ODD, new hood = Nitrogen Toxicity?


Well-Known Member
I will post some pic's from a week ago and today. I have been using a closed tube hood, I switched to a open hood, temps went up 5 degrees, max temp is 85. I rotated all plants 180 degrees so the outside edges are under the light now, however today I woke up, (mind you, I am at week 4 flower, amended FFOF soil, and no nitrogen has been added just a guano tea 0-5-0, So why am I showing such dark dark leaves and the claw?)

My theory is that the increased light is causing the plants to create more photosynthesis, which in turn is causing them to eat more?I just watered yesterday so I am hesitant to flush right now, there normal watering will be thursday, maybe I'll flush then. any thoughts


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Now here are what the plants looked like yesterday.


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here are a few outside the tent


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I wondering the additional heat, so late into the grow is causing more water intake (however they watered at the same time, not sooner?) another problem is I cant take the hood any higher :(, I may switch back to the tube. I would like to give it another week barring nothing drastic happens, just so they can adjust to the new atmosphere. May be stress also.
I will post some pic's from a week ago and today. I have been using a closed tube hood, I switched to a open hood, temps went up 5 degrees, max temp is 85. I rotated all plants 180 degrees so the outside edges are under the light now, however today I woke up, (mind you, I am at week 4 flower, amended FFOF soil, and no nitrogen has been added just a guano tea 0-5-0, So why am I showing such dark dark leaves and the claw?)

My theory is that the increased light is causing the plants to create more photosynthesis, which in turn is causing them to eat more?I just watered yesterday so I am hesitant to flush right now, there normal watering will be thursday, maybe I'll flush then. any thoughts
I only see one pic that is even mildly alarming.
I suggest doing nothing but continue to water as normal.
and added photosynthesis doesn't make them "claw"
but, your plants are not clawing, to be honest
they look alright, the one pic seems to be an overwatering/damp media problem, if I was to make an educated guess
I concur, however the pic that has my hand in it, the leaves are totally clawing, and cupping down words, I know the photos are hard to tell. I will continue on. Thanks man for the reply
More photos = more food which may cause the N TOX.
This may be a PH issue locking out other elements in favor of N.
I had an N tox once but with chem ferts, was a bitch and took a few weeks to recover.
Check PH, flushing amended soil wont help much.
As for FFOF, usuialy you cut it with other soil because ITS HOT.
It should be fine in 2 weeks or so, water and keep PH proper.
More photos = more food which may cause the N TOX.
This may be a PH issue locking out other elements in favor of N.
I had an N tox once but with chem ferts, was a bitch and took a few weeks to recover.
Check PH, flushing amended soil wont help much.
As for FFOF, usuialy you cut it with other soil because ITS HOT.
It should be fine in 2 weeks or so, water and keep PH proper.
yea, ph is always 6.5 Like I said though I really dont use any nutes, because of the amended soil, however during flower I have been using a guano tea from Nectar of the Gods. Thats it, I did however amend the topsoil with some fox farm bloom dry fertz.. I wonder If I put to much? any how, I will ride this out. They will be fine.:wall::weed:
I concur, however the pic that has my hand in it, the leaves are totally clawing, and cupping down words, I know the photos are hard to tell. I will continue on. Thanks man for the reply
but that's not clawing man
this is what clawing looks like to me
nitro burn 2.jpg
nitro burn.jpg
your plants don't look like that.
BUT, that being said...
don't topdress with that nutrient mix
that needs to be cycled prior
yea, ph is always 6.5 Like I said though I really dont use any nutes, because of the amended soil, however during flower I have been using a guano tea from Nectar of the Gods. Thats it, I did however amend the topsoil with some fox farm bloom dry fertz.. I wonder If I put to much? any how, I will ride this out. They will be fine.:wall::weed:
It may not vene b N tox.
I dont see as much crawl as there should be.
FFOF is a very HOT Soil I would not top it with that Tea if I was you.
Thats for sure whats causing this.
Just water regular, it should go away.
i think it may be a little of both. some of that is stress from the increased heat, which is causing increased respiration, which = more nute uptake. i'm with the guys above, let them get used to the new environment. don't let it get much hotter than that in there, though, thats the upper end of the good range unless you're running co2
i think it may be a little of both. some of that is stress from the increased heat, which is causing increased respiration, which = more nute uptake. i'm with the guys above, let them get used to the new environment. don't let it get much hotter than that in there, though, thats the upper end of the good range unless you're running co2
Its 80 right now, with the cooler air flowing in from out side, I agree. The changes caused stress, my top dressing, however I did top dress about a month ago to prep for flower 4-8-4 somthing like that, and no issues. Ill let it work out.
It may not vene b N tox.
I dont see as much crawl as there should be.
FFOF is a very HOT Soil I would not top it with that Tea if I was you.
Thats for sure whats causing this.
Just water regular, it should go away.
Yes FFOF can be hot however I have been growing with it for years, and with mature plants its not to hot, 12 weeks into the grow, even though it was amended with down to earth products, crab meal .. so forth, the guano tea, is fine I think, been using it for 4 weeks now. However I am going to lay off for a while, just plain water, until this resolves it self, less is best so they say , thanks for the replys my man.:peace::weed:
Yea that is some hard core claw lol, Thats what I dont want my plants to look like, for less is best for a while.
your plants look fine to me man
I still would avoid the topdress, unless cycled first, it creates issues
the best things for topdresses are more soluble type stuff, like guanos, fish meal, worm castings, comfrey and such.
bone meal, feather meal and the like aren't meant for topdress
and that's more than likely the majority of the topdress' ingredients
Yes FFOF can be hot however I have been growing with it for years, and with mature plants its not to hot, 12 weeks into the grow, even though it was amended with down to earth products, crab meal .. so forth, the guano tea, is fine I think, been using it for 4 weeks now. However I am going to lay off for a while, just plain water, until this resolves it self, less is best so they say , thanks for the replys my man.:peace::weed:
These new genetics?
Might just some oddity happening.
Lay off the top dress until they need it.