Hillary can't be trusted

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Well-Known Member
thanks for reminding me. i guess they weren't allowed to put them on that area of the intersection, public property. so they moved them to the side into a farmer's fallow field. about 8-10 of them.

i'll be taking a walk tonight.

Careful, not sure but I hear that folks pay for those. Someone might defend their property.

<insert trump supporters are pussies comeback here>


Well-Known Member
And you're the guy who hates 'purples'
You are fucking retarded. I hate legislated morality. Unfortunately your party decided to legislate some morality and segregate black people from eatery's and water fountains by twisting and bending the Constitution with "separate but equal". Then it took some more Big Gubberment to legislate some more gooder morality to end the racist legislated morality.


Well-Known Member
You are fucking retarded. I hate legislated morality. Unfortunately your party decided to legislate some morality and segregate black people from eatery's and water fountains by twisting and bending the Constitution with "separate but equal". Then it took some more Big Gubberment to legislate some more gooder morality to end the racist legislated morality.
jim crow laws were instituted by conservative southerners like you, not liberal northerners like me and tangerine.



Well-Known Member
They were put in place by racist Democrats. I really don't give a shit what label you put on them they were Government, and the practice was Unconstitutional.


Well-Known Member
They were put in place by racist Democrats. I really don't give a shit what label you put on them they were Government, and the practice was Unconstitutional.
here's a fact: jim crow laws were put into place by racist southern conservatives like you and your daddy.

the practices put into place by racist conservative southerners like you were ended by liberal northerners like tangerine and myself when the civil rights law was implemented.

a law which you, by the way, said was "not a good idea".

you can try to spin that any way you like by trying to omit 50+ years of american history, but that is the truth and no one can deny it, south carolina boy.
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