Mother Demands Answers After Photo Surface of Cop Posing with her Dead Son


Well-Known Member
There is no way America should let a sexual predator like Bill Clinton back into the white House. It would tell the rest of the world that it's ok the rape and abuse women. We can't have that
Has consensual sex with women: "Sexual predator" "rape and abuse women".

Rapes little girls, grabs women by the pussy even if they don't want it, acts really fucking weird with his daughter several times: "Make America Great Again".

Delusional cucks.


Well-Known Member
A mother in St. Louis is demanding answers after a photo surfaced of a cop posing with her dead son.

Kim Staton says she don’t know exactly what happened to her 28-year-old son Omar Rahman when cops found him dead from an accidental drug overdose on August 8, 2016. Weeks after Rahman’s death, a photo, appearing to depict the scene of her son’s death, was leaked.

“I have seen thousands and thousands of forensic photographs, I have never seen a staged photograph of an officer next to a deceased body,” Staton’s lawyer Antonio Romanucci said. The North County Police Cooperative officer in the photo is wearing gloves, holding onto the arm of the body and giving a thumbs up.
Makes you wonder for sure.

At the least, if the story of the over dose is true, it is unprofessional to be smiling over a dead body.
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Well-Known Member
^^^ Meltdown first of all Trump company is not on the stock market there fore he is private no law states that he has to produce to the public his taxes.
Get over it
Let me see here do i have a right to know your taxes ??? and personal info You think he is the only one dodging taxes ??? actually
I dodge taxes, like any company owner would, use the laws pay the right lawyers and accountants to find legal loop holes
Whats wrong with that ????

I talk about sex with my Daughter,, that is what parents do Sex is not Ta bu anymore that you can only talk about it in a closet .
Its talked about in the open this day and age . where the hell you crawl under.. And nothing wrong with it .

You talk about raciest Funny were all raciest in some way or form every Muslim is a terrorist right
Hey i own a ford i do not like GM am i raciest .

You say trump is a vile piece of shit ??? can we not say the same thing about Hillary ? Scandal after scandal after scandal one would think one of them must be true ..
Russian trolls on parade. God you people are stupid. I watched an interview with 2 Russian trolls. Barely educated tools. Smh. You used to be such a great nation.

Blunted 4 lyfe

Well-Known Member
Trump a man who talks about sex with his daughter and assaulting other women. A man who's claim to political fame is the blatantly racist and ignorant birther movement. A man who dodged the draft and mocked a pow. A man who hasnt paid income tax in many years and wont release his personal financian information. A man who calls women pigs and routinely lies and then lies about lying.

Trump is a vile piece of shit, hes a symbolic turd that the fearful, hateful and bitter leach on to with desperation.
Don't forget the ultimate indefensible action, mocking a handicapped person and on live tv and his fans just laughed that is as low as you can get. I was in grade school when my Mother punished me for making fun of a handicapped person I learned my lesson well from that point on I guess Donald and his supporters were raised in a barn.


Well-Known Member
Don't forget the ultimate indefensible action, mocking a handicapped person and on live tv and his fans just laughed that is as low as you can get. I was in grade school when my Mother punished me for making fun of a handicapped person I learned my lesson well from that point on I guess Donald and his supporters were raised in a barn.
Not in a barn, just utterly without class.

I spoke at length today with a guy and his wife just back from China with an adopted baby girl who had a cleft palate. They committed an act of kindness and generosity that will reverberate for generations. THAT is a class act, right there.

We need more people like these- and I see precious few of them at Chump rallies.