Scapegoating is a very ugly thing and helps no one and no group move forward. Life is not a zero sum game and we should not be looking for reasons to further arbitrary divisions. We have larger predators stalking us let's not divert our attention.
Hear, hear! Division is what is destroying We the People, not Twinkies n Mountain Dew. It's been shown time and again that more prosperity brings a better lifestyle and better health. If we want a better country, we need to make sure everyone has a chance to make a better life.
Let us regain control of our finances and future as a nation and a People and I believe many of these diseases of poverty/low tech/low care will subside.
And yes, that means turning our attention to those predators of our well being, of which there are no shortage in our country.
Exactamente. Let's shame the old too. Those fuckers are living long enough to get more and more diseases that most folks didn't used to get because they live too long. The shame list will soon get big enough to include everyone and every race. Gotta love institutionalized hate and the hive mind
@Padawanbater2 Are you just going to back out of the thread now? And I'm curious why you chose the word "shaming." How on earth could shame be even measured to see if enough "shame" heaped on any given person was effective?
Now do you mean should our government find a way to tax people who engage in physically unhealthy behaviors? If you could convince me of a fair way to do that and WHO would qualify then I'd be all ears. I am not convinced that certain behaviors are diseases but It seems almost impossible to legislate an addiction tax or a fat tax, etc. I know we already have "sin" taxes on cigarettes and liquor, and I remember someone came up w/ an idea to put all those tax dollars into a fund so when the smoker got lung cancer, that's how he would pay his med. bills.
These things look good on paper, but when you extrapolate them out there are just too many variables and gray areas for it to work. Interested to hear your honest thoughts on your subject instead of lighting a match and walking away.