Sen. Elizabeth Warren aka Fauxakhauntas Unfriends Hillary on Twitter - Shit is Getting Real

you really are dense. have you ever seen Melania? do you think Trump could score that piece of ass making your money?? Sad!

UB, This is a thread about hillary going down in flames, not your failures with women.

P.S. you didnt need to marry a fat one because you were a freeloader but you were too stupid to figure it out. At least you still get to be a freeloader.
show a picture of your elbow and your wife/girlfriend

Huma Abedin had better be extra careful crossing the street, because there are signs she’s about to get thrown under a bus.

Consequences of the FBI’s decision to re-open the investigation into Hillary Clinton’s private email server is already having a rippling effect.

Before an audience at Kent State University on Monday, Clinton did her best to try to deflect the significance of the investigation and hammered both FBI Director James Comey and Donald Trump.

But it was the curious term Clinton used to describe her long-time and close personal aide Abedin that got attention.

“Now they apparently want to look at emails of one of my staffers – and by all means they should look at them,” Clinton said,

Abedin and her estranged husband, disgraced former Rep. Anthony Wiener, are at the center of the FBI probe, with reportedly650,000 of emails found on Wiener’s private laptop computer.

Abedin, has since left Clinton’s side and is holding up camp in NYC after news of the investigation broke.

But that may not be enough distance for Clinton, who just reduced her to “staffer.”

I started a new company in January of this year without starting to take in income until February and i am going to clear more than that this year. Why exactly do you care anyway? I am quite happy with my income.
Yeah we also have people who are quite happy to receive welfare @Flaming Pie. I guess I figure that people would try to strive for more, but I guess that is just me. you do realize the most you will ever make is about 60,000 a year and that would be if you are at the top of your game. Don't you want a home, kids, future
Yeah we also have people who are quite happy to receive welfare @Flaming Pie. I guess I figure that people would try to strive for more, but I guess that is just me. you do realize the most you will ever make is about 60,000 a year and that would be if you are at the top of your game. Don't you want a home, kids, future

I will make 60K a year working part time. I can easily make more than $120,000 a year working full time. My house is bought and paid for and is worth close to twice what it was when I bought it back in 2010. The future's so bright, I gotta wear shades!!
I dont even remember what you said so that would be a no.
Ok. Even better. I've got another idea for a new thread old buddy. Only so many things can be said about Elizabitch unfriending Hillary.

What do you think about a poll thread on " what type of liar is Hillary? "

Compulsive liar
Pathological liar
Full blown sociopath
Ok. Even better. I've got another idea for a new thread old buddy. Only so many things can be said about Elizabitch unfriending Hillary.

What do you think about a poll thread on " what type of liar is Hillary? "

Compulsive liar
Pathological liar
Full blown sociopath

You forgot all of the above!!
I will make 60K a year working part time. I can easily make more than $120,000 a year working full time. My house is bought and paid for and is worth close to twice what it was when I bought it back in 2010. The future's so bright, I gotta wear shades!!
if you making 120,000 then you will be the Tippy Top Rock Solid Super Ultra Inspector of the Universe.
Who the fuck are you fooling.
House inspectors earned average annual salaries of $54,970, according to the BLS. Their pay is largely based on experience, employer size and the geographical area where they work. The middle half made between $41,050 and $67,640 per year, and the lowest 10 percent earned less than $32,080 annually.
I have time to do about 60 home inspections a month at full capacity. Inspections generate 300-500 dollars in income with the bulk being between 300 and 400 dollars. On average they take 6 hours to do including drive time, inspection, walk through and report time. A good inspector can do 2 or maybe even 3 a day depending upon location.

If I do 20 a month I clear between 6000 and 8000 dollars or up to 96,000 a year. If I do 30 a month I clear between 9000 and 12,000 a month or up to $144,000 per year. 30 a month would be 180 hours based on a 4 week month which means about 45 hours per week. So the average amount a person typically would work.

I have been doing this for over 10 years. I can make whatever I choose to make.

Your numbers are based on an EMPLOYEE, not a single owner/operator.

Thanks for playing!!
What does income have do do with getting laid? Not sure the correlation although I have never had trouble getting either.

no woman in her right mind has even considered touching you in three decades at least.

and before that you had to pay for it.
If you've never had to question the correlation, you're doing it right.

i make the same guarantee about you. you haven't been able to get any without paying for it in decades.

women just aren't interesed in listening to racists who want to tell them about THE 9/!! Tr00f!
You're not still mad because of what I said about your girl from the Kelly file, are you?

three in a row.

actually, i'll make an exception for you. i'll call it the "400 pounds or over and has to settle for someone else 400 pounds or over" exception.
That's why you have a beard, and I don't.
Embrace your homosetchuality! (and honk down on my choad while you're @ it).

Thing is, I'll never be "interesed" in you.

two posts in a row of yours in which you vividly describe your homosexual fantasies. interesting.
three in a row.

actually, i'll make an exception for you. i'll call it the "400 pounds or over and has to settle for someone else 400 pounds or over" exception.
I'm at at less than 10% body fat. Why do you bother responding to my posts if you've got nothing to talk about? Unless it's Hillary and what's going on in the news, I'm not interested.