Hillary can't be trusted

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Well-Known Member
An FBI officer suddenly shot his wife and committed suicide while burning down his house. He was suspected of leaking DNC information. Another victim of the Clinton Foundation.

Best way to eliminate evidence of a crime is to burn the crime scene.
So is that #47?

You sick fuckers just can't accept reality.
How's that pathetic republican bubble that neglects facts? Ready to lose control of the senate, too?

This is going to be soooo much fun. Writhe in agony fuckers.


Well-Known Member
What you went out last night vandalizing trump signs typical
Fucking right. They had 30 Trump signs on an island dividing a highway here. They all disappeared last night, replaced by a single Hillary sign. Imagine that.

My buddy put a single Trump sign in front of his house this morning. With a gold metalflake swastika through it. Beside a Hillary sign, of course.

You're going down.

America doesn't accept Trump. Sorry.

No I'm not.


Well-Known Member

The problem was that Podesta, and others within WCEG, thought that their research would not be deemed credible to the extent it was viewed as an arm of the leftist Center for American Progress. So, just like Hillary, they came up with a plan to create a new WCEG with both a "public and private" image. Unfortunately, per a memo leaked by WikiLeaks, the WCEG's plan to be "fiercely independent" acknowledged they would still need support from the Center for American Progress provided that it "leaves no fingerprints." Finally, readers of the memo were warned to "please burn this email after you read it."
Our mission is to be “fiercely independent.” Every day, we must convey to academics and policymakers that our research is unbiased and honest. While we believe there is much to be gained from our affiliation with CAP, we also believe that for us to be successful—and to do the most to support the work of CAP and other progressive organizations—requires that CAP’s support “leaves no fingerprints.” (Please burn this email after you read it!) We want to be able to tap into CAP’s resources—and allow them to tap into ours—as it makes sense, but with a public-facing image that is independent of CAP.

But, to maintain our “fierce independence,” we need:

- Phone lines that show up as “Equitable Growth,” not “Center for American Progress.”
- Job openings posted on our site, not CAP’s
- Our staff listed on our own website, not CAP’s
- The ability to sign contracts with academics and researchers saying only “Equitable Growth,” not “Center for American Progress.”
- To be able to raise funds specifically to send directly out the door in support or grantmaking that do not have to include all of CAP’s standard 15 percent overhead.
- To control our spending by having a Washington Center for Equitable Growth credit card to expedite securing event space, among other things.

And there you go, all it takes is a couple of phone lines and a new website and another liberal "advocacy group" becomes a "fiercely independent" economic research organization with the credibility to influence public policy in an "impartial" way.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
An FBI officer suddenly shot his wife and committed suicide while burning down his house. He was suspected of leaking DNC information. Another victim of the Clinton Foundation.

Best way to eliminate evidence of a crime is to burn the crime scene.
News report?


Well-Known Member
Its not over till the fat American sings plain n simple Its going to be fight to the end and who cares what the polls say if trump takes any swing states he wins plain n simple Florida ?? Like you would ever here or see Hillary again once she is in office ..

Ohio if trump wins its all but over why do you think she has been all over there last 4 days she knows it as well

And bottom line electroral votes are up in the air if you think others wise your a idiot


Well-Known Member
FBI Agent Suspected in Hillary Email Leaks Found Dead

ORIGIN:On 5 November 2016, the Denver Guardian web site published an article positing that an FBI agent investigating Hillary Clinton's use of a private e-mail server killed himself after murdering his wife:

Walkerville, MD — An FBI agent believed to be responsible for the latest email leaks “pertinent to the investigation” into Hillary Clinton’s private email server while she was Secretary of State, was found dead in an apparent murder-suicide early Saturday morning, according to police.

Investigators believe FBI agent, Michael Brown, 45, shot and killed his 33-year-old wife, Susan Brown, late Friday night before setting the couple’s home on fire and then turning the gun on himself. Brown was a 12 year veteran of the Washington D.C. Metropolitan Police Department before spending the last six years in the FBI.

There was no truth to this story. The Denver Guardian is simply a fake news web site masquerading as the online arm of a (non-existent) big city newspaper. Like the Baltimore Gazette, the Denver Guardian is nothing more than a hastily thrown together web site with a bunch of non-working links and a fake street address, all created for the sole purpose of disseminating fabricated clickbait news stories.


Well-Known Member
ORIGIN:On 5 November 2016, the Denver Guardian web site published an article positing that an FBI agent investigating Hillary Clinton's use of a private e-mail server killed himself after murdering his wife:

Walkerville, MD — An FBI agent believed to be responsible for the latest email leaks “pertinent to the investigation” into Hillary Clinton’s private email server while she was Secretary of State, was found dead in an apparent murder-suicide early Saturday morning, according to police.

Investigators believe FBI agent, Michael Brown, 45, shot and killed his 33-year-old wife, Susan Brown, late Friday night before setting the couple’s home on fire and then turning the gun on himself. Brown was a 12 year veteran of the Washington D.C. Metropolitan Police Department before spending the last six years in the FBI.

There was no truth to this story. The Denver Guardian is simply a fake news web site masquerading as the online arm of a (non-existent) big city newspaper. Like the Baltimore Gazette, the Denver Guardian is nothing more than a hastily thrown together web site with a bunch of non-working links and a fake street address, all created for the sole purpose of disseminating fabricated clickbait news stories.
True that
Anybody who opened the link on my reply to NLX would see that it was fake..

The horse laugh is on @NLXSK1 for being a chump and falling for the fraudulent story and posting it here as if it were news.

Fake news is becoming an industry


Well-Known Member
Most scandals that involve Hillary prove the idea that she is a big time liar. She knows the trade so well that she would have no trouble putting you to sleep with stories of how she fought in the Vietnam War.

The imaginary “Sniper Fire” incident took place in 1996, while Hillary landed in Bosnia. Although the war in that country formally ended in 1995k, tensions were pretty high and Hillary probably had a few doubts about this visit in the Balkans. While running in the 2008 Primaries, Hillary stated that she landed under sniper fire.

The “Sniper Fire” turned out to be a Muslim girl greeting her with flowers, while Hillary and her daughter Chelsea calmly enjoyed the local hospitability. You can bet Trump exploited this in his speeches.


Well-Known Member
Then we have
Hillary’s bid for the Presidential seat might seem more honest than that of Trump and she put to work the famous transparent funding of the campaign. Few people are aware that Hillary actually received money from a man that fraud investors of no more no less than $20 million.

Norman Hsu managed to stay in the front rows of those funding the Democratic Party for years in a row, and those who interacted more personally with him are still scratching their heads. Even after being convicted of fraud, Hsu was still being called “friend” by Hillary campaign staff.

While you might still vote for Hillary in November, it helps to know that a significant percent of the funds that helped her beat Sanders came from obscure and even dark corners of the economy.
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