Club 600

So after a short vacation at a friends im glad to say everythings o.k and back safley. They were tied up and under bags for a few shift's which didn't do them any good, maybe knocked them back a week but no biggie.
Had to leave behind the 2 qq x livers that were taking up too much room with the huge fan leaves, hogging the light and causing too much heat/humidity. I will get to check in on them and see how they finnish so not all bad.
Just leaves me with the Psychosis, GG#4 and Mystery Cookies:


This is week 4. I'll got as long as need be with them missing a few day's in dark, The pistils took a bit of a battering from the 600, should have gave them a few hrs on the cfl first.
Some Purp's coming through in the Cookies but not as frosty as i hoped. Must come fast as the bud is caked.


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I heard Mass. is allowing 6 plants per adult in the household, might be time for a move.
I think most states are going with the 1oz. possession (carry).

In Michigan we get 12 but then there is the water pipes thing, and snyder, but we got lots of woods and fresh water lol. Kinda funny all the bottled water they do here is tap water...real top shelf hope there not using Flints taps.
24 Times Scottish Twitter Roasted The Fuck Out Of Trump

“Custard-flavoured jobby.”

:) Got to love the way Scots abuse people

Saw a funny one earlier on Farage lol....

Nigel Farage (born from the genetic mutation of a gone off sausage) is the current leader of UKIP, a party which claims not to be racist but is really popular with racists. Nigel Farage is best known for never being elected to the UK parliament, and never turning up to his job in the European parliament.

Recently he has changed his career from disappearing up his own arse and instead disappearing up Donald Trump’s arse. Farage claims to have been an integral part of the Leave campaign during Brexit, when in fact the Leave campaign thought he was too racist for the Leave campaign, so Farage was forced to be racist by himself.

His political leanings are that of a man with a head injury who screams at bins. He makes regular appearances on political talk shows as his character of “mad uniformed mince puppet”.

Nigel Farage is the political equivalent of catching the end of your penis in your trouser zip.