315W CMH SIngle Plant DWC SCROG.


Well-Known Member
OMG someone post fucking something, its gettting boring as fuck around here

So Giant Douche lost and Turd Sandwich won! What is going to happen now?!!
It's Brexit all over again for me! I didn't follow that and as far as I am aware it hasn't affected me! I still go to work, get paid the same, beer fags and food still cost the same price, so I still get wankered and stuff my face the same as before at no extra cost LOL
I'm saying this as someone who literally doesn't have a clue about any of this, I don't watch the news, I find it utterly depressing, but I have found myself interested in this topic but can't bring myself to sit and watch Sky News, so if anyone can round this up in one nice little message, it will be very much appreciated!
Meanwhile I will just have a few beers and watch some comedy, laugh and feel happy!
And of course keep growing and doing the things I like!


Well-Known Member
Don't want to get this thread heavily in debate regarding the US Election as people are probably fucking sick of talking about it now! lol
Planty is doing alright now, she is responding well to LST! She looks really healthy as well, won't be long before I start tucking her in the net

Anon Emaus

Well-Known Member
OMG someone post fucking something, its gettting boring as fuck around here

So Giant Douche lost and Turd Sandwich won! What is going to happen now?!!
It's Brexit all over again for me! I didn't follow that and as far as I am aware it hasn't affected me! I still go to work, get paid the same, beer fags and food still cost the same price, so I still get wankered and stuff my face the same as before at no extra cost LOL
I'm saying this as someone who literally doesn't have a clue about any of this, I don't watch the news, I find it utterly depressing, but I have found myself interested in this topic but can't bring myself to sit and watch Sky News, so if anyone can round this up in one nice little message, it will be very much appreciated!
Meanwhile I will just have a few beers and watch some comedy, laugh and feel happy!
Other way around, Giant Douche won and Turd Sandwhich lost hahaha
Yeah i do my best to stay away from politics. Basically 'Mericans voted for a misogynistic, racist, xenophobic, child molester who wants to fuck his daughter. The sad part isn't that he's president, doubt it will change anything since thats just the puppet face, but the sad part is 60 million people voted for him fully aware of him being a piece of shit. People even think he's gunna build a wall between the US and Mexico(oh and he's gunna make Mexico pay for it).....

So on a good note, let's see ur danm plant already Stick

Just checked mine, I still only have 2 roots in the water, one is visible just at the bottom of the net pot and the last fucker has its root hiding away somewhere! The last one I could actually see that the root tried growing up instead of down and almost came out the top of the plug before looping back down. Hopefully thats not a sign of a stupid plant haha
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Anon Emaus

Well-Known Member
Don't want to get this thread heavily in debate regarding the US Election as people are probably fucking sick of talking about it now! lol
Planty is doing alright now, she is responding well to LST! She looks really healthy as well, won't be long before I start tucking her in the net
Haha yeah thats why i jumped to a new note at the end. I'm done now, no more, so sick of it lol

Nice! How old is she now?


Well-Known Member
Don't want to get this thread heavily in debate regarding the US Election as people are probably fucking sick of talking about it now! lol
Planty is doing alright now, she is responding well to LST! She looks really healthy as well, won't be long before I start tucking her in the net
well then...? No more excuses for not showing her? :P


Well-Known Member
Will do in a couple of days, going to just let her grow a bit more so I'll top her on Saturday and take some pics! Theres really not much to look at though so don't get your hopes up lol :razz:
Oh that doesn't matter, for me it's more about getting to know the girl you're talking about than about size and all that important guy stuff ;) Looking forward to meeting her!!


Well-Known Member
@calliandra @Anon Emaus you happy now?!!
My usual style of a short fat bush, she's starting to stretch out now and get her growth on. It just goes to show that the little mistakes can cause massive problems. The screen should be full by now and I should be ready for flowering. Oh well, tis what it is, just crack on.

Anon Emaus

Well-Known Member
Ive topped her once, going to top her again in a couple of days, and then maybe once more after that, see how shes looking with the net. What about you? Are you doing something different with having 4 plants this time?
Good shit, should make her a fine ole bush.

Well not necessarily, still gunna top once and run the net. What I want to improve from my last two grows is getting more growth going on above the net. I feel that with my 600w I could sustain more than I've been allowing. I think I could get a lot of really big colas rather than a lot of medium size colas by just letting it grow more vertical after filling the net. With that said my plan is to veg longer than I have in the past and hopefully get 4 monster plants.

Anon Emaus

Well-Known Member
@calliandra @Anon Emaus you happy now?!!
My usual style of a short fat bush, she's starting to stretch out now and get her growth on. It just goes to show that the little mistakes can cause massive problems. The screen should be full by now and I should be ready for flowering. Oh well, tis what it is, just crack on.
She looks great! Gettin her exercise on!
How long has it been? Sorry may have asked this not too long ago but pain to look back on phone


Well-Known Member
Good shit, should make her a fine ole bush.

Well not necessarily, still gunna top once and run the net. What I want to improve from my last two grows is getting more growth going on above the net. I feel that with my 600w I could sustain more than I've been allowing. I think I could get a lot of really big colas rather than a lot of medium size colas by just letting it grow more vertical after filling the net. With that said my plan is to veg longer than I have in the past and hopefully get 4 monster plants.
It sounds like a plan to me mate! I aim for 2 weeks seedling stage then 4 weeks veg, if everything is going well!
She looks great! Gettin her exercise on!
How long has it been? Sorry may have asked this not too long ago but pain to look back on phone
this one has already used that time! She's 6 weeks from seed!


Well-Known Member
@calliandra @Anon Emaus you happy now?!!
My usual style of a short fat bush, she's starting to stretch out now and get her growth on. It just goes to show that the little mistakes can cause massive problems. The screen should be full by now and I should be ready for flowering. Oh well, tis what it is, just crack on.
Yes sir very happy, I am infinitely relieved with all that anticipatory tension abating haha :mrgreen:

Well she's definitely not dawdling now! Great the way she's branching out!
That's one thing I like about photoperiods, you can give them time to recover from any stunting influences.
the way she's going, she'll fill that screen in the next week or so eh?
Ooor should I ask, how much patience do you have? :p


Well-Known Member
Yes sir very happy, I am infinitely relieved with all that anticipatory tension abating haha :mrgreen:

Well she's definitely not dawdling now! Great the way she's branching out!
That's one thing I like about photoperiods, you can give them time to recover from any stunting influences.
the way she's going, she'll fill that screen in the next week or so eh?
Ooor should I ask, how much patience do you have? :p
I was thinking that I'd be happy to give her 3 more weeks, seen as that is about how far behind she is, unless she fills the net before then! Really wanna try and get the most out of this grow and see what the new light can do!
Hows Stomper doing?! :razz:


Well-Known Member
I was thinking that I'd be happy to give her 3 more weeks, seen as that is about how far behind she is, unless she fills the net before then! Really wanna try and get the most out of this grow and see what the new light can do!
Hows Stomper doing?! :razz:
Ahh, great that you're giving her a bit of leeway, you are so kind! :D
And yes indeed, high time for one of those mindboggling runs of yours, I'm starting to get all uppity here with my big plant :rolleyes: She's starting to fatten up her buds now, so it's the phase where I keep saying "1-2 weeks till chop" haha

Will upload some pix in a bit (if I ever manage to get them taken that is haha)


Well-Known Member
Ahh, great that you're giving her a bit of leeway, you are so kind! :D
And yes indeed, high time for one of those mindboggling runs of yours, I'm starting to get all uppity here with my big plant :rolleyes: She's starting to fatten up her buds now, so it's the phase where I keep saying "1-2 weeks till chop" haha

Will upload some pix in a bit (if I ever manage to get them taken that is haha)
I am being kind aren't I?!!Normally she would get called all of the names under the sun and I would get pissed off, throw more nutes at her and lose interest. But no i'm being calm, and I'm fortunate enough to be around her at this stage, so we are keeping a steady head and a steady ph, and some lovely E/C PPM readings.I'm a changed Stick Man! lol
I want to try and keep things as perfect as possible after a couple of miserable grows.
Yeah the how long left stage! "How longs left?"
"1-2 weeks'
2 weeks later....
"How longs left?"
1-2 weeks!"

Or if you have seen the film Snatch

"How long with them Sausages Charlie?"
"Five minutes Turkish"
"It was two minutes five minutes ago!"