Going from HPS to LED. Worth it?

rofl this is getting more and more entertaining, 600w replacement with 89 watts LOLOLOLOLOLOL :clap::clap::clap::clap::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
PPFD-wise, it adds up. What is the PPFD of a 600w HPS? Answer is, roughly 1100. 400, around like, 600-700? So it's roughly in between that at around 850 PPFD. Using two 89w, there is crossover, probably bringing it to around 900 or a bit over, and obvious doubling of PPF. You do the math. Dangerously close to 600w, albeit in a smaller area.
PPFD-wise, it adds up. What is the PPFD of a 600w HPS? Answer is, roughly 1100. 400, around like, 600-700? So it's roughly in between that at around 850 PPFD. Using two 89w, there is crossover, probably bringing it to around 900 or a bit over, and obvious doubling of PPF. You do the math. Dangerously close to 600w, albeit in a smaller area.
Oh, and it's only 78w of actual light. So there's that. Guarantee I'm going to make jaws drop. I can already see the difference. One of these 89w outdoes both my ViparSpectra V450 panels, drawing 206w each. Those put out 420 PPFD.
PPFD-wise, it adds up. What is the PPFD of a 600w HPS? Answer is, roughly 1100. 400, around like, 600-700? So it's roughly in between that at around 850 PPFD. Using two 89w, there is crossover, probably bringing it to around 900 or a bit over, and obvious doubling of PPF. You do the math. Dangerously close to 600w, albeit in a smaller area.

Doh! PPFD actually takes the area into consideration. It is an abbreviation for photosynthetic photon flux density, PPFD is a measure of the number of photons in the 400-700nm range of the visible light spectrum (photosynthetic active radiation or PAR) that fall on a square meter of target area per second. While you may have great PPF in a 1/4 square meter, your PPFD on the entire square meter would be shit. I am glad you are happy with your results, even if your understanding of the subject is rudimentary.

Doh! PPFD actually takes the area into consideration. It is an abbreviation for photosynthetic photon flux density, PPFD is a measure of the number of photons in the 400-700nm range of the visible light spectrum (photosynthetic active radiation or PAR) that fall on a square meter of target area per second.

That settles it, then. The PPFDs are relative. I didn't test and list the unit's PPFD, Rahz/Tasty did. So it's legit.
That settles it, then. The PPFD is relative. I didn't test and list the unit's PPFD, Rahz/Tasty did.
PPFD-wise, it adds up. What is the PPFD of a 600w HPS? Answer is, roughly 1100. 400, around like, 600-700? So it's roughly in between that at around 850 PPFD. Using two 89w, there is crossover, probably bringing it to around 900 or a bit over, and obvious doubling of PPF. You do the math. Dangerously close to 600w, albeit in a smaller area.

-18" x 18" 932 PPFD
-24" x 24" 524 PPFD
-30" x 30" 336 PPFD

600w hps covers a 4x4 which is a 48"x48" , good luck yielding that in an 18"x18" .
The only thing that really matters is that you are happy with your results. I love your passion.

Keep it green,
He doesn't even know results , I would wager a lot on it, he's just going by what he sees right now most likely never even finished a plant under the lights hes repping so hard.
Dude. Seriously, go bother someone else, or just watch and shut the fuck up. I'm really sick of your bullshit. Be observant or stop hounding me.
This isn't even your thread ,how about you fuck off , I am here with actual knowledge you are an inexperienced grower making outrageous claims with nothing to back up your claims besides the saddest pictures I have ever seen, those plants are pathetic and so is your lighting situation. Fucking hot strips near the plants those are fucking toxic , oh but you are organic right LOLOLOL
This isn't even your thread ,how about you fuck off , I am here with actual knowledge you are an inexperienced grower making outrageous claims with nothing to back up your claims besides the saddest pictures I have ever seen, those plants are pathetic and so is your lighting situation. Fucking hot strips near the plants those are fucking toxic , oh but you are organic right LOLOLOL
They aren't poisonous, they're just sticky paper. Using them doesn't make my shit inorganic. I'm also in the process of backing it up with demonstration. I will ensure you get a final yield.