General Election- Dr. Bob

Dr. Bob

Well-Known Member
As you know, I am running in the 97th District (Arenac, Gladwin, Clare and Osceola Co). My opponent is a former police officer and feels, like all criminals, marijuana users should be in jail. Obviously we need someone a little more balanced in Lansing, and I've received the endorsement of Jeff Irwin, who will be term limiting out this year. We need someone like me to replace him.

Like me or not, I would appreciate you contacting your friends in the district to urge them to get out and vote on Nov 8th, and I'd appreciate their support.

Dr. Bob Townsend
Your district is one of the most problematic in our state Dr. Bob. I sincerely wish you the best of luck and look forward to working with you and others in Lansing next year. I'll need all the help I can find. I have a vision of an HB 4210 like bill to overturn People v Brown, as the passage of HB 4210 overturned People v Curruthers. If we don't lookout for each other, no one will ...

The Justice Project.jpg
One thing I am going to stress is to have certifications treated like prescriptions- at work, in court, at the doctor's office. I am tired of trying to convince a judge that taking a probation patient off cannabis and putting them on high dose narcotics to comply with his/her order is a really bad idea. I don't want to see people fired from their jobs for having cannabis metabolites in their system unless they start firing people for have a beer 3 weeks ago.

Remember, if you live in or know people from Arenac, Gladwin, Clare and Osceola Counties help me out. Call 5 people and have them call 5 people etc. We'll run out of people to call before the election if we all do that.

I have a REAL chance to win this, IF we all pull together to get the vote out for Townsend. My opponent is a former Florida cop that has indicated people that use 'drugs' belong in jail, not treatment. This is the chance to start to change that in Lansing. Get on the phones everyone.

Dr. Bob
I've got an idea for you Dr. Bob. Round up your staff, rent a van/RV and head out to your district's poorest and densest populated area. There you are sure to find an open air drug market where heroin, meth, cocaine and crack are dealt freely. Post up there and offer pro bono MMJ certifications to those addicts you find in need and without any other means. This would likely grab you some media attention? You can exclaim that you are doing more for the drug problem in your community in one weekend than your opponent has accomplished in his entire FL LEO career, no less the past half century of this nations criminal drug war. One can assume the local drug dealers will not appreciate your presence, so you may want to reach out to a local MC for support/security :bigjoint:

True nobility knows no fear ...
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I've got an idea for you Dr. Bob. Round up your staff, rent a van/RV and head out to your district's poorest and densest populated area. There you are sure to find an open air drug market where heroin, meth, cocaine and crack are dealt freely. Post up there and offer pro bono MMJ certifications to those addicts you find in need and without any other means. This would likely grab you some media attention? You can exclaim that you are doing more for the drug problem in your community in one weekend than your opponent has accomplished in his entire FL LEO career, no less the past half century of this nations criminal drug war. One can assume the local drug dealers will not appreciate your presence, so you may want to reach out to a local MC for support/security :bigjoint:

True nobility knows no fear ...

You know, I actually kind of like this idea. Problems is many will not have their records in hand. Truth be told, I'd just as soon certify them and get them off the harmful drugs, but I wouldn't be able to back it up in court.
I've been studying other state's medicinal marijuana laws of late and found Maine's recent addition of Drug Addiction Therapy as a qualifying condition to be very intriguing. Sadly I see our nations Big Medicine drug rehab industry and especially their regulatory capture plays from court orders to Obamacare payouts as disturbing failures as well as their lobbyists as injurious to our noble cause/battle. In general, as a nation we need to stop looking to those who have caused our problems to be the solution to those same problems ...

Do you think Michigan will ever let me take patients into the woods and put them into an RSO coma to get past the dark days of withdrawal and then train them to use medicinal marijuana effectively for their life long pain relief needs?
I've been studying other state's medicinal marijuana laws of late and found Maine's recent addition of Drug Addiction Therapy as a qualifying condition to be very intriguing. Sadly I see our nations Big Medicine drug rehab industry and especially their regulatory capture plays from court orders to Obamacare payouts as disturbing failures as well as their lobbyists as injurious to our noble cause/battle. In general, as a nation we need to stop looking to those who have caused our problems to be the solution to those same problems ...

Do you think Michigan will ever let me take patients into the woods and put them into an RSO coma to get past the dark days of withdrawal and then train them to use medicinal marijuana effectively for their life long pain relief needs?

No, nor do I think that is a good idea. Recovery is not a weekend issue, done properly it takes months for the receptors to 'heal'.
No, nor do I think that is a good idea. Recovery is not a weekend issue, done properly it takes months for the receptors to 'heal'.

I never stated a time frame or the specifics of such a rehabilitation program. I am simply alluding to a MMJ based rehabilitation option for our current opiate addiction/overdose crisis shepherded by Big Medicine and Pharma.
Its not that i am saying you should be ashamed , what i am saying is we do not see it in the presidential election any dirt from another can be fuel for the other ..

Well I've been accused of getting my support from Pot Heads, so really I'm not worried about it. I'm proud of my patients, I'm proud of what I do, and the voters are responding. Folks know what I do for a living and respect my opinions, background and experience.
Yes, cannabis is a very useful adjunctive therapy for addiction.

Why only adjunctive to Big Medicine and Pharma? Why not a completely MMJ community based holistic and/or spiritual approach with an emergency medical backup? I don't believe what we are doing legally and medically ATM is working. I actually believe it is making it worse. I know some combat medics looking for employment ...

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