Why would it be wrong to shame people for being fat if it will cost others money when providing for

So how would you guys feel if I told you, you (in the US) take care of my ass, I am a disabled combat vet... Am I wrong because I got hurt when I was overseas?


were you drafted into vietnam against your will? i support you.

did you sign up for vietnam, or iraq1, or iraq2, or afghanistan by your own volition? take care of your own decision.
All I am saying, unless you know the person are you have walked in those shoes, then 'shaming' is just bullshit.
I think we might have a different idea of 'shaming'. Maybe it was my fault for wording it that way initially. By that I just mean not supporting things like fat acceptance movements, 'big is beautiful' type bullshit. Supporting the idea that eating healthy and exercising regularly is good, that being healthy is good. I think body image and self esteem is important, but I think actual health should obviously take precedence, and I think the idea of accepting fat people as being beautiful in order to make fat people feel better about themselves is both damaging to them and to society.
How would it effect you, though, bro?
If socialized healthcare eventually (hopefully) took root, and Americans were paying taxes to provide for a nationalized healthcare system, I think the obesity level of Americans would matter to a lot of these right wing types who view Obamacare or any further advancement of it as "SOCIALIZMZ!!!".. You've been hearing these exact criticisms of the Affordable Care Act since 2009.
LOL, I took an oath, then someone else told me where to go and what to do, putting me in harms way, but you justify that somehow that is my fault lol

so you signed up on your own, knowing what may happen, instead of being drafted against your will?

i award you zero sympathies.

funny, if i fell off a ladder on the job i chose to do, knowing full well it was a possibility, would you feel OK taking care of me afterwards?
I think we might have a different idea of 'shaming'. Maybe it was my fault for wording it that way initially. By that I just mean not supporting things like fat acceptance movements, 'big is beautiful' type bullshit. Supporting the idea that eating healthy and exercising regularly is good, that being healthy is good. I think body image and self esteem is important, but I think actual health should obviously take precedence, and I think the idea of accepting fat people as being beautiful in order to make fat people feel better about themselves is both damaging to them and to society.

If socialized healthcare eventually (hopefully) took root, and Americans were paying taxes to provide for a nationalized healthcare system, I think the obesity level of Americans would matter to a lot of these right wing types who view Obamacare or any further advancement of it as "SOCIALIZMZ!!!".. You've been hearing these exact criticisms of the Affordable Care Act since 2009.
Taxes are bullshit to begin with. I get SOME taxes, they help with shit, but no government entity should have the right to tax your monthly paycheck.
so you signed up on your own, knowing what may happen, instead of being drafted against your will?

i award you zero sympathies.

funny, if i fell off a ladder on the job i chose to do, knowing full well it was a possibility, would you feel OK taking care of me afterwards?

Yeah, and you know, while I was overseas, I was still paying for people that had gotten hurt on their jobs.
man, i said to myself i'm not gonna reply to this mess of a thread anymore, but i gotta ask..
what do you get out of shaming some one pada? do you not think a fat person doesn't know that they're fat already? do you some how think that you shaming them will in turn make them run to a gym and work on getting in shape? do you think telling calling someone you don't know a fat ass, something that i'm sure they're all to aware of already, is some how going to shake them out of their fat coma and some how magically make them healthier? or is shaming someone over something like being fat only going to make you feel better about yourself? i'd be willing to wager it's the latter ..
imvho, there's never a legitimate reason to shame anyone.. i know myself, i don't have a perfect life, far from it, and have made more than my far share of mistakes in my past, and if when i was at some of my lowest points, someone would have walked up to me and tried to embarrass me for what my short fall at the time was, firstly, i'd not fly too well with me, and secondly, words have meaning and can hurt people, especially people who may already be down on their luck or not feeling the best about themselves in the first place.. my shaming someone who i may or may not know does absolutely no good towards that person, and the only good i see is making myself feel a little bit better about myself for a few seconds, and not knowing what damage i may have done towards the person i just shamed..
there are tons and tons of reasons why someone may be obese, as green and ttystick have touched on, and i'm pretty sure no one wants to be over weight.. when my life is so perfect that i have time to point fingers at others and shame them for w/e it is about that person that i may not like and doesn't fit into my idea of what a perfect person should act, look, think and smell like, well, i hope i look inwards at myself and try and figure out what's wrong with me that i need to find fault in others and say hurtful and mean things to them only to try and build up my fragile ego..
So how would you guys feel if I told you, you (in the US) take care of my ass, I am a disabled combat vet... Am I wrong because I got hurt when I was overseas?
I think the US government made a contract to all US vets who fight in wars, and they should be honored at all costs. I'm pretty sure we can figure out a way to afford to pay for the people's healthcare who served for the country. It's unacceptable there are so many homeless veterans without a support system.
I think the US government made a contract to all US vets who fight in wars, and they should be honored at all costs. I'm pretty sure we can figure out a way to afford to pay for the people's healthcare who served for the country. It's unacceptable there are so many homeless veterans without a support system.

Its odd, I had to fight for 3 years to get the VA to help, lost my house, my family, everything, and no one would hire someone with the issues I have (yes I did try)
We could probably eliminate paycheck taxes if we legalized weed. That shit would be enough to bring each state and the Feds the revenue they need.

Plus it would reverse global warming by converting the CO2 in the air back into O2 if we grew fields of it.

Furthermore, we would no longer have an oil/gas crisis after the fact.
Yeah, and you know, while I was overseas, I was still paying for people that had gotten hurt on their jobs.

no. workman's comp is taken care of by the folks who employ those people going up on the ladders.

if you want credit for "defending our freedom" in some worthless conflict, take responsibility for the possible outcomes of your own decisions.