Hillary can't be trusted

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Well-Known Member
shouldnt you be out bothering people on their porch as you tell them your sob story about the shill and how she will extend your welfare checks which will support your crack addiction ? you cant change the world one vote at a time from your pc spewing factless lies on riu .theres doors to knocked on son,giddyup !!!

meltdown boy here says hillary will make your welfare check bigger, not trump.

@cat of curiosity

i thought you might need to know this as well since you can't provide for your woman.


Well-Known Member
Wow, I got you to change your avi lol, you are a real push over, an easily manipulated trump tard.Enjoy your last week!
last week for what? you didnt fall for that silly bet did you? none of bucks sock puppets have any money,let alone 5000 lol please tell me your not betting your account on a rigged election that ended friday when your boy comey came back to the table hahaha.you guys really do take this shit way too serious.or what my ;ast week of that nasty pic of the shill?i think it will grow on ya


Well-Known Member
last week for what? you didnt fall for that silly bet did you? none of bucks sock puppets have any money,let alone 5000 lol please tell me your not betting your account on a rigged election that ended friday when your boy comey came back to the table hahaha.you guys really do take this shit way too serious.or what my ;ast week of that nasty pic of the shill?i think it will grow on ya

I said enjoy it, but at this pace you won't make it, meltdown soon....


Well-Known Member
i make more money than you.
knocking on doors lol,i dont think so bubs hahahahaha.

i am in the suburbs of denver. this is where hillary really wants to run up the margins to assure winning the state. high margins here and in boulder, along with being slightly ahead in the outskirts of jefferson county (a perennial bellwether of who wins the presidency) assures her victory.

our house has been canvassed four times already. today, a pollster came to our door. i'm pretty sure she knows the state is on lockdown and wants to move resources elsewhere, like arizona or nevada.

i went into the volunteer office today to drop off the canvassing packet i did the previous two days. wanted to pick up 100 more doors to knock on, but we were all out. our organization and GOTV effort is that good.

we have not seen a single trump or RNC person canvassing. i have not seen their literature on any of the doors i have knocked, or on any doors i haven't. they have literally zero ground game here in colorado.

just my little report from a very important suburb in a critical swing state.


Well-Known Member
knocking on doors lol,i dont think so bubs hahahahaha.
i make enough that i can afford to take off whenever i want and still live beyond comfortably.

will be back at it in from the 4th through the 7th.

what are you doing to get out the vote for trump in his non-existent ground game? last election, obama's ground game was so good that he exceeded his poll numbers by 3-4 points in every single state.


Well-Known Member
right because everyone knows you cant pay half of one of those bets.come on man,im at work all day and your on here bitching about trump and your tryin to tell us you have a job,,,,really.
i took the summer off to remodel the house. decided to keep going with the time off since i am growing so much damn weed.

life is good. don't have to be a toiling monkey like you.


Well-Known Member
i make enough that i can afford to take off whenever i want and still live beyond comfortably.

will be back at it in from the 4th through the 7th.

what are you doing to get out the vote for trump in his non-existent ground game? last election, obama's ground game was so good that he exceeded his poll numbers by 3-4 points in every single state.
you dont remember im not voting ? trump is as fucked up as the shill.where did you see me say im voting for trump? maybe your sock justin can find it.GO !!!
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