Large diy led build info PLEASE

the room has 2 tables,4 x 28' why do you keep talking about greenhouses and commercial shit? what if he is just growing for 10 patients in a basement and gets 250 an oz ?
Ok so I've read info on diy leds until my eyes crossed 4 or 5 times over. I am to the point I want to build some fixtures but I'm still trying to decide the best route here. The room has 2 tables, each is 4' wide and 28' long. What's my best route
Are you growing in a conex or single-wide trailer? Where did those dimensions come from? 4'x28'?
I mean I'm game for the diy route, I already have half the room lit so
=Reminds me of my bitcoin run. I got in early, AMD graphic carding. Initially it made no sense. At $13 it made no sense even. At $1400, WTF.

The early adopters kept their lead. We had cheapest acquired btc, despite having paid most upfront for gear. And that trend continued. All of us who kept buying the best, newest miners kept beating others out, riding a wave of efficiency we enjoyed despite the high upfront. -EARLY LED adopters theoretically are enjoying same benefit (18 month roi on elect savings vs hps, yaya)

Heres where it gets weird: prices start dropping, equipment remains priced at same threshold. ONLY the early adopters were making money. New adopters paid more than it was worth as market crowded and btc price simultaneously dropped.

BTC is as fucked as the USD now as far as wealth distribution goes. The fish that kept eating are big enough now, they won't be displaced. The market is squarely big players and everybody else is nobody. There's no positive roi on mining without being a big fish. (Data center sized mining ops with cheap elec and free cooling- priced the little guy out of it. )

With legal weed we're seeing the same big player math coming out.

I see your big LED room. It's a weird situation man. He's pulling 30lbs-50 year? $100k-$150k wholesale BEFORE expenses? -Its just not smart economy of scale. $20k worth of lights there? For less than .2 acre.. I don't want to bust your bubble, but look at what $100k will get him legit with a greenhouse.. (mind you, you don't just buy a greenhouse, -you finance one. Get a business plan already). Smart investors will jump on people who were able to run at that scale and are looking to move to proper commercial size.

I totally understand what your saying and you have a very valid point (extremely valid actually). But in this case the legalization wave has not even began forming here. You guys on the west coast are still packing boxes and sending it here in order to make a little more money. The price point is still fairly high so while I wait on that wave to come I feel like $15k wouldn't be out of line when You consider the potential revenue given the location
This wave will happen more slowly with weed because of the time it takes to grow crops and build out facilities, but it WILL happen.

I've been working on strategies and technologies for reducing the costs of indoor production for nearly a decade now, and I believe those who take advantage of these NOW will enjoy substantial advantages of shortened payback times and vastly increased profits vs those who wait until the falling cost of product forces them into it.
Are you growing in a conex or single-wide trailer? Where did those dimensions come from? 4'x28'?

I'm gonna guess that the room is 12-14' wide, just enough for two tables and the aisles to service them. 14'x28' is a big living room, definitely not commercial in scope.
I'm trying to figure out the nominal point where it makes sense to pursue greenhouse vs indoor.. Indoor growing seems to be about 5-10x expensive.. THAT FACT ALONE, just proves you have to look at natural lighting once you breach a rather modest sq. footage.. Or you lose the 'game' and your competitors deliver the goods to market at a fraction of your costs.

I think the real way to accurately estimate it is to look at your cost of entry: how much money you need in your pocket to start your business. -Smart business people find angles: someone with land to lease super cheap, utilizing used equipment, etc. If you were growing tomatoes, I can tell you down to the $1000.. Hell you can buy pre made business plans and upon proving relevant experience, motivation and financial means to a bank: you're in business.

With loans/private backing, $20k is $200k easily, with solid material assets (land and structure). Greenhouses- cheap. 28x128 $10k. -Do the math. On your own indoors: $20k is gonna let you grow 30lbs or so a year.. Even 50? -Doesen't matter, at same scale going legit you are growing 20x as much, cheaper. 3600sq ft per greenhouse row.. Hell, start with one. It's still over 500lbs. - Either you follow that economy scale OR you compete against it. They're REALLY going to make it worthwhile to be legit if you want to be on the money making side.

Too bad they're making people jump hurdles for licensing atm to compete in our free market (lol).
I'm trying to figure out the nominal point where it makes sense to pursue greenhouse vs indoor.. Indoor growing seems to be about 5-10x expensive.. THAT FACT ALONE, just proves you have to look at natural lighting once you breach a rather modest sq. footage.. Or you lose the 'game' and your competitors deliver the goods to market at a fraction of your costs.

I think the real way to accurately estimate it is to look at your cost of entry: how much money you need in your pocket to start your business. -Smart business people find angles: someone with land to lease super cheap, utilizing used equipment, etc. If you were growing tomatoes, I can tell you down to the $1000.. Hell you can buy pre made business plans and upon proving relevant experience, motivation and financial means to a bank: you're in business.

With loans/private backing, $20k is $200k easily, with solid material assets (land and structure). Greenhouses- cheap. 28x128 $10k. -Do the math. On your own indoors: $20k is gonna let you grow 30lbs or so a year.. Even 50? -Doesen't matter, at same scale going legit you are growing 20x as much, cheaper. 3600sq ft per greenhouse row.. Hell, start with one. It's still over 500lbs. - Either you follow that economy scale OR you compete against it. They're REALLY going to make it worthwhile to be legit if you want to be on the money making side.

Too bad they're making people jump hurdles for licensing atm to compete in our free market (lol).
..You seem to be talking a bunch of nonsense that's not pertinent to OP's goals. No one's discussing a greenhouse, bro. And in a greenhouse, using natural light, you're at the mercy of the seasons, so that's dumb anyway.
I'm gonna guess that the room is 12-14' wide, just enough for two tables and the aisles to service them. 14'x28' is a big living room, definitely not commercial in scope.
You are my kind of people, as assuming you relate this grow to personal consumption.. Lets see.. 35-50lbs yr production estimate.. modestly say I need to smoke 3lbs per month, 1.5oz/day.. lol. ok, I'm on board snoop ;) (but where do we say commercial starts? 100lbs yr?) -This room makes no economic sense anymore. It just seems to me that if you have that kind of money and motivation you are better off escalating your scale with real incorporation. -Get financed. $25k-$50k of your own investment will net investors. (assuming experience. this scale is not for newbs).
You are my kind of people, as assuming you relate this grow to personal consumption.. Lets see.. 35-50lbs yr production estimate.. modestly say I need to smoke 3lbs per month, 1.5oz/day.. lol. ok, I'm on board snoop ;) (but where do we say commercial starts? 100lbs yr?) -This room makes no economic sense anymore. It just seems to me that if you have that kind of money and motivation you are better off escalating your scale with real incorporation. -Get financed. $25k-$50k of your own investment will net investors. (assuming experience. this scale is not for newbs).

Jesus man don't you understand :) Weed is ILLEGAL where he lives. He can't do a single thing you're talking about. He needs to grow indoors, in secret, so he doesn't end up getting locked in a cage. Also all this talk of greenhouses is bs unless you live in an area that's nice all year around (which most people don't).

If he's a decent grower he'll pay for those lights and the rest of his equipment in 1 run.
..You seem to be talking a bunch of nonsense that's not pertinent to OP's goals. No one's discussing a greenhouse, bro. And in a greenhouse, using natural light, you're at the mercy of the seasons, so that's dumb anyway.

WHAT I SAID WAS: "Let me tell you why nobodys making LED rooms this big: If you're growing that kind of plant footage you get a greenhouse." Translated: if you have $20k to invest on lights, consider a business plan and investors and look at what you can do. -Hes not a fucking hobbyist with 250sq ft. Nobodys smoking 50lbs year to the head. He sells 40@1400 wholesale? $56k? Chump change. With 20k in his pocket he could go legit now and make 500+lbs a year.

Check out Riverocks 27000 sq ft greenhouse in colorado. Climate controlled greenhouse is going to outperform everyone cost per unit, except for plain ol outdoor.

Considering spending $16k on home built LED lights? Thats full commercial imo. Maybe its not to you? 250 sq ft? And $16k on lights? lol. -Figure out your costs doing it for real: (check out a plan to get my drift).

otherwise we answered his questions in first few replies. I'm just saying: its a brave new world for serious people going big.
Jesus man don't you understand :) Weed is ILLEGAL where he lives. He can't do a single thing you're talking about. He needs to grow indoors, in secret, so he doesn't end up getting locked in a cage. Also all this talk of greenhouses is bs unless you live in an area that's nice all year around (which most people don't).

Hes a commercial grower. 50lbs-100lbs year. Check. READ my post. He can pull $150k+ year paying himself going legit. Requirement: Knowledge, motivation and initial Cash/business plan. Colorado? WA? ORegon? Canada? Rolling 50lbs a year and you won't relocate? And you risk impirsonment to something you can simply relocate to do legally? Thats fucking stupid considering he has an option to roll out into a real sustainable business. -What the fuck do I know tho' -And again, modern commercial greenhouses are 4 season, even in Alaska AND the Arctic. (where greenhouse speaking: LEDs are actually a big thing).
Wow, sorry man, I didn't know how easy it was to become a weed millionaire. I guess everyone growing more than a few plants indoors should pick up stakes and move. So how many of these greenhouses do you own? Can we see some pictures. I'm really interested
You are my kind of people, as assuming you relate this grow to personal consumption.. Lets see.. 35-50lbs yr production estimate.. modestly say I need to smoke 3lbs per month, 1.5oz/day.. lol. ok, I'm on board snoop ;) (but where do we say commercial starts? 100lbs yr?) -This room makes no economic sense anymore. It just seems to me that if you have that kind of money and motivation you are better off escalating your scale with real incorporation. -Get financed. $25k-$50k of your own investment will net investors. (assuming experience. this scale is not for newbs).

Lulz. So you're going to respond to criticism from those of us with industry experience by showing off even more of your ignorance?

Show us how to get into a commercial operation with only $50k, oh wise one!

Hes a commercial grower. 50lbs-100lbs year. Check. READ my post. He can pull $150k+ year paying himself going legit. Requirement: Knowledge, motivation and initial Cash/business plan. Colorado? WA? ORegon? Canada? Rolling 50lbs a year and you won't relocate? And you risk impirsonment to something you can simply relocate to do legally? Thats fucking stupid considering he has an option to roll out into a real sustainable business. -What the fuck do I know tho' -And again, modern commercial greenhouses are 4 season, even in Alaska AND the Arctic. (where greenhouse speaking: LEDs are actually a big thing).

Funny how exactly none of this relates to the OP's question.
Lulz. So you're going to respond to criticism from those of us with industry experience by showing off even more of your ignorance?

Show us how to get into a commercial operation with only $50k, oh wise one!

Shit, in my area, you need 210,000 for the permit, and like, half a million in assets in case someone dies while under the influence of your weed just to get into it. They shut all possibilities out for the little guy. Fucking horrible. Fuck capitalism.