Hillary can't be trusted

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Well-Known Member
Hell I'm ready with a list of shit Hillary has done for people and not just for herself. My bitch @MynameisSolo is stuck on one bullshit answer, because Trump is always for Trump. Now I'm not going to say that is wrong or right. Just saying it as a FACT.

Who wants a sammich ????..I have my bitch make some.
for some reason i picture him in ass-less chaps making a nice BLT right now.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member

The large number of undisclosed supporters of a Clinton-affiliated charity raises new questions about the foundation’s adherence to the 2008 ethics agreement it struck with the Obama administration, which was designed to avoid conflicts of interest during Hillary Clinton’s tenure at the State Department. (Jim Cole/AP)


Well-Known Member

The large number of undisclosed supporters of a Clinton-affiliated charity raises new questions about the foundation’s adherence to the 2008 ethics agreement it struck with the Obama administration, which was designed to avoid conflicts of interest during Hillary Clinton’s tenure at the State Department. (Jim Cole/AP)
Really pie, I'm convinced you didn't read past the headline. Great article, this is my favorite part.

A foundation official has said the partnership was Giustra’s brainchild, born of his desire to join forces with Bill Clinton to work to alleviate poverty around the world, particularly in places where the mining industry had been present.

The partnership’s projects have included funding thousands of cataract operations for local residents in Peru and thousands more meals for starving children in Colombia, where Giustra has many investments.

A spokeswoman said the organization is active in Haiti, India, Peru, Colombia and El Salvador and is exploring expanding in Mexico, South Asia and Africa.

In an interview, Giustra said his group was not dependent on the Clintons.

“I’m not doing this because of Bill Clinton,” Giustra said. “He loves what we’re doing with CGEP. But if for some reason he walked away tomorrow, I would just rename it. Call it something else and keep doing it, because I think we’re on to something really great.”


Well-Known Member
As typical as a democrat would be taking resorting to low level brain farts reported lol there is going to become a time when you click your favorite button the report button .

Only to find out admin and staff got sick an tired of your miss use and take the button away from you like they got time for every god dam report you place .

Maybe i should report you for encouraging suicide .
I know the real internet police do not take kind to those remarks


Well-Known Member
As typical as a democrat would be taking resorting to low level brain farts reported lol there is going to become a time when you click your favorite button the report button .

Only to find out admin and staff got sick an tired of your miss use and take the button away from you like they got time for every god dam report you place .

Maybe i should report you for encouraging suicide .
I know the real internet police do not take kind to those remarks
I see my Bitch causing trouble today. Are you treating to report someone to the police for what they said to you online ?

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
Hey pie these democrats sure are crawling under a rock now ,, Since Jane doe backed off now comes the Hillary pedophile ring
And they are to blind to see it dang how things went from bad to out right shit pile

Sniff sniff poor democrats and poor Hillary
Spirit cooking and pedophilia. Straight up nasty.



Well-Known Member
As typical as a democrat would be taking resorting to low level brain farts reported lol there is going to become a time when you click your favorite button the report button .

Only to find out admin and staff got sick an tired of your miss use and take the button away from you like they got time for every god dam report you place .

Maybe i should report you for encouraging suicide .
I know the real internet police do not take kind to those remarks
But back to the thread lets see here WAR of course a war
Donald Trump is set to win this election by a landslide, so forces inside the corrupt government regime currently occupying Washington are working overtime to try to disrupt the election by any means necessary.

As history has repeatedly shown, when the U.S. government wants to achieve a political outcome (destroying talk radio, confiscating guns, denigrating white people, etc.), they justroll out a mass shooting or terror attack of some sortto disrupt current events, change the narrative, and invoke the emotional response from the public that gives them the support to expand their own unconstitutional power. It works like clockwork for the simple reason that many people are so incredibly gullible and uninformed that they stupidly believe anything CNN tells them.

Now, with Donald Trump clearly positioned to achieve a stunning victory against a criminal cartel of Clinton operatives who are likely to soon find themselves in prison, the Obama administration is unleashing every trick in the book to halt an inevitable Trump victory (and the downfall of the Obama / Clinton racketeering enterprise) and save the Clintons from being indicted.

Learn more:http://www.naturalnews.com/055899_false_flag_terror_attacks_Election_Day_Obama_regime.html#ixzz4PBGFMS1a

Reported for stupidity.
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