Canceled classes, a cry-in and more


Well-Known Member

Yale students were so distraught they asked their professor to cancel midterm exams (at least one professor happily made his exam optional).

Cornell Students shared their grief with a mass “cry-in.”

University of Michigan students occupied the school’s library where they held a candlelight vigil to protest Trump’s victory. Professors at the University of Connecticut, University of Rochester and Iowa State University cancelled classes because they simply couldn’t face the day.

This thread is not intended as a political observation. It is to bring light to a blight on society.

The coping skills of a large number of young adults leave a lot to be desired.

I'm embarrassed by and for them as well as ashamed of them and for them.

How is it that society as a whole has failed to teach these people the skills to overcome, adapt to and persevere through the hard knocks that life showers upon all of us.


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Here's a cranky old man story: I was in Jr Hi when JFK was killed; school was not let out. We got the day off on his funeral.
OK I gotta confess, the day JFK was assassinated I cried so hard they sent ME home from school. Not my entire class just me! Yes I am a major league wuss.

Edit: In all fairness, I owe a debt of gratitude to my upt instructor for beating me about the head and shoulders with his Jepps until I toughened up.
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Well-Known Member
In a semi related version.

Leander middle school principle? Maybe just vp was suspended pending a molestation case.

He was found tied in his kitchen after house set ablaze.

School was canceled and counselors were available to talk with adfected students


Well-Known Member
this is what happens when you give people a "safe space"

this is what's wrong with us as a country we cry when we don't get our way or we get offended by EVERYTHING personally i could give a shitless who won or lost the election or who's allowed to be married to who or any of the recent controversial shit thats happened. but i do care with the fact he hasn't even taken office yet and people are already petitioning to get him removed

but also care about the way some people are supported him are acting being racist sexist degenerates

at the end of the day i think everybody just needs to smoke a joint and mellow out


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I remember working the day of 9/11, it was gut-wrenching.

My daughter told me 8 teachers were out "sick" yesterday.
Yeah I remember 9/11 I was deep into a theoretical calculus class and some advanced physics. I remember the shock and trying to figure out wtf was happening and it was the first time I felt the loss of not responding to the hospital. That was the day it all became way to real. I called my friends and most had gone in just in case.


Well-Known Member
OK I gotta confess, the day JFK was assassinated I cried so hard they sent ME home from school. Not my entire class just me! Yes I am a major league wuss.

Edit: In all fairness, I owe a debt of gratitude to my upt instructor for beating me about the head and shoulders with his Jepps until I toughened up.
I have very odd memories: this was before TV's in every classroom: they set one up( a teacher's who lived a block away) in the library and it was set to Channel 2 (CBS) News. We could come in during the various breaks, and teachers could bring in their class, briefly. The rest was how horribly blood thirsty 12 yr old boys could be in devising "just" punishment for the killer. I still remember that with "wtf"


Well-Known Member
Yeah I remember 9/11 I was deep into a theoretical calculus class and some advanced physics. I remember the shock and trying to figure out wtf was happening and it was the first time I felt the loss of not responding to the hospital. That was the day it all became way to real. I called my friends and most had gone in just in case.
*too. Just 'cause I owed you one ;)


Well-Known Mod
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I have very odd memories: this was before TV's in every classroom: they set one up( a teacher's who lived a block away) in the library and it was set to Channel 2 (CBS) News. We could come in during the various breaks, and teachers could bring in their class, briefly. The rest was how horribly blood thirsty 12 yr old boys could be in devising "just" punishment for the killer. I still remember that with "wtf"
We had a TV in the classroom that morning to watch something. The news broke in. They didn't dare move the TV after that. It was surreal.


Well-Known Member
I didn't know about the head injury, Yikes! Please point me to where I can read about that, glad you're okay. You got me with desert vs. dessert with some lovely pole dancer I posted. Just having fun because I like you...


Well-Known Member
I remember working the day of 9/11, it was gut-wrenching.

My daughter told me 8 teachers were out "sick" yesterday.
I remember that 9/11 morning. They wanted us all to stay but we collectively gave them the finger and walked out. Hell, we didn't know fact from fiction (camp David being hit along with many other skyscrapers), but we believed it all because of the horror of what just happened. We didn't know if our families, or even our neighborhood, would be there if we worked until the end of the day. As horrible as that time was, It brought out the best in humanity. I got on the bus home and cried with total strangers. Everyone was your brother and sister for days afterward, I relished that. Too bad it takes such tragedy for that phenomenon to emerge...
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Well-Known Mod
Staff member
I didn't know about the head injury, Yikes! Please point me to where I can read about that, glad you're okay. You got me with desert vs. dessert with some lovely pole dancer I posted. Just having fun because I like you...
I got removed from my residency, and my life, when my head hit the B pillar and ricocheted off the windshield when my seat belt failed. I fractured 6 vertebrae in my spine and wiped my brain clean. That's why I was so hurt over Heisenberg and your popcorn meme. I lost all my logic classes (which I loved). I simply wanted an explanation of how I was wrong. I am absolutely astounded at how far I have come back. But I do not hold a candle to what I once was. But I am kinder because of that. I was an absolute jackass prior.

BTW I lost my ability to play music too. I envy your ability. I miss that much more than most of what I've lost.