Simple wireless grow room "observation" camera? (not for security...)


Well-Known Member
I've done some searches, but haven't found what I'm looking for, and maybe it doesn't exist. I have a remote indoor grow space located in a detached building on my property. Normally I check my tents at least twice a day, but its winter and it rains a lot here, and it would be nice to be able to open my laptop and some app and peak into the tent out there, make sure nothing is drooping or in trouble.

So... I don't need infrared or (need or want) motion sensors. I do want wireless, Mac compatible, and hopefully relatively inexpensive. Optimal would be if it worked like my printer, sort of went into a "sleep" mode until I opened the app and then it fired up as needed.

Does this exist?


Well-Known Member
Can get video baby monitors that you can connect to via wi-fi if struggle to find a more specific version.
Thanks, using the criteria 'baby monitor' did change the search results. Hopefully I'll find something simple. I don't even need recording capability, or even video. Just a dumb remote wireless camera that I can access (in real time) even still images via a laptop would suffice...

It's odd, and too expensive, but I stumbled across a wireless "back up camera" for RV's and trucks that would probably work fine, but it was around $250... if that's what it costs I'll just walk out into the dark cold night and poke my head in.


Well-Known Member
IoT is nice....until it's not. Keep your security in mind if you're thinking about opening a window to your grow to the public world.


Well-Known Member
IoT is nice....until it's not. Keep your security in mind if you're thinking about opening a window to your grow to the public world.
I hear you, but this is a pretty small space. This all started because while I was having my morning coffee (still bleary eyed and not quite awake) I stumbled on an add for a highly rated remote wireless camera for only $30. It turned out it was an 'additional' camera only for a larger system... but that got me thinking and being bored I kept with the search for a while. It's not mission critical, it'd just be nice if it can happen.


Well-Known Member
something u should know

those camera are made to work in normal amount of light ......the light from a grow room is really strong unless u do your leg work and find a camera with a good chip in there odds the camera u put in there will fail after so long the lens and chip in it will get over worked and break down

if u want to blind a camera just need 4 5 laser pointers point it directly into the camera it will over load the chip and cause it to go dark