Leaf compost has a higher macro than animal manures (most of them)
it's all quite fascinating and eye-opening to do a grow using just compost, it changed my entire philosophy of growing.
it's almost like a religion for me, if for no other reason than to get the usage of chelated chemicals out of our water, and out of our plants, and our lungs....
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take 5 garbage bags of leaves, get one or two bags of grass clippings.
layer them.
water them
tarp it.
remix every 20 days.
next spring you are done.

match compost with aeration, and mix at a 1/1 ratio with old soil.
make sense?
easy-peasy man
Ok I read your last post and its like the most interesting thing i have read here. I get a bit confused because english is not my main language so I would appreciate if you could answer all my questions.

1- can I do a compost pile with only leafs and grass inside my home? Because of smell when it begins to decompose. I don't have a garden.

2- how much time do I cook? I want to try it in my next grow. Is 3 months not enough?

3- Do you add stems too? Or just leaf material?

4- Shall I add anything else? I have guano dust and different nutrients I bought. Or is it enough with just leaf material?

5- If I understand correctly. It's 50% soil 50% decomposed leaves?

sorry for all the numerous questions but I find this very interesting and want to make sure I do it OK
Ok I read your last post and its like the most interesting thing i have read here. I get a bit confused because english is not my main language so I would appreciate if you could answer all my questions.

1- can I do a compost pile with only leafs and grass inside my home? Because of smell when it begins to decompose. I don't have a garden.

2- how much time do I cook? I want to try it in my next grow. Is 3 months not enough?

3- Do you add stems too? Or just leaf material?

4- Shall I add anything else? I have guano dust and different nutrients I bought. Or is it enough with just leaf material?

5- If I understand correctly. It's 50% soil 50% decomposed leaves?

sorry for all the numerous questions but I find this very interesting and want to make sure I do it OK
i'm happy to help in any way possible.

1. yes, you can do it inside, but preferably a basement or garage, as you do need to "water" it, and also room to turn the pile. NOTE- the smell if mixed is nothing more than a "wet-forest" smell, which most find pleasant.

2. the compost time is based on the inputs, with just grass and leaves it can be done in 3 months, if it's layered and turned correctly with enough greens to keep it hot.

3. if you add stems it slows the process down (see answer #2)

4. You can add more than that if desired, but it's not crucial, you can grow wonderful cannabis using just leaves and grass in the compost, ideally you do want a source of minerals.

5. Depending on the initial soil recipe is what dictates the amount of compost added to the pile. Generally a reamandment ratio is 1 part compost to one part old soil. It doesn't have to be perfect, you just want enough aeration in there.

Here is a link to my compost adventure, it has a bunch of links i thought interesting
Everything you need to know about composting can be learned from the links there.
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i'm happy to help in any way possible.

1. yes, you can do it inside, but preferably a basement or garage, as you do need to "water" it, and also room to turn the pile. NOTE- the smell if mixed is nothing more than a "wet-forest" smell, which most find pleasant.

2. the compost time is based on the inputs, with just grass and leaves it can be done in 3 months, if it's layered and turned correctly with enough greens to keep it hot.

3. if you add stems it slows the process down (see answer #2)

4. You can add more than that if desired, but it's not crucial, you can grow wonderful cannabis using just leaves and grass in the compost, ideally you do want a source of minerals.

5. Depending on the initial soil recipe is what dictates the amount of compost added to the pile. Generally a reamandment ratio is 1 part compost to one part old soil. It doesn't have to be perfect, you just want enough aeration in there.

Here is a link to my compost adventure, it has a bunch of links i thought interesting
Everything you need to know about composting can be learned from the links there.
Thanks, that was very helpful. I really want to try this.
I now recycle my dirt all the time. Seems to work great even as a base soil. just add some stuff to it like worm casting, maybe some N guano. Need it a bit looser add perlite. Maybe some lime if the ph is off balance. I make my base and super soil all from my old soil now. I wouldnt recommend it if you a bug problem though. I store all my dirt in black closed containers in the sun.

Years ago I was told not to recycle soil. I found out why, hydro shops just want to sell you more dirt. I'm gonna see how long I can go with my several hundred gallons I keep rotating through. Only bugs I notice are thrips. I could probably get rid of them with a strong dose of pyrethrins.