The official Hillary Clinton will be our next president thread

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Well-Known Member
You were NOT here for the start! I was here more than 2 years before you joined. I guess it makes you feel good to exaggerate your importance.

You joined in June 2008, spandy in 2009, and UncleBuck in 2010.

Since you were a Mod, I guess you know that we ban sock puppets, too.


Illinois Enema Bandit

Well-Known Member
Let's see here,we bet accounts,you lose the bet & refuse to honor your word,I get punished while its business as usual with you.

It just shows how much you & Hillary Clinton are alike,without the help of people in power you fall apart left to your own defenses.

And explain exactly how asking the admin to be taken off restriction with respect is funny to a normal adult ?

there's something bad wrong with the way you think & carry yourself,you don't honor your word as a man while you laugh at me for showing respect to authority,amazing !
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