Hillary can't be trusted

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Well-Known Member
hmmmm sounds exteremly social justice warrior to me,your sitting on your soap box of social justice,at the same time calling the residents of Michigan racist method heads,FYI slick Americas largest Muslim population voted for Trump,Americas most devastated inner city blacks in Detroit voted for Trump,yet you have the Gaul to label them as racist .

Like my opening post says in the President Donald J Trump thread states .

I want to thank the social justice warriors at riu,we couldn't of got here without you.

Truth be told its you whiney ass hats that are the violent hate mongers who slash & burn when you don't get your way,we just finished watching all you violent maniacs burn city's,murder police,burn businesses down & destroy family's livelihood,your smug arrogant racist asses are finished in america so get used to it .

Republican president,republican house,republican senate,your day in the sun is over .

Last night at the voting booths we see another dozen sjw's who calls everybody else racist attack .
I didn't mention, nor care about any of that. I'm originally from IL, and it had a fond place in my heart.

Enjoy living in the end times of the heartland as it dwindles to a dustbowl/rustbowl.

Many of us 'social justice warriors' will be out west here, enjoying our weed stores and booming economy.
and still predomantly black Chigao Illinois has the country's highest shootings .

Your sjw rhetoric don't jive with facts son .
Fuck Chicago, I'm originally from Illinois. (Chicago is part of Wisconsin)


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't,property taxes are the 2nd biggest ass rape of Americans in history,with both our homes property taxes counted I'm in the 60% tax bracket,I never agreed to give government 60 cents of every dollar I earn,that's not including sales tax either,counting that I'm near the 70% bracket & its bullshit .
I agree that we aren't getting enough from our education system. Cutting funds isn't exactly going to improve it.

Oregon doesn't have a sales tax. But I don't think you would like it here. Maybe Grant County. Low property values = low taxes. You have options. Just saying.


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
I agree that we aren't getting enough from our education system. Cutting funds isn't exactly going to improve it.

Oregon doesn't have a sales tax. But I don't think you would like it here. Maybe Grant County. Low property values = low taxes. You have options. Just saying.
He is out and out lying. His claim is he pays 70% of everything he earns to the government. That's just bullshit, plain and simple.

That's like me saying I've got a 10 inch cock. It's just total bullshit, plain and simple. It's more like 2 inches, and his effective tax rate is more likely around 28%.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
I agree that we aren't getting enough from our education system. But cutting funds isn't exactly going to improve it.

Oregon doesn't have a sales tax. But I don't think you would like it here. Maybe Grant County. Low property values = low taxes. You have options. Just saying.

A free market will improve the quality of education.

Pro tip - If something is "so good" you have to use a gun to threaten people to fund it, it isn't really very good. Increasing the funding of something, which relies on force to begin with, is a thuggish approach.

You're not too bright, you do know that right?

Illinois Enema Bandit

Well-Known Member
I agree with one part of your statement. Bullshit.
Oh so you like paying property taxes for services you never receive like we do in Michigan ?

Guess what,I didn't care about taxes when we had street sweepers & road crews repairing roads with my tax $,I've watched the politicians give themselves 500% raises while Michigan sinks into the abyss ,my property taxes benefit me in no way & haven't for 20 years,our schools pump out ignorant savages,our $80,000 a year teachers sleep in class,our roads are the worst in america .

Its bullshit alright !


Well-Known Member
Oh so you like paying property taxes for services you never receive like we do in Michigan ?

Guess what,I didn't care about taxes when we had street sweepers & road crews repairing roads with my tax $,I've watched the politicians give themselves 500% raises while Michigan sinks into the abyss ,my property taxes benefit me in no way & haven't for 20 years,our schools pump out ignorant savages,our $80,000 a year teachers sleep in class,our roads are the worst in america .

Its bullshit alright !
No. Your claim was that you pay 70% of all your earned income to the government. I don't believe that claim and you'll need to prove it. Otherwise, I call bullshit.


Well-Known Member
Oh so you like paying property taxes for services you never receive like we do in Michigan ?

Guess what,I didn't care about taxes when we had street sweepers & road crews repairing roads with my tax $,I've watched the politicians give themselves 500% raises while Michigan sinks into the abyss ,my property taxes benefit me in no way & haven't for 20 years,our schools pump out ignorant savages,our $80,000 a year teachers sleep in class,our roads are the worst in america .

Its bullshit alright !

Living in squalor like that, its Not a wonder you're a junkie.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
He is out and out lying. His claim is he pays 70% of everything he earns to the government. That's just bullshit, plain and simple.

That's like me saying I've got a 10 inch cock. It's just total bullshit, plain and simple. It's more like 2 inches, and his effective tax rate is more likely around 28%.

Yes, but when you rub that monster I heard it gets to 2 11/16 " .

A person uses the money left over that isn't taken via income taxes and does what with it ?

They often pay a state income tax.
They pay a tax on gasoline.
They pay a property tax directly or via high rent.
They pay a phone tax.
They pay a sales tax.
They pay a death tax.
They pay a "tax" to shit in a state licensed toilet / septic system.
They pay a tax on penis extenders and sex toys.

I could go on.


Well-Known Member
Grab 'em by the pussy while you're at it, Nazi
Grab them by the pussy logo appears to have made trump our Next president lets not forget more women voted for Trump then for Hillary :)

Women like there pussy grabbed there just as naughty as trump :)

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Interestingly the quote depicted in that meme doesn't show up anywhere in factual history of the woman. Her more notable quote, "A free race cannot be born of slave mothers", which proves more indicative of her character and why Hillary admired her.



Well-Known Member
Yes, but when you rub that monster I heard it gets to 2 11/16 " .

A person uses the money left over that isn't taken via income taxes and does what with it ?

They often pay a state income tax.
They pay a tax on gasoline.
They pay a property tax directly or via high rent.
They pay a phone tax.
They pay a sales tax.
They pay a death tax.
They pay a "tax" to shit in a state licensed toilet / septic system.
They pay a tax on penis extenders and sex toys.

I could go on.
You're too kind. I measure in 32nds.

No, nobody right now in the US is paying 70% of their earned income in taxes. Sorry.


Well-Known Member
Interestingly the quote depicted in that meme doesn't show up anywhere in factual history of the woman. Her more notable quote, "A free race cannot be born of slave mothers", which proves more indicative of her character and why Hillary admired her.
I had to peek and see what buttwipe you were replying to. As you correctly pointed out, that IS NOT a quote of Margaret Sanger. Typical of that Ignored buffoon to mis-quote and mis-understand

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
Interestingly the quote depicted in that meme doesn't show up anywhere in factual history of the woman. Her more notable quote, "A free race cannot be born of slave mothers", which proves more indicative of her character and why Hillary admired her.
Slave mothers? Really?

They fed Black Americans the lie that blacks would never catch up with whites if they kept having babies. Better to abort them. They even hired pastors to spread that message.


Well-Known Member
Slave mothers? Really?

They fed Black Americans the lie that blacks would never catch up with whites if they kept having babies. Better to abort them. They even hired pastors to spread that message.
Try to stay on topic sweetheart. I was refuting Rob's meme, which was complete bullshit, and you go on to rattle about other nonsense. Stay on topic or I'll grab you by the pussy.

nitro harley

Well-Known Member
No. Your claim was that you pay 70% of all your earned income to the government. I don't believe that claim and you'll need to prove it. Otherwise, I call bullshit.
Hey see4, I see you are still sporting my bad ass "Quote" I just got to say that it took courage to fly that flag of support to the end. Right on dude. nitro
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