"i will be donald trump's biggest advocate in the senate"

And you're a hypocritical piece of crap that endorses big government while using the free market for personal benefit. You also use the SAME EXACT language that you are trying to point out in the case of choomer and justincase.

Now go ahead and explain how you were on the side of the greater good with these, jihad is still murder no matter how you attempt to justify it.

i was using choomer's own words to mock him. you remained silent, because you and choomer share the same racist birther beliefs.

hey, that's another thing you have in common with david duke!
And you're a hypocritical piece of crap that endorses big government while using the free market for personal benefit. You also use the SAME EXACT language that you are trying to point out in the case of choomer and justincase.

Now go ahead and explain how you were on the side of the greater good with these, jihad is still murder no matter how you attempt to justify it.

Look, if you NEED that $5000 to help support 'pooey popsicle' just ASK! No need for misplaced shame/aggression!
funny how you didn't make a peep when choomer said it.

but after all, he is a fellow racist birther, like you, so you didn't want to sow any discord between you and a fellow racist.

BTW wheres the post? How very interesting that choomer's quote that you quoted is in quote marks.
Your buddy Justin's was not and is now deleted. How very interesting.
BTW wheres the post? How very interesting that choomer's quote that you quoted is in quote marks.
Your buddy Justin's was not and is now deleted. How very interesting.

(1) Word used to describe the act of whining excessively.

(2) Person who rides specifically in the middle of a front-seatting only car meant for 2 passengers or less.

(3) Modern-day servant; A person who performs tasks for another, usually degrading in status.

(4) Term used to exclaim hardship.
(1) "Stop bitching Todd!"
(2) "Can I ride bitch?"
(3) "Bring my friend and I some vodka bitch"
(4) *Peron tells story to other cellmate, depicting how they came to be there, cellmate says* "Ain't that a Bitch!"
i was using choomer's own words to mock him. you remained silent, because you and choomer share the same racist birther beliefs.

hey, that's another thing you have in common with david duke!

Prove yourself. I did a simple search of you using the word and there it was. Prove I read through the whole thread and participated and said nothing. I am not obliged to participate in threads that come up in my search retard.

You can tell your kids that stealing is wrong too, then when they see you stealing you lose. This is why you epitomize de-evolution.
Look, if you NEED that $5000 to help support 'pooey popsicle' just ASK! No need for misplaced shame/aggression!

I'm good dude, you need any help with that wood panel siding in your "home" as per your pics you posted? I suggest burning the whole thing maybe try to scam insurance.

Screen shot says what, you asked someone to call you a quote "creepy faggot" and they did. All in quotes.

Quotes are cool though according to you:

then expect a flood from hillary's surrogates, or the release of the tape that has trump calling obama a "lying nigger".

if you think trump's nightmare is over, guess again.
i just wonder when hillary's surrogates will start talking about trump's impending legal troubles, flooding the media with it 24/7 in the last week before the election.

either that, or another pussy grabber tape. this time with trump calling obama a "nigger".

it's just bound to happen.

That's two posts with the N bomb in them. You must have big butt hurt over something.

i used the word appropriately. i put quotes around it. and i guarantee you there is tape out there of trump saying it too.
whether or not it gets released is anyone's guess. i don't think they even have to. it's already locked up.

So you're saying there's no evidence of that and it was just an excuse to drop the N bomb in quotes for you but its actually not quotable. OK.

it might be quotable soon enough.

Supposed tape hasn't been released yet. There's nothing to quote from. Yet here you are quoting N words from something that doesn't exist. Your shoe seems to fit quite well.
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