early voting in nevada ends tonight


Well-Known Member
record shattering number of voters came out to cast ballots today, nearly 50,000.

margins in clark county (vegas) are about what obama achieved in 2012 when he won by 7. washoe county (reno) is actually favoring democrats. almost half of nevada has already voted.

this spells almost certain doom for trump.

if he loses nevada, his most generous chance at winning (from 538 ) goes down to 9%.

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record shattering number of voters came out to cast ballots today, nearly 50,000.

margins in clark county (vegas) are about what obama achieved in 2012 when he won by 7. washoe county (reno) is actually favoring democrats. almost half of nevada has already voted.

this spells almost certain doom for trump.

if he loses nevada, his most generous chance at winning (from 538) goes down to 9%.


i thought about starting a new thread for this one to piss off some righties, but i'll just drop it here.

in 2012, 879,000 voted in miami-dade county. its margin for obama was 208,000. obama won the state by 73,000 votes.

in 2016, 648,000 people have already voted early. hispanic turnout statewide is up over 150%. they are breaking to hillary 60-30. obama won them in 2012 by 61-39.

florida is going to hillary.
i thought about starting a new thread for this one to piss off some righties, but i'll just drop it here.

in 2012, 879,000 voted in miami-dade county. its margin for obama was 208,000. obama won the state by 73,000 votes.

in 2016, 648,000 people have already voted early. hispanic turnout statewide is up over 150%. they are breaking to hillary 60-30. obama won them in 2012 by 61-39.

florida is going to hillary.
And you still won't bet your membership! Pussy
I'm just another brain-dead Canukistanian but Trump is going down hard!

Not that Kilarry is any prize either but it's the same old corporate rip-offs with her or WW III with the Dumpster/Great Orange Head.

Be like Utah and write in your favorite alternative candidate!

But go vote or STFU!

Bernie Rules!

52.5 percent of the vote is already in. about 80% turnout is usual in nevada. so two thirds have already voted.

dem advantage is larger than it was in 2012. about 6% point advantage.

that means it would take a 12% or greater margin for trump on election day to win back the state.

clinton has basically won nevada already.

she is also outperforming obama's 2012 campaign in florida, colorado, and north carolina.

writing is on the wall!
record breaking early voting in broward and miami-dade counties in florida today. those are the two counties where democrats drive up their margins. those two counties win the rest of the state.

more black people have early voted in florida already than in 2012.

182,000 more women in north carolina have early voted than in 2012.

this should terrify the republicucks. no wonder they won't touch this thread with a ten foot pole.
Thanks for bringing it up just bad news for Hillary as Trump leads Nevada and Florida sucks for you now doesn't it ..
I just hope Obama does not see the counts might be early false flag event tomorrow
Remember win at any cost .
Even if its American life's at stack . but its for the better cause Right buck