2x2 area in closet, need some advice


Well-Known Member
Rather than using mother plants, just take clones from what ever you have in the flower tent, but do take them before 3 weeks of 12/12 and all will be fine. Just an idea.


Well-Known Member
yeah i don't keep mothers anymore, i just clone from clones, normally i do that the day i flip, the clones will be just ready to flip and clone from when i harvest


Clones require a mother. A mother requires room, probably its own room. A 2x2 is just too small to run a mother and flower clones.
Getting a clone from "outside" your grow is asking for issues with pests or funguses or???
Oh I gotcha, we have an end table setup as a stealth mother/clone box in another area.


Rather than using mother plants, just take clones from what ever you have in the flower tent, but do take them before 3 weeks of 12/12 and all will be fine. Just an idea.
That is an interesting idea, I like it. You are removing bottom growth anyway...thanks.


Well-Known Member
How much do those cree cobs run? The ones you are mentioning. I have been hearing about this light all over.
I have about $55 in each led and another $15 to drive/power it. The prices have dropped since I build mine.
There are 5 cobs in my 2x2.5 running at 50 watts each, which is 1 cob per square foot and 50 watts per square foot.
It rocks.


Well-Known Member
Is there a reason you run from seed and not clones? I am just curious.

Yeah I see your point =) I hear lizard lights work well for resin production YES a "LITTLE" UV helps with resin production.T5s and CMH/LEC bulbs provide about 4% UV but with HPS or LEDs a small reptile bulb will add the missing UV and improve resin production and flavor. I also grow from seed because I don't have room for a mother plant and taking clones from plant before they were mature enough to go into my flowering room did not produce good results.


Well-Known Member
dial in your cloner before you hack the mother. ive seen a friend lose a strain from cold, he would not listen to ramp up the cfls in winter. i found warm temps at 80F with airy medium like oasis foam with auto ebb and flow waterings every 4 hours to give flawless rootings