Do you trim any foliage before harvesting ??

hi all just wondering how many people trim back foliage just before harvesting ??
Please reply with any pros and cons you have noticed. Indoor growing only please. Many thanks


Well-Known Member
I don't, I only pull leaves off that are obviously dieing off during flower and veg for that matter. Just get a lot more leaf shedding late in flower. I use the tuck method if the leaf looks nice and healthy, every once in a while i pull a stubborn one that's blocking a cola, and won't stay tucked down. U can chop half your plant leaving the lower buds and get them closer to the light and let'em ride another week or two and get a little more density on them. I do this also

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
i try not to cut any leaves off that aren't badly damaged, while the plant is growing.
when i know i'm going to harvest a plant the next day, i'll cut every single sun leaf off of it the day before.
not sure if it does a single damn thing, seems to me its just a jump start on drying them out, and its one less thing i have to do the next say when i'm trying to get it hung up.

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
buds are made up of calyxes, and calyxes don't photosynthesize. they try to reproduce the species. everything they do is geared towards that. you can put little paper bags over every bud on a plant and as long as the leaves are getting full light, they'll develop just the same. defoliating and even tucking to get lights on buds is wasted effort at best, damaging to the plant at worst


Well-Known Member
i cant think of a reason in the entire world why one might do something like that... i have a plant right now that lost a lot of her leaves and she is just about to finish up and i would LOVE to have all those leaves back on her right now.


Well-Known Member
i cant think of a reason in the entire world why one might do something like that... i have a plant right now that lost a lot of her leaves and she is just about to finish up and i would LOVE to have all those leaves back on her right now.
First grow I made a smiler error, I trimmed too much and regretted it later.


Well-Known Member
The only leaves I've removed from mine. Are those that were being covered by larger fans. That couldn't either be repositioned. Or given decent light with the lst method.

Basically anything hiding in almost complete shade.


Well-Known Member
i cant think of a reason in the entire world why one might do something like that... i have a plant right now that lost a lot of her leaves and she is just about to finish up and i would LOVE to have all those leaves back on her right now.
I can. Trimming time. At day 60 of a 65 day finisher you can basically start trimming the plant. Especially if your paying people by the hour. If theyve got nothing to do and are just standing around waiting until its done then put em to work pre trimming. Its a great time to clean more out of the centers, cherry pick small shatter material that you know wont be sellable, remove fan leaves, everything but the sugar leaves can go when your one or two days out. If the plants done who cares right? ;) most guys plants finish with most if not all the leaves still on them :lol: sorry about your luck, id guess you switched to high pk or bloom food right at the light flip? That usually yellows everything out real quick.