Anti-Trump Protests

Chunky Stool

Well-Known Member
Liberals are the group of HATE and INTOLERANCE. You haven't seen ANY Trump, Stein, or Johnson supporters rioting, burning, looting, murdering, or beating innocent people, ONLY the hillary supporters. If you can't see that this is true then you need to have your head surgically removed from your ass and schedule trips to an ophthalomologist and an exorcist.
The anti-Trump protests were peaceful until the anarchists showed up and started breaking the law. Anarchists are not Democrats or Republicans. They are criminals.


Well-Known Member
Advice to snowflake protesters: don't talk to media or chant shit, you are embarrassing yourself. A silent protest would serve you better.


Sector 5 Moderator
The anti-Trump protests were peaceful until the anarchists showed up and started breaking the law. Anarchists are not Democrats or Republicans. They are criminals.
No, you don't go to someone elses party and start shit. If Trump supporters defended themselves, that is not anarchy; you need to read the definition of anarchy.

Chunky Stool

Well-Known Member
No, you don't go to someone elses party and start shit. If Trump supporters defended themselves, that is not anarchy; you need to read the definition of anarchy.
That makes absolutely no sense.
Going to "someone elses party" to start shit is *exactly* what anarchists do.


Well-Known Member
Wow, the left is losing their fucking minds. I hear they have reduced themselves to shitting on Trump signs and smearing it around. And Portland riots? That whole place voted Clinton, but hey lets go smash some shit in our own fucking neighborhood. derp derp derp



Well-Known Member
The anti-Trump protests were peaceful until the anarchists showed up and started breaking the law. Anarchists are not Democrats or Republicans. They are criminals.
Trump is president of the United States and I live here.
When I say he is not my president, I am saying that I will not support him. You know, the same way republicunts didn't support Obama for 8 years.
That makes absolutely no sense.
Going to "someone elses party" to start shit is *exactly* what anarchists do.
Ok, I must have REALLY cracked my head the other night......I actually agree with 40-70% of this!!

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
Lets be fair guys. This is mostly paid protestors and people who were brainwashed by the MSM to think that trump is hitler.

How many thousands are doing this?

Millions of people voted for hillary. While half of hillary voters may sympathize with the protestors, the other half realize this protest is pointless.

These protests may wake a few more people up to the evils of the corrupt corporate elite. The amount of power they weild through the media and with money financing violence and intimidation of america.


Well-Known Member
Wow, the left is losing their fucking minds. I hear they have reduced themselves to shitting on Trump signs and smearing it around. And Portland riots? That whole place voted Clinton, but hey lets go smash some shit in our own fucking neighborhood. derp derp derp

Bitter in defeat. not a shred of integrity


Sector 5 Moderator
Trump is president of the United States and I live here.
When I say he is not my president, I am saying that I will not support him. You know, the same way republicunts didn't support Obama for 8 years.
You don't have to support him; it's a free CUNT.ree. Too bad you can't get over hi.LIAR.y not stealing the election by fraud the way obama did. When America all have jobs, we are respected by other nations again, our credit rating goes back up three notches, and we can walk down the street without fear of losing our lives, maybe you can get over it.


Well-Known Member
Wow, the left is losing their fucking minds. I hear they have reduced themselves to shitting on Trump signs and smearing it around. And Portland riots? That whole place voted Clinton, but hey lets go smash some shit in our own fucking neighborhood. derp derp derp

Poooor 'spandy' trash, tsk tsk tsk.....have you been considering suicide?