35 dollars a clone!?!


Sector 5 Moderator
Depends on the quality and genetics. A hardy clone from a really top shelf strain would be a steal at $35. I would make it a mother plant and in about 2 months I would be putting out clones of my own.


Well-Known Member
$35.00 ...Thats legalization fer ya..?

Exactly. Get a med card for $20 a year and not pay tax, or circumvent the $20 annual "membership" and pay 15% as well as a share of the $9.25 per ounce taxed on the cultivator.

The "Yes" vote on 64.


Well-Known Member
instagram phone app follow Ocean Grown seeds for starters , go to the seed bank reviews & you find sum there as well


Well-Known Member
You're best off buying seeds. A seed is much better then a clone anyways.


No offence, your not getting elite clones then. Screw seeds. Say you buy a 10 pack of regular seeds. 3 are male, 3 hermie, now you have 4 left. Out of thatb4 you better HOPE you get a decent or the pheno you want, or your out of luck. That's IF your seeds make it past custons.


Well-Known Member

No offence, your not getting elite clones then. Screw seeds. Say you buy a 10 pack of regular seeds. 3 are male, 3 hermie, now you have 4 left. Out of thatb4 you better HOPE you get a decent or the pheno you want, or your out of luck. That's IF your seeds make it past custons.
Thats why you buy fem seeds. And if that many hermie on you, that's on you. LOL


Well-Known Member
I`ve seen some idiots pay someone $30 or more to pop a seed for them

I mean as a gardener if someone I don`t know asked me to

Germinate some seeds for them ? ........... I`d probably want to charge them around £30 to £100 an hour (without a call out fee) or maybe £20 to £30 an hour (with a call out fee)

Same for doing cuttings for them

I guess you can do 100`s or even 1000`s of clones in a day if you have the mum`s and in a week they are ready to sell

So just the cost of some rooting gel and some plugs or do them hydroponically probably cheaper and faster when doing scale

So yeah... if a clone if free or if its £1000... would I take it ?? depends on who was offering it... how it looked and if I needed it

You can pay under 50 cents a seed and still get amazing plants and spend £100 a bean and have it not pop

Have you paid over $5 a seed or even $20 or $30 a seed and had them all fail ? that would be annoying

I`ve had that seeds just not pop... ok sometimes it`s your fault but normally when I have seeds not pop or I get a lot of males guess what`s to blame ?..... Normally ebay seeds for ones that don`t pop and make loads of males.... yeah if you want males by "fem" seeds from ebay if they pop you`ll have a 9 out of 10 chance of a male from all the ebay seeds I`ve dealt with

and name and shame........ breeder who`s seeds apart from "ebay" have failed to pop the most for me........... Green house seeds and Strain hunters......... Congrats guys this is why I have nothing to do with you anymore..... Not saying Green House seeds suck.... just saying for sure I`ve got 10 packs more than once where none of them pop`d...... maybe it was me..... but not had another breeders seeds fail more than once where there was not a factor..... like temps or over/under watering

except for Green house seeds and strain hunters.... Seen them dampen off for no reason.... seen their seedlings die for no reason and I`ve seen multiple 10 packs not germinate....... I can only put it down to scale... they sell so many strains that they must not be able to control the quality on all of them

They don`t need my business anyway

So I`d pay £100 for a clone if the only other option was "green house seeds" lol


Well-Known Member
In Colorado 22 to 30 a clone is normal, and they sell them 5 days after cutting. But the advantage is you can smoke the harvest from the exact genetics you are buying. I'd pay 35 if they went up, as long as I know what Im getting.