secret of healthy soil: carbon hoarding

oh, they'll TOTALLY rob your soil, but not like uncomposted wood does, only in the way that biochar does if it's not charged.
if charged rotted tree log chunks are awesome, especially in the summer time when you want a lil extra moisture in your soil
anything high in nitrogen works to charge them
alfalfa meal, comfrey, diluted urine, bat guano, etc.
I've personally used a dandelion/comfrey ferment
and also diluted urine, honestly the diluted urine is probably the best "charge" you can use for anything.
but some frown on it, for unfounded reasons really...
I grew a whole crop with piss and compost I ain't scared haha. Charging wood is the same as charging bio char I take it?
I got some red lava rocks in my shed lol. I knew I could use them...did not connect the dots that they're the same thing. Do they need to be rinsed first?

I gotta charge that biochar if I go that route tho wouldn't I?
yea, you want to thoroughly rinse both the bio-char and the volcanic rock, the biochar moreso cuz it'll blast the ph up high for a bit
and as far as charging, yea, the process is exactly the same for biochar as it is rotted tree chunks
just make sure the tree chunks are from the inside of the rotted log, and not the bark, and also it should have the consistency of Styrofoam, kinda, only able to crumble
when they are charged and soaked it's almost like wood sponges.
another good use of that is its badass for compost piles, the bottoms in specific, cuz it keeps the compost from getting anaerobic, also from compacting, so it keeps the ammonia gasoff to a minimum, as well as keeping the pile more fungal oriented
Has anyone made here made grokashi teas? If so i have a couple of questions and request for help about something please.

I started a brew as followed by the packaging... its been in fermentation mode for 72-96 hours min/max and was getting ready to apply today.... had been checking everyday and everything looked good but one of the buckets have developed small gray/blueish mold spores... some white which i assume the white is ok but the grayish/blue i am uncertain about. Smells like alcohol, and or buck.
yea, you want to thoroughly rinse both the bio-char and the volcanic rock, the biochar moreso cuz it'll blast the ph up high for a bit
and as far as charging, yea, the process is exactly the same for biochar as it is rotted tree chunks
just make sure the tree chunks are from the inside of the rotted log, and not the bark, and also it should have the consistency of Styrofoam, kinda, only able to crumble
when they are charged and soaked it's almost like wood sponges.
another good use of that is its badass for compost piles, the bottoms in specific, cuz it keeps the compost from getting anaerobic, also from compacting, so it keeps the ammonia gasoff to a minimum, as well as keeping the pile more fungal oriented
Compost piles is exactly what I got the wood for. I'll have to mess around and charge some up.
Has anyone made here made grokashi teas? If so i have a couple of questions and request for help about something please.

I started a brew as followed by the packaging... its been in fermentation mode for 72-96 hours min/max and was getting ready to apply today.... had been checking everyday and everything looked good but one of the buckets have developed small gray/blueish mold spores... some white which i assume the white is ok but the grayish/blue i am uncertain about. Smells like alcohol, and or buck.
I added that to my summer extract / tea / feed 1/2 way thru my summer gro & it sours quick 4 me
it's regulated to the top feed bin now & will not buy again ,over priced 4 what it is imho (I'm cheap) a bag of malted anything is Way better &/or cheaper too ,then a splash of LAB way betta imo
yeah i won't be buying anymore in the future... i had a bag i purchased from BAS a couple of years back and a place i go to in GV gave me two bags for free. So i figure its ok to use it until its gone.
Has anyone made here made grokashi teas? If so i have a couple of questions and request for help about something please.

I started a brew as followed by the packaging... its been in fermentation mode for 72-96 hours min/max and was getting ready to apply today.... had been checking everyday and everything looked good but one of the buckets have developed small gray/blueish mold spores... some white which i assume the white is ok but the grayish/blue i am uncertain about. Smells like alcohol, and or buck.
I just dealt with the same thing in a batch of fruit wine! I know the exact mold you're referring to. And the blackish part is the just the fruiting body of the mold. It is blooming!
What I had to do was siphon the liquid under that layer off into another vessel and then add metabisulfate to that. So far I have seen no more evidence of the mold returning. The wine expert told me that the mold grew on the fermented wine because there was too much airspace in the container I had it in and that oxygen was the enemy of wine...I'm not sure if any of that extrapolates to your situation or not, but at least food for thought.
I just dealt with the same thing in a batch of fruit wine! I know the exact mold you're referring to. And the blackish part is the just the fruiting body of the mold. It is blooming!
What I had to do was siphon the liquid under that layer off into another vessel and then add metabisulfate to that. So far I have seen no more evidence of the mold returning. The wine expert told me that the mold grew on the fermented wine because there was too much airspace in the container I had it in and that oxygen was the enemy of wine...I'm not sure if any of that extrapolates to your situation or not, but at least food for thought.

Well thanks fi your input fi sure.... i was in between using seemed okay... thought just skimming the mold off... but i was to afraid it was anerobic .. (if thats the correct term).

As far airspace... ummm not sure... i had two 5 gallon buckets filled to about 4/12 gallons of water... one bucket was used with a tea bag ( paint strainer) the other i f**ked up and didn't use a tea bag and thought it would still be ok... this bucket was the one with the mold spores.. resting on top. the other looked fine with a similar smell.
oh, they'll TOTALLY rob your soil, but not like uncomposted wood does, only in the way that biochar does if it's not charged.
if charged rotted tree log chunks are awesome, especially in the summer time when you want a lil extra moisture in your soil
anything high in nitrogen works to charge them
alfalfa meal, comfrey, diluted urine, bat guano, etc.
I've personally used a dandelion/comfrey ferment
and also diluted urine, honestly the diluted urine is probably the best "charge" you can use for anything.
but some frown on it, for unfounded reasons really...

I piss in jugs daily...........then again i have the metabolism of a racehorse and think splitting wood is a hobby not a chore lol. My urine may be alil more diluted then most being as i drink about 1-2 gallons a day, but i have yet to find a better source as you stated. Now charging charcoal with it will be fun times!
I piss in jugs daily...........then again i have the metabolism of a racehorse and think splitting wood is a hobby not a chore lol. My urine may be alil more diluted then most being as i drink about 1-2 gallons a day, but i have yet to find a better source as you stated. Now charging charcoal with it will be fun times!
Works great 4 charcoal cheap too
When I go to charge biochar, I just put a pailful next to the toilet and piss in there until it's saturated.
You can tell it's time to go use it when the biochar starts having a faint smell of piss (usually after 4-5 days, which is usually when the biochar is fully soaked anyway).
I made a kelp extract with LAB ferments for a month in gallon jug then soaked sum charcoal in the liquid let that dry in a tub till use.the solids from ferment went to worms bin
i waited all day to see if one of the "organic guys/gals" here would chime in to at least give a tidbit of help.....nada, so thankyou calliandra for at least making an effort. I went and researched the methods folks use without needing any input from the "organic guys" here. i am right smack by the international border up here so i have the ability of choosing american products or canadian......i chose canadian this round......................
20161107_084048.jpg 20161107_084052.jpg 20161107_084055.jpg i used to have a mohawk tribe uncle who was a steel worker....that blue box was his for 38 yrs building in NYC area. I carry all my cannabis goodies in it! They just don't make shit to last anymore like they used to........that box is the EPITOME of that notion!
i waited all day to see if one of the "organic guys/gals" here would chime in to at least give a tidbit of help.....nada, so thankyou calliandra for at least making an effort. I went and researched the methods folks use without needing any input from the "organic guys" here. !
please be a lil more patient, that sort of response is only going to alienate you from any of us "organic guys/gals"
I understand your frustration but remember on weekends, a lot of us aren't on the internet.
If it does not apply let it fly.........that being said i have learned already to research on my own before asking ANYTHINGhere so if i alienate the "organic guys/gals" here, so be it. I will still plug away sans likes and followers, came here by myself and i will leave the same way man no worries! i don't come here for attention, or folks to like my posts.
when i charged mine with piss i'd do it till moist let it dry & repeat for a few weeks , it will absorb alot & release slowly
used a shallow wide pan so i'd dry quicker , never did actually smell like piss & i charged for weeks with direct piss
I'm no O expert but i did sleep at a Holiday inn on tour