Hillary can't be trusted

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Well-Known Member
Slave mothers? Really?

They fed Black Americans the lie that blacks would never catch up with whites if they kept having babies. Better to abort them. They even hired pastors to spread that message.
Pie, living by religious ideology and conspiracy theories has gotten you to where you are. The best that can be said for your situation is it could be worse. Are you ready for Trump's recession?

nitro harley

Well-Known Member
I'm fine. Looking forward to an expanding gun legislation. Daddy needs a new full auto. Pissed that AZ is filled with dumbshits and I can't freely grow pot... still. Other than that, it's just another day in the neighborhood for this good looking well-off white guy. I'm excited to not pay taxes for the next 4 years. I mean if my President doesn't have to, why should I? Amirite?
Right on, I had to back off on the guns and ammo for awhile, we are in pretty good shape with that. I haven't grown any weed for two and a half years now and not sure when I will again. Going back and forth from Hawaii and Oregon has made it difficult to grow or I would be.

It's your job to pay as little as possible legally . You know that and I know that, so the liberal tax attack on Trump is a waste of time with me , sorry .

Anyway I want to thank you for your support of promoting President Trump for as long as you have . Thats cool. nitrobongsmilie


Well-Known Member
I said 60% for sure & guessed sales tax at 70% & you know that,your getting in a bad habit of word play instead of the honest debate you used to do.

Now on to your statement,I pay $38,000 a year property taxes on our home sitting on 12.9 acres in Bloomfield hills Michigan,google medium home prices on half acre lots in Bloomfield hills & see what home values are .

Our summer home in Frankenmuth Michigan sitting on 22 acres I pay $18,000 a year property taxes ,since I own more than 1 home that we live in I do not qualify for the " Homestead " property tax reduction you enjoy,instead I'm hit with full taxes & an additional luxury tax for owning a 2nd home,check home prices in Frankenmuth & see what $500,000 will buy on a half acre.

Our cabin in Grayling Michigan sitting on 1 acre I pay $2,100 a year property taxes & its nothing more than a glorified DIY barn kit from Home Depot with 2 bedrooms .

I pay $58,000 a year In property taxes alone .

Now let's look at my income .

My total yearly income from pensions & SSI is $138,000 before taxes ,it's simple math bud .
I can attest to those tax numbers.i pay almost 10k for my house on half acre on a lake in se mich and another 6k taxes on my 30 acres in northern mich with nothing but a pole barn.taxes here are fucked.and payroll taxes are even worse for small businesses


Well-Known Member
Right on, I had to back off on the guns and ammo for awhile, we are in pretty good shape with that. I haven't grown any weed for two and a half years now and not sure when I will again. Going back and forth from Hawaii and Oregon has made it difficult to grow or I would be.

It's your job to pay as little as possible legally . You know that and I know that, so the liberal tax attack on Trump is a waste of time with me , sorry .

Anyway I want to thank you for your support of promoting President Trump for as long as you have . Thats cool. nitrobongsmilie
No, it is not our job to pay as little taxes as possible. That is a Drumpf mantra that will put this country much further into debt. Unless of course he chooses to cut military spending dramatically. Which we both know won't happen.

"Oh my!! Our nations debt is out of control!! Ahhh!! The sky is falling!!"
"What shall we do??? Zomg!!"
"Uhh, let's cut taxes!!"
"Great idea!!"



Well-Known Member
I was glad to hear he was dead. This is true. I'm glad to see him back. This is also true. You are a bitter old man who enjoys discord more than anything else. So fuck off with that. Enjoy the last few years of old white man rule in this country.
Red POTUS, Red House, Red Senate, Red SCOTUS.. It won't be "just a few years" man. Sorry.


Well-Known Member
Corporate taxes and personal taxes are two different things. You don't pay a corporate tax, your corporation does. And now I know you're lying because you are claiming you pay a corporate tax.
Pie, living by religious ideology and conspiracy theories has gotten you to where you are. The best that can be said for your situation is it could be worse. Are you ready for Trump's recession?
It was going to happen either way with Hillary or Trump in office but i am sure you will be the first to point the finger at Trump..
But with Hillary it would of turned out like this

Were going to add another Stimulus package to boost our aready fake economy and make myself look good
Never mind about our national Debt us Democrats have pushed that aside for last 8 years.
It can be pushed yet aside for my Term also

We need to focus on proxy wars false flag wars and start causing global disintegration we were never going to pay that back how stupid does that sound before we pay that we will cause world war 3


Well-Known Member
Oh, are you referring to the election?

That's so yesterday. I'm done with that. This election isn't what I wanted but won't affect my life.

What are you going to say when your hero fails to Make America What It Never Was Again? Unlike Republicans, I don't hope he fails, I think it would be great if he can rejuvenate America's heartland and inner cities. I didn't buy his ideas but that's yesterday.

I was referring to your degradation into strange and delusional religious ideology and conspiracy myths. Education and critical thinking are better ways to shape a life. I mean, at 30, you and your husband are already dead ended. That doesn't bode well for you or your family. Not that I'm wishing ill on you but just saying. There are better ways to make decisions than through the ideology of a right wing evangelist church with an obsession for other women's fetuses and conspiracy theory videos.

nitro harley

Well-Known Member
No, it is not our job to pay as little taxes as possible. That is a Drumpf mantra that will put this country much further into debt. Unless of course he chooses to cut military spending dramatically. Which we both know won't happen.

"Oh my!! Our nations debt is out of control!! Ahhh!! The sky is falling!!"
"What shall we do??? Zomg!!"
"Uhh, let's cut taxes!!"
"Great idea!!"

Hey see4, I can tell we are still on different planets and thats cool. You will be free to run your business anyway you want and I will run mine, so good luck. GOD BLESS POTUS TRUMP! FUCKING A.


Well-Known Member
Private prison stocks are soaring today. They get to lock up more non-violent offenders for life. T-rump is good for prison biz


Well-Known Member
It was going to happen either way with Hillary or Trump in office but i am sure you will be the first to point the finger at Trump..
But with Hillary it would of turned out like this

Were going to add another Stimulus package to boost our aready fake economy and make myself look good
Never mind about our national Debt us Democrats have pushed that aside for last 8 years.
It can be pushed yet aside for my Term also

We need to focus on proxy wars false flag wars and start causing global disintegration we were never going to pay that back how stupid does that sound before we pay that we will cause world war 3

So, how did other GOP presidents deal with recessions in the past? Not well.

Watch what Trump does to the budget deficit, which has been going down for the past few years. Wanna bet which way it goes when those spending plans are coupled with tax cuts and a recession?
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