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Donald Trump is the champion of those who don't want to share, not only their bathrooms but "their" country.
You know how the left is largely free of conservatism’s obsession with ideological purity because we’re a diverse collection of various groups all working together? We’re used to Republicans talking about ideological purity, but with Donald Trump, we’ve arrived at the point where it is more about racial purity.
The New York Forum, “a private, invitation-only gathering” or racists, had its inaugural meeting in May. It consciously – and this cannot be stressed enough – consciously modeled itself on something called the London Forum, a group of Holocaust deniers and anti-Semites brought together by British nationalist Jeremy “Jez” Turner.
Greg Johnson, whose white nationalist publishing company, Counter-Currents Publishing, sponsors The New York Forum, writes that “The purpose of the New York Forum is metapolitics: speading [sic] ideas and building community.”
We have to assume he means “spreading” but it is mildly amusing to think about secret gatherings “building community.” Aren’t the two diametrically opposed? I dunno. Sounds like the Illuminati business model to me. Which, when you think about it, is perfect for the Trump obsession with conspiracy theories.
Johnson says (dreamily, one must assume) he wants to make this a “thing”:
“If I get my way, our online influence will grow to the point that our ideas completely saturate the entire web and Leftists are as marginalized as pedophiles trading jpegs in secret forums.”
Says the guy running a secret forum which supports the most immoral candidate in living memory, and ironically, the one who says creepy things about underage girls, whether it is his own daughter or someone else’s, Donald Trump.
One could respond, “over my dead mouse-clicking finger,” but let’s think for a moment about how much swimming against the tide this involves for white nationalists. Yes, Trump has given them a voice, and yes, the mainstream media has been complicit in Trump’s message getting out.
However, look at the rapidly changing demographics that groups like this have organized themselves to prevent:
Open-minded millennials who don’t care what their friends look like, and who, as “nones” increasingly let their parents’ ties to organized religion disappear in a puff of logic; Donald Trump’s “Mexicans,” actually people from all over Latin America; African-Americans, who so overwhelmingly vote Democrat that outliers are statistically insignificant; Jews, who Trump supporter David Duke says “dominate our media,” who also largely vote left; the LGBT community which endures ceaseless attacks on civil rights by Trump’s Religious Right supporters; and to these we can add Muslims, women, and many others.
These are groups who make up more and more of the electorate with each passing year. It is, as Lindsey Graham so sagely put it, “angry white guys” like Johnson who are on the endangered species list.
Johnson says his group wants to address “race differences, the Jewish question, and the negative consequences of multiculturalism,” but he wants to do this in a multicultural society; what’s more, in a society that has always been multicultural.
The champions of white privilege have always had somebody to hate: if it was not Native-Americans it was African-Americans or the Irish or the Chinese or Jews. The “other” has always been present, and per the Constitution, has the same rights as the angry white guys who don’t want to share.
David Tobin laments at Counter-Currents,
“’Stronger together’ is not a presidential campaign slogan, it’s more of a war propaganda slogan to rally the masses for supporting a war — waged by the liberal establishment — against racism, sexism, islamophobia, anti-Semitism, and all other irredeemable and deplorable “ism,” that have been conveniently made synonymous with being a straight white male in America.”
I feel I am being appropriated here. I am a straight white male, and I am none of those things. I just happen to think you shouldn’t hate people because of their religion, their race, or their gender, and that as the Constitution promises, we are all of us – whatever we look like and whichever bathroom we use – equal under the law.
And it can be pointed out here that the United States Constitution says nothing about the United States of America belonging only to white people. The nation does not need “saving” on account of what its inhabitants look like.
Donald Trump is the champion of those who don’t want to share, not only their bathrooms but “their” country. And there is no Jewish question and even talking about a “Jewish question” makes you sound like Adolf Hitler. Do you have a “solution” to the Jewish question, Mr. Johnson?
Johnson says,
“Plan A is reform. Plan B is revolution. Trump is not the last chance for white people in North America. He is the last chance for plan A. He is the last chance to save America. He is the last chance of the system to cede power and change course to avoid the multicultural bloodbath that their policies will inevitably produce. Trump is their last chance, not ours.”
Johnson talks about a “multicultural” bloodbath but such a bloodbath can only be metaphorical unless white supremacists decide otherwise.
These are the real thugs, with their Confederate and Nazi flags, the banners of racism, and there is no race war but the race war Johnson and his ilk bring with themselves.
You know how the left is largely free of conservatism’s obsession with ideological purity because we’re a diverse collection of various groups all working together? We’re used to Republicans talking about ideological purity, but with Donald Trump, we’ve arrived at the point where it is more about racial purity.
The New York Forum, “a private, invitation-only gathering” or racists, had its inaugural meeting in May. It consciously – and this cannot be stressed enough – consciously modeled itself on something called the London Forum, a group of Holocaust deniers and anti-Semites brought together by British nationalist Jeremy “Jez” Turner.
Greg Johnson, whose white nationalist publishing company, Counter-Currents Publishing, sponsors The New York Forum, writes that “The purpose of the New York Forum is metapolitics: speading [sic] ideas and building community.”
We have to assume he means “spreading” but it is mildly amusing to think about secret gatherings “building community.” Aren’t the two diametrically opposed? I dunno. Sounds like the Illuminati business model to me. Which, when you think about it, is perfect for the Trump obsession with conspiracy theories.
Johnson says (dreamily, one must assume) he wants to make this a “thing”:
“If I get my way, our online influence will grow to the point that our ideas completely saturate the entire web and Leftists are as marginalized as pedophiles trading jpegs in secret forums.”
Says the guy running a secret forum which supports the most immoral candidate in living memory, and ironically, the one who says creepy things about underage girls, whether it is his own daughter or someone else’s, Donald Trump.
One could respond, “over my dead mouse-clicking finger,” but let’s think for a moment about how much swimming against the tide this involves for white nationalists. Yes, Trump has given them a voice, and yes, the mainstream media has been complicit in Trump’s message getting out.
However, look at the rapidly changing demographics that groups like this have organized themselves to prevent:
Open-minded millennials who don’t care what their friends look like, and who, as “nones” increasingly let their parents’ ties to organized religion disappear in a puff of logic; Donald Trump’s “Mexicans,” actually people from all over Latin America; African-Americans, who so overwhelmingly vote Democrat that outliers are statistically insignificant; Jews, who Trump supporter David Duke says “dominate our media,” who also largely vote left; the LGBT community which endures ceaseless attacks on civil rights by Trump’s Religious Right supporters; and to these we can add Muslims, women, and many others.
These are groups who make up more and more of the electorate with each passing year. It is, as Lindsey Graham so sagely put it, “angry white guys” like Johnson who are on the endangered species list.
Johnson says his group wants to address “race differences, the Jewish question, and the negative consequences of multiculturalism,” but he wants to do this in a multicultural society; what’s more, in a society that has always been multicultural.
The champions of white privilege have always had somebody to hate: if it was not Native-Americans it was African-Americans or the Irish or the Chinese or Jews. The “other” has always been present, and per the Constitution, has the same rights as the angry white guys who don’t want to share.
David Tobin laments at Counter-Currents,
“’Stronger together’ is not a presidential campaign slogan, it’s more of a war propaganda slogan to rally the masses for supporting a war — waged by the liberal establishment — against racism, sexism, islamophobia, anti-Semitism, and all other irredeemable and deplorable “ism,” that have been conveniently made synonymous with being a straight white male in America.”
I feel I am being appropriated here. I am a straight white male, and I am none of those things. I just happen to think you shouldn’t hate people because of their religion, their race, or their gender, and that as the Constitution promises, we are all of us – whatever we look like and whichever bathroom we use – equal under the law.
And it can be pointed out here that the United States Constitution says nothing about the United States of America belonging only to white people. The nation does not need “saving” on account of what its inhabitants look like.
Donald Trump is the champion of those who don’t want to share, not only their bathrooms but “their” country. And there is no Jewish question and even talking about a “Jewish question” makes you sound like Adolf Hitler. Do you have a “solution” to the Jewish question, Mr. Johnson?
Johnson says,
“Plan A is reform. Plan B is revolution. Trump is not the last chance for white people in North America. He is the last chance for plan A. He is the last chance to save America. He is the last chance of the system to cede power and change course to avoid the multicultural bloodbath that their policies will inevitably produce. Trump is their last chance, not ours.”
Johnson talks about a “multicultural” bloodbath but such a bloodbath can only be metaphorical unless white supremacists decide otherwise.
These are the real thugs, with their Confederate and Nazi flags, the banners of racism, and there is no race war but the race war Johnson and his ilk bring with themselves.