Hillary can't be trusted

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Well-Known Member
Staking his own claim to the high ground. And his position as a leader in the Senate. Go Bernie.

When do you start posting made up shit about Bernie, Pie? Is it when there is a conflict between your orange hero and Sanders? Or when he comes out against one of Trumps anti-choice SCOTUS nominees? Or are you just a conduit for Brietbart?


Well-Known Member
If you have genuine concerns, they will not be quickly dismissed. I was sitting where you're at for the past eight years wondering "how much worse can it get?" What will the skinny socialist do next, and how will it impact me and my family? So I understand what it feels like.

But if you cry wolf and make shit up, you will be put into the political hack category with buck and others.
I don't think you make enough of an impression on jj to scare him.

You have a very high regard for the truthiness of the birther in chief. I'd like to think he earned it. Maybe he will. Naaaaw just kidding.


Well-Known Member
Trump idolatry is disgusting. Hillery idolatry is disgusting. No one is objective who is in love with either of these two evil beings


Well-Known Member
Supports medical.

He wants to see what happens before he rules on straight out legal. He is for medical.
I can't tell from your videos when these were made. Do you have anything saying he supports medical marijuana from mid-july 2016 or later? I ask because I've looked and can't find anything after he endorsed the RNC platform which did not contain a statement about MMJ. The topic was debated and there were too many delegates staunchly against any legalization. Near as I can tell, Trump was silent on the issue after that debate. Did he change his mind? Does he care, really?

What does he mean by "Medical marijuana"? Is it flower or extract? Or is it big pharma drugs containing their own patented preparations, which would fit right into Big Pharma's pocket. Don't you think the details are important?

These videos are bullshit.


Well-Known Member
We're gonna see more fracking, cracking and hacking. Corporations given free reign with impunity. Some folks think that's good

Don and his moral base wont be legalizing weed anytime soon. And all of his cop buddies? You think they wanna see this legalized? This big cash cow for the police? Oh no. We'll see the feds back to co-busting us. Locals receive fed money and support again.


Well-Known Member
And the condition of this country has gone to shit under democratic majority , Maybe give the republicans a chance , they might surprise you .
We've had a republican controlled congress for 6 years. All they did was obstruct Obama. "democratic majority" (snicker)


Well-Known Member
^^^ I'll be glad to hear these old O myths stop being repeated by such ignoramus's ^^^ So tired of refuting such bullshit.


Well-Known Member
And the condition of this country has gone to shit under democratic majority , Maybe give the republicans a chance , they might surprise you .
Agreed. It's also important that Republicans don't squander this opportunity, just as they have in the past. With Bush.

Thank God a Trump victory marks the end of a Clinton/Bush era. Hopefully those two families will be gone from our lives forever.

Budget Buds

Well-Known Member
^^^ I'll be glad to hear these old O myths stop being repeated by such ignoramus's ^^^ So tired of refuting such bullshit.
Please do onc... Oh ya know what, Trump is president , obama's muslim loving ass is out, killary is done . Thats all that matters now. It's all good because at the end of the day the true americans chose the way of the future, Pissed off some libtards and took back our country :) BB


Well-Known Member
Republicans haven't had this much power in almost 100 years. Democrats have almost no power, and they know it. It scares the hell out of you. Stop trying to fake it.
I'm not faking anything. I was just saying that I don't think you've said anything to scare jj. My opinion and yes, we all have one.

And, I'm not scared either. I'm confident.

You think that Trump will be able to pass legislation through congress faster than shit goes through a goose. For at least the next two years, maybe four. As you might remember, the GOP has demonstrated how obstructive the minority in the Senate can be. So, maybe it won't be so easy.

I don't really want that to happen though. I'd like to see a congress that works in a bipartisan fashion. Also, I concede that the majority party in congress has the upper hand. But listen to what Bernie said. From reining in the corrosive effects of free trade to campaign finance reform and programs to improve infrastructure there is much for us and members of congress to agree upon that would do good for the country. Don't you agree?

Maybe you can stop acting the ass for a couple of months.


Well-Known Member
I have no interest in these ridiculous comments, but outside of a weed forum or skateboard forum no one listens to drivel like this. But you've already discovered that.

You'll find that trump sycophants all have the same aroma. Voting for trump to block hillery I can respect. Voting for trump because you love him is disturbing to me, but that's just me and I'll never meet you so neither of us give two shits.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
Staking his own claim to the high ground. And his position as a leader in the Senate. Go Bernie.

When do you start posting made up shit about Bernie, Pie? Is it when there is a conflict between your orange hero and Sanders? Or when he comes out against one of Trumps anti-choice SCOTUS nominees? Or are you just a conduit for Brietbart?

I am simply pointing out that bernie sees good in certain aspects of Trump. Like campaign finance reform and renegotiating our bad trade deals. I always liked that side of bernie.


Well-Known Member

I am simply pointing out that bernie sees good in certain aspects of Trump. Like campaign finance reform and renegotiating our bad trade deals. I always liked that side of bernie.
Bernie is genuine. He doesn't try and hide his socialist views. Although I disagree with him on many things, I respect him as a person, and would have voted for Bernie over Jeb Bush. Ten times the class Hillary will ever have
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