Olive Drab Green
Well-Known Member
I don't really care about immigrants being here and hope he'll just leave people the fuck alone. I suspect you might be right about the weed thing. I won't speculate on anything else. I just want to observe and not expect. I want to just pay attention to how things are handled to get a feeling for how this is gonna go. I seriously think the People showed their force, thus regaining control. I think most of those voting for Trump wanted to avoid the obvious Governmental cover-up protocol with hardline politicians, especially ones that prove they have no qualms about lying. Donald Trump didn't win the vote for himself, the People did. That's what I'm currently in the belief of, last night especially contributing to that assumption.Abso fucking lutely! I can see ending prohibition in his first term to lock in our votes next election. Immigration will be tighter but I doubt walls will be erected, especially since he claims to have Mexico pay. Only time will tell if he was full of shit or not