Openly supporting donald trump got me banned from the 3ma

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I'm sorry. I meant to say dirty shit stain of a human. And Hillary is only slightly less awful IMHO

Someone that voted for either Hillary or trump to block the other candidate that they view as the leader of two evils I can appreciate. They both sucked.

trump is a hateful racist crotch grabbing asshole and a lotta "uneducated white males" according to NPR resonated with this awful message and voted for him. Not so much to block Hillary - they dug the animus he congured I avoid people like that, personally
I didn't support either, but I'm hopeful and relived this election is finally over personally. Let the DC swamp begin to drain.

Clinton, Obama and Reid exiting stage left along with their costly establishment politics, rhetoric and special interests is just the beginning. It's time for term limits in DC and if Trump can pull that off it's the end of both the Republican and Democrat establishments as well as their political hax enriching themselves to the tune of millions of dollars under the guise of "public service".

This country has needed change for far too long, let's give Trump a chance. He's no Yale or Harvard lawyer, but maybe that was the problem ...

Honestly I don't know what a populist is, but I do know what the Democrat and Republican monopolies have done to this country these past few decades. Take heed to the reality of the elections in the UK, Columbia and now here this year. The People may not argue the establishment story lines, or have a voice to, but they clearly do not believe nor trust them. Maybe we're not the sheepel they've been banking on after all ...
"Thirty-two percent of millennials, and 26 percent of Americans, believe that more people were killed as a result of the policies of former President George W. Bush than under Joseph Stalin during his rule of the U.S.S.R."

Have the left in this country lost a grasp of reality from their coastal ivory towers? Shit like that scares the hell out of me reminiscing on the reality of history and leftist playbooks like Saul Alinsky's the Rules of Rascals. Yale/Harvard lawyers like Clinton/Obama may want to rethink that game and their grasp on our Supreme Court IMHO ...

Just to be clear here, i am an EDUCATED white male , and i voted for donald trump. Besides that, look at what is happening right now across the country, the very people who said when trump looses, we will protest and riot, and not accept trumps lose gracefully, are doing just that. Oh the fucking irony of it all,cnn, msn, nbc all of the major media outlets said repeatedly trump could not win. The poles all said he could not win, in some case, particularly one on cnn, said a less than ONE PERCENT chance. Alot of people get thier information from these news outlets, and only these news outlets. The way they portrayed donald trump was ridiculous. Clearly, for anyone paying attention, these outlets were biased right down to each individual journalist, and had everything wrong. That is a huge fucking problem. Its alright tho, because the mother fucking swamp is about to get drained.

Dont worry, trump is not coming to deport you, unless your a criminal, otherwise youll have a clear path to citizen ship. Dont worry muslims, he is not banning you from the country, you will just need to be vetted before you can enter as a refugee. Dont worry, instead of importing thousands of refugees into our country, where we have veterans homeless and pennyless, were going to set up mother fucking safe zones in YOUR own damn country, so you can be safe there, not sucking from my already overburden tax load.

Im just patiently waiting for another black lives matter protest to burn down there own damn nieghborhoods in protest of donald trump, oh the fucking irony of it all.

These uneducated WHITE people have had enough.
People wondering how this could happen, well if people were not afraid, such as me, to say what they mean, and who they support, the picture would of been much clearer. Banned from a website, that i supported and have been a member of since 2009, because i supported trump, defended trump in all the various trump bashing threads..if you dont see a problem with that, your a really big, and i mean really big hypocrite.
It's just funny to me that all these pro Hillary people were raising the most hell talking the most shit on every level Racially,calling people faggots, and the trump supporters remained mostly quiet in comparison ...until now to of course rub it in a lil bit .....and I myself listened to the radio and news and just knew trump had no chance a long time ago .......what a suprise

I don't like politics and thought this election was a circus .......and I'm sure there's lots of whack jobs who would like to reach out and touch trump .....secret service will be earning there's this term
It's just funny to me that all these pro Hillary people were raising the most hell talking the most shit on every level Racially,calling people faggots, and the trump supporters remained mostly quiet in comparison ...until now to of course rub it in a lil bit .....and I myself listened to the radio and news and just knew trump had no chance a long time ago .......what a suprise

I don't like politics and thought this election was a circus .......and I'm sure there's lots of whack jobs who would like to reach out and touch trump .....secret service will be earning there's this term
Thats all buddy..i just wanted to gloat a lil bit..and those pricks denied me the right too. I put up with alot of name calling, bashing, etc,over the last few months and remained civil for the most part. Thats all right..just gona set up a new account, route it through a proxy and gloat any fucking way.
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