Just finished sealing up the garage. (Pics)

Greetings, @rob_333 I can't read what you are really saying. Is it concern of safety? Is it something else? I have seen 14-16k grows in shacks Basically that were dangerous. This ain't bad at all imo considering the newness of it hoods, could be off the ceiling a little bit but he's running 160k BTU or some sheet. No disrespect of course. What has you on one about it?
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great setup yea right his hoods are sitting flush to the roof big no no in growing thers fucking wires everywere the outtake is made out of wood lets see this shit burn i could go on and on i am just waiting for this house to burn down and the sad thing is he takes his fucking kids in there should be taking out the fucking back and shot be4 he burns and kills his family nice work op nice work

No danger here bro, I'm a certified electrician and I also have my HVAC certification.
Greetings, @rob_333 I can't read what you are really saying. Is it concern of safety? Is it something else? I have seen 14-16k grows in shacks Basically that were dangerous. This ain't bad at all imo considering the newness of it hoods, could be off the ceiling a little bit but he's running 160k BTU or some sheet. No disrespect of course. What has you on one about it?
i set up grow rooms for a living this would have to be the worst i have seen were would u like me to start i can be here all day pointing out shit