Greenpoint seeds!!

Olive Drab Green

Well-Known Member
Even if this isn't legally reprehensible at this point, its morally so. Big Buddha is the only breeder to hold a patent I know of (On the term "Cheese."). However, I disagree with that, because it was Exodus who created Cheese.

I can't respect anyone who takes liberties with someone else's product, at least without proper discussion. They should be authorized. As I said, it keeps the lineage of strains authentic and true. I think you should at least have the moral fiber to ask the breeder beforehand, at least as a courtesy.

Olive Drab Green

Well-Known Member
If you think Big Buddha can't enforce that patent, he already has. No one else can name their product Cheese. Other companies had to rename. So it is completely possible here.


Well-Known Member
They not haters I call them can't thinkers. They can't think on their own. Most of them hate gu based off that JJ post. But don't know the ends and outs about that shit. I'm gonna keep buying especially if it's dirt cheap.
They just don't know like me before except for me it was about thé MC série hermie fiasco but the polar bear série was some serious and that make want them and at the time the drop to seed bank where always out of stock so Ive gone on his website and always had my order déliver quickly except one time where I wait for one month but it was usps fault and gu proposed to send me 2 of his strain free with my order, I got my order the same days so I refuse but he said next order just add à note about my last order and he will make it right ,this guys have always be the opposite of the bullshit they were saying about him ,the reason they are all mad about him it's because he make more fire for a pollen chucker than most of the "real"... breeder, they try to put him down but each time he rise bigger then before!! and that hurt their feeling lol


Well-Known Member
Even if this isn't legally reprehensible at this point, its morally so. Big Buddha is the only breeder to hold a patent I know of (On the term "Cheese."). However, I disagree with that, because it was Exodus who created Cheese.

I can't respect anyone who takes liberties with someone else's product, at least without proper discussion. They should be authorized. As I said, it keeps the lineage of strains authentic and true. I think you should at least have the moral fiber to ask the breeder beforehand, at least as a courtesy.
Big Buddha is a douche for trying to patent things that aren't his. And strain names in general.

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Well-Known Member
If you think Big Buddha can't enforce that patent, he already has. No one else can name their product Cheese. Other companies had to rename. So it is completely possible here.
Actually that patent did not go through. Go read about it. Your lack of knowledge on just about everything youre taking about is astounding.

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Olive Drab Green

Well-Known Member
I'm sorry for being a little rough this morning as I have not smoked yet, but seriously, at least be educated about the arguments you are trying to make.

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I don't get butthurt about stupid insults from ignorant people, you're good. You still have yet to prove that Tiesto thing, though.

In any case, I wasn't really meaning legally. I meant morally/principally. We got off topic with the patent thing. Morally, you should not be selling someone else's product through a worldwide online business without their permission. In any other market, stores still have to get rightS. It's only because this field is mostly still illegal that it doesn't work like that.


Well-Known Member
I don't get butthurt about stupid insults from ignorant people, you're good. You still have yet to prove that Tiesto thing, though.

In any case, I wasn't really meaning legally. I meant morally/principally. We got off topic with the patent thing. Morally, you should not be selling someone else's product through a worldwide online business without their permission. In any other market, stores still have to get rightS. It's only because this field is mostly still illegal that it doesn't work like that.
Go read what a ghost producer is. I legally cannot prove to you that any of the work I've sold him is not his work. That was the point of that post that seemed to go over your head. You mean you made a bad/uneducated argument with the patents, not that we got off topic.

If you are saying there is something morally wrong with reselling a product you paid for to sell, then you should start complaining about every third party seller on Amazon, eBay, etc. Also any band merchandise you've bought at shows, or band t-shirts. Go write to them about how they should ask hanes permission to resell their clothing.

It is literally how the free-market works. Patents protect the patent owners from certain aspects of competition in the free-market, but that literally what business in the united States is built on.

Oh and you should go to China and complain about all the fake market goods. Those are literally copies of other companies merchandise that are being sold at a huge markdown, lol. But guess what, China doesn't give two shits about any regulations or patents or copyrights or any of that bs. Lol. Morally, probably not the best practice, but if you want to complain about morally wrong shit in business there a bigger fish than Gu and hso, lol.

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Olive Drab Green

Well-Known Member
Go read what a ghost producer is. I legally cannot prove to you that any of the work I've sold him is not his work. That was the point of that post that seemed to go over your head. You mean you made a bad/uneducated argument with the patents, not that we got off topic.

If you are saying there is something morally wrong with reselling a product you paid for to sell, then you should start complaining about every third party seller on Amazon, eBay, etc. Also any band merchandise you've bought at shows, or band t-shirts. Go write to them about how they should ask hanes permission to resell their clothing.

It is literally how the free-market works. Patents protect the patent owners from certain aspects of competition in the free-market, but that literally what business in the united States is built on.

Oh and you should go to China and complain about all the fake market goods. Those are literally copies of other companies merchandise that are being sold at a huge markdown, lol. But guess what, China doesn't give two shits about any regulations or patents or copyrights or any of that bs. Lol. Morally, probably not the best practice, but if you want to complain about morally wrong shit in business there a bigger fish than Gu and hso, lol.

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Then I legitimately cannot believe your story, and it just makes you seem a bit crazy or delusional, man. Based on this, I definitely have no interest in further engaging you. Like, you act like I don't know what I'm talking about when I can evidence pretty much everything I say, whereas you say this outrageous stuff and can't even prove it. I finished high school in '07. Definitely don't have the patience for kiddy games.

For fuck's sake, you're sitting here trying to convince people around here that I seriously don't know what I'm talking about when I do, then you come out of nowhere with off the wall shit like that. Now I realize, you're just schizotypal. You are egotistical and have these grandiose delusions. I'm sorry I didn't realize it before. Sorry for wasting both of our time arguing with you.
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Well-Known Member
Then I legitimately cannot believe your story, and it just makes you seem a bit crazy or delusional, man. Based on this, I definitely have no interest in further engaging you. Like, you act like I don't know what I'm talking about when I can evidence pretty much everything I say, whereas you say this outrageous stuff and can't even prove it. I finished high school in '07. Definitely don't have the patience for kiddy games.

For fuck's sake, you're sitting here trying to convince people around here that I seriously don't know what I'm talking about when I do, then you come out of nowhere with off the wall shit like that. Now I realize, you're just schizotypal. You are egotistical and have these grandiose delusions. I'm sorry I didn't realize it before. Sorry for wasting both of our time arguing with you.
You cannot speak intelligently on any point you've made, you go back on points when you're proven wrong. You swapped from illegal to immoral. Get your shit straight, get educated, and learn some reading comprehension. You can't engage with me because I made a point you did not understand and I cannot prove that point.

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Well-Known Member
Lmao this dude don't give up. Him and his grandma must have a stake in HSO. Obviously he don't get WE don't care about HSO or their beans being sold on green point for pennies. If you love HSO as much as it seems buy the remaining stock and go tell HSO you rescued their beans from the bad guy.

Olive Drab Green

Well-Known Member
You cannot speak intelligently on any point you've made, you go back on points when you're proven wrong. You swapped from illegal to immoral. Get your shit straight, get educated, and learn some reading comprehension. You can't engage with me because I made a point you did not understand and I cannot prove that point.

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I have spoken intelligently and in detail on literally everything I have said. Have a good day, pal. Get well soon. Later. Hope you learn a lot in your EDM Contract Law School hallucination. I really don't feel like picking on someone who's mentally ill.
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Well-Known Member
I have spoken intelligently and in detail on literally everything I have said. Have a good day, pal. Get well soon. Later. Hope you learn a lot in your EDM Contract Law School hallucination. I really don't feel like picking on someone who's mentally ill.
You can't pick on someone who is much better educated in every topic/argument you have brought up. You have proven you don't know much about anything you are talking about. About to be one of three on my ignore list with red and nsxlw, for the same reason, you guys don't make me upset, it's just pointless to converse with someone who is unable/unwilling to learn/comprehend anything that they speak so strongly opinionated about. You literally have gone back on what you argued at least twice today when proven that what you think about something and the facts about it are not in line. Not a single intelligent point in any of this, and you have 4 or 5 dudes telling you you're wrong and assumptive... I don't know what else to say here.

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