Hello everyone.My friends call me Dave. First off just wanted to say what an outstanding job u all r doing in Maine. Way to go!! I currently live in AL very near the coast. Have been a cannabis user/ grower for bout 45 years now. Got away from it for about the last 15yrs but got back into it a year ago. Have a number of problems that I use cannabis for medicinally. My wife does not use and has never tried it but definitely has enough ailments to where it could really help her. She is afraid of losing her job and I realize there r ways to get around that but she don't work that way. Spent a lot of time when I was younger in York county. My uncle owned a cottage on Square Pond in Shapleigh. I am putting my home on the market soon and hopefully will b able to come to Maine to live and leave prohibition behind me. Just returned from Colorado a few days ago with a friend that's starting a cannabis based business out there. Once we got home I was so excited to have been in a state where u don't have to worry too much over using herb. I started thinkin bout Maine and all the good times good people and beautiful landscape and the fact it's a medical state. Once I read the laws and how reasonable they were compared to a lot of other states my wife and I r going to try to move to Me so that we can start growing our own and become self reliant. We really like the caregiver concept that's has been going on there. Just wanted to introduce myself and try and form some contact with folks. I don't work butwould b interested in talking bout possible part/full time employment as a care giver helper or .... Thanks to all who share on this board about ur experience with this wonderful medicine!!