Trump leads with 46% while Clinton trails at 45% after FBI reboots email scandal investigation.


Well-Known Member
I strongly disagree. I mean, sure, democracy will obviously survive and history will shake the Drumpf from it's nutbag as a dog would a (fat, orange) flea, but to suggest that a sane person should simply "accept the results and move on" ? Noooooo way, man. We've already had subhuman tin-pots approaching a North American Hitler (Nixon, Duke, Wallace, etc.) and have managed to rise above without going belly-up and "accepting the results".
I'm not saying I'll tow the line. I'm just saying that I'll accept a loss if it happens (small chance of that) and start thinking about what I'll do next. I think a Trump presidency will set this country back 20 years socially and economically. Maybe even will be the tipping point for the lock-down control by a wealthy oligarchy that's been headed our way for some time. That said, I'm completely against armed insurrection, which the Trump followers are talking about if Clinton wins. I'm not lowering myself to their level.


Well-Known Member
I strongly disagree. I mean, sure, democracy will obviously survive and history will shake the Drumpf from it's nutbag as a dog would a (fat, orange) flea, but to suggest that a sane person should simply "accept the results and move on" ? Noooooo way, man. We've already had subhuman tin-pots approaching a North American Hitler (Nixon, Duke, Wallace, etc.) and have managed to rise above without going belly-up and "accepting the results".
So whats your plans if trump wins??? cause your clearly not moving on and a sore loser ???

We all already know Buck will make a new account, with in minutes of being booted out of Here.
Something like Uncle Rebucklinton

But what about you Lou are you in on this bet of leaving the site


Well-Known Member
I'm not saying I'll tow the line. I'm just saying that I'll accept a loss if it happens (small chance of that) and start thinking about what I'll do next. I think a Trump presidency will set this country back 20 years socially and economically. Maybe even will be the tipping point for the lock-down control by a wealthy oligarchy that's been headed our way for some time. That said, I'm completely against armed insurrection, which the Trump followers are talking about if Clinton wins. I'm not lowering myself to their level.
You're willing to to say that the same ideals which founded America are not "socially acceptable"?

The 2nd amendment was the 2nd amendment because the founders knew that if gov't wasn't constrained by the same force they "managed" the populace with it's all over for the little guy.

2nd amendment isn't about hunting. It's about making sure totalitarian rule doesn't happen.
Too bad folks were asleep.


Well-Known Member
You're willing to to say that the same ideals which founded America are not "socially acceptable"?

The 2nd amendment was the 2nd amendment because the founders knew that if gov't wasn't constrained by the same force they "managed" the populace with it's all over for the little guy.

2nd amendment isn't about hunting. It's about making sure totalitarian rule doesn't happen.
Too bad folks were asleep.

I'm not saying I'll tow the line. I'm just saying that I'll accept a loss if it happens (small chance of that) and start thinking about what I'll do next. I think a Trump presidency will set this country back 20 years socially and economically. Maybe even will be the tipping point for the lock-down control by a wealthy oligarchy that's been headed our way for some time. That said, I'm completely against armed insurrection, which the Trump followers are talking about if Clinton wins. I'm not lowering myself to their level.

Where did I say that "ideals which founded America are not "socially acceptable"?". One of the ideals of this country is the peaceful transition of power after an election. The one time that didn't happen was 1860 and it wasn't a good time for the country, if you were awake when it was covered in history class.

The second amendment isn't at risk knucklehead. That's the pap you've been getting from Breitbarf or some other rat's den of a blog site.


Well-Known Member
We will have a year at most if Hilary wins nukes only take up to 1 hour to reach every nations capitals from nation to nation you won't even know what hit you...

Its just ridiculous that you can't see what going on...


YOU're the one who is yelling that the sky is falling, and then you say that WE are brainwashed??

Get a clue, Son! Your profile says that you are 26 years old, so you obviously don't know shit about anything. Why not read what people that are older and much wiser say, instead of posting your juvenile bullshit?

Just a suggestion.



Well-Known Member
The 2nd amendment was the 2nd amendment because the founders knew that if gov't wasn't constrained by the same force they "managed" the populace with it's all over for the little guy.
sounds like you are too scared to be a good gun owner anyway.


Well-Known Member
YOU're the one who is yelling that the sky is falling, and then you say that WE are brainwashed??

Get a clue, Son! Your profile says that you are 26 years old, so you obviously don't know shit about anything. Why not read what people that are older and much wiser say, instead of posting your juvenile bullshit?

Just a suggestion.

ez up potroast. this charade will be over in 7 days.


Well-Known Member
I'm not saying I'll tow the line. I'm just saying that I'll accept a loss if it happens (small chance of that) and start thinking about what I'll do next. I think a Trump presidency will set this country back 20 years socially and economically. Maybe even will be the tipping point for the lock-down control by a wealthy oligarchy that's been headed our way for some time. That said, I'm completely against armed insurrection, which the Trump followers are talking about if Clinton wins. I'm not lowering myself to their level.

Where did I say that "ideals which founded America are not "socially acceptable"?". One of the ideals of this country is the peaceful transition of power after an election. The one time that didn't happen was 1860 and it wasn't a good time for the country, if you were awake when it was covered in history class.

And end result of YOU being responsible for paying it back
USA cannot keep going like that anymore there Bankrupt as it is

The second amendment isn't at risk knucklehead. That's the pap you've been getting from Breitbarf or some other rat's den of a blog site.
What do you mean set the country back 20 years? its been set back years ago. Just have to look at your infrastructure, have a look at your real employment, have look at our trade deficit its not pretty and every year getting worse.
Were still paying for wars we never should of been in ..

I think Trump will in fact stop countries like China telling us what to do remember how much we owe them right ??
look at our Auto industry made in Mexico
With Hillary in nothing will change yet she will borrow more money from your retirement savings a put a note or promise to pay back
She will in fact sell USA to the highest bidder.. There is no denying Trump would school her in business . And YES

He will do what ever it takes to bring back companies that left which means more work more spending instead of some stimulus package another Fake economy and makes any new president look good just look at what Obama did you tell me ?? what he promised and what he really did ..

I know it appeared at the beginning he was pushing for change but once taught how to play the game he did sweet fuck all
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Well-Known Member
We will have a year at most if Hilary wins nukes only take up to 1 hour to reach every nations capitals from nation to nation you won't even know what hit you...

Its just ridiculous that you can't see what going on...

Russia has a real problem on it's hands with the loss of constitutional government and installation of a repressive dictator in the form of Putin. The smart action taken by Obama to institute economic sanctions with the cooperation of other economies is biting into the Russian economy. What the people of Russia to do about their problem is up to them and not the US. But the US and other nations don't need Russia as much as Russia needs them and so, the advantage is on the US's side.

Putin will not use nuclear weapons, that's just plain dumb. He's rattling swords and making a show of things to keep the people of Russia focused on nationalist pride instead of how shitty things have gotten for them lately. 5% of GDP spent on trinkets of war during a recession is unsustainable. I'm sure you've heard of the line about how not learning history...and so forth. Putin has Russia headed into the same arms race and economic trap that brought down the Soviet Union.
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