Comey Under DOJ Investigation For Misleading Trump While Targeting Him In FBI Probe

So because of an opinion piece by someone who claims Kilimnik is a intel source, what somehow Manafort was ok to give him the polling data? Are you arguing that he didn't know so it wasn't a crime, because that is bullshit, or are you saying that he didn't commit a crime because he was 'set up'. Still bullshit, to catch a predator taught us that every time they snag a pedophile.
This is from Wikipedia. If you want to make the claim that Wikipedia is an opinion source and cannot be used as evidence, then that would be interesting?

Buck makes the very common mistake (because he is a liar), that he just invents facts and claims with no merit, because it helps him support his argument.
She’s fucking dumber than the dirt I’m standing on. Bet she’s so ugly she could make a buzzard jump off a gut wagon. Makes trains take dirt roads and clocks run backwards.
idk, lol if you guys are convinced she is not a foreign troll, I am willing to try to take the time here and there to try to help a fellow American understand that they surrounded them selves with bullshit and its ok to not believe in propaganda. Or at least stop someone from believing the bullshit that get spammed from time to time.
So because of an opinion piece by someone who claims Kilimnik is a intel source, what somehow Manafort was ok to give him the polling data? Are you arguing that he didn't know so it wasn't a crime, because that is bullshit, or are you saying that he didn't commit a crime because he was 'set up'. Still bullshit, to catch a predator taught us that every time they snag a pedophile.
Her only boyfriend in life was picked up on that show. Twice.
This is from Wikipedia. If you want to make the claim that Wikipedia is an opinion source and cannot be used as evidence, then that would be interesting?

Buck makes the very common mistake (because he is a liar), that he just invents facts and claims with no merit, because it helps him support his argument.
No the article wikipedia was quoting was the opinion piece. Just because something gets planted into a opinion section of a legitimate newspaper and so can be used in a wiki entry, doesn't mean shit really. And it doesn't change my point even if it mattered.
Well over 100 interactions with Russian governmen(Putin) by trump goons. trump approves of a hostile power attack on our very democracy, on our Constitutional form of government. Also refuses to protect the United States from ongoing and future attacks. That is a clear. violation of asshole’s Oath Of Office.

Your Hero hangs with rapists, madams, child molesters, massage parlor johns and admires murderous dictators around the world and too fucking weak and iimpotent to stand against any of them.
idk, lol if you guys are convinced she is not a foreign troll, I am willing to try to take the time here and there to try to help a fellow American understand that they surrounded them selves with bullshit and its ok to not believe in propaganda. Or at least stop someone from believing the bullshit that get spammed from time to time.
So you are an idiot whisperer. Great skill to possess these days. Is it frustrating?
So you are an idiot whisperer. Great skill to possess these days. Is it frustrating?
Harley constantly provides bottom of the barrel contributions and political arguments

Harley constantly provides bottom of the barrel contributions and political arguments

Because you’re lower than a snakes belly in a wagon rut. One must lower oneself to your level to tell you how useless you are to humanity. You’re a waste of human tissue and oxygen.

Perhaps if you share your life’s story I could raise my level here. By presenting evidence you are useless.
Because you’re lower than a snakes belly in a wagon rut. One must lower oneself to your level to tell you how useless you are to humanity. You’re a waste of human tissue and oxygen.

Perhaps if you share your life’s story I could raise my level here. By presenting evidence you are useless.
I am currently not in the work force, I have a small % of native american blood and hopefully I can get Reparations upcoming from the US Government
I am currently not in the work force, I have a small % of native american blood and hopefully I can get Reparations upcoming from the US Government
Sweet mother of Ned. A mooch. You have a lot of nerve mocking anyone doing any job. Call a wrecker when it’s time to haul you to the Rez. Where they’ll hate your guts.

Can I call ‘em? Huh? Like Home Brewer. Useless as tits on a boar hog. Living on his genetic superiority. Diabolical - another poser. A bad ass rich bitch flying around paying people. But a poser with no skills of her own. Except for distributing money to those who do.
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Sweet mother of Ned. A mooch. You have a lot of nerve mocking anyone doing any job. Call a wrecker when it’s time to haul you to the Rez. Where they’ll hate your guts.

Can I call ‘em? Huh? Like Home Brewer. Useless as tits on a boar hog. Living on his genetic superiority. Diabolical - another poser. A bad ass rich bitch flying around paying people. But a poser with no skills of her own. Except for distributing money to those who do.
and by the way, since you apparently couldn't tell I was JOKING about being unemployed and living off the government.