Canceled classes, a cry-in and more


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LOL excellent Abe I didn't realize I'd rented such a large place in your head space you remember Lawn Jart girl. Yeah I lost an 8 y/o and it eats me to this day. It's why I never did pedi neuro and why after I went back I quit when I had to do burr holes in a 16 y/o keep bringing it. Remember Hazel? The 3 y/o old I lost because I couldn't convince CPS she was in danger? If you really wanna hurt me that's where you need to go.

But at least I played Abe. At least I tried and even today for as broken as I am I won't tolerate your anti-semitic shit. So bring it baby.

Edit: Now I will return to ignoring your sorry ass.


Ursus marijanus
I understand your anger, it's ok.
No; you do not. Pretending to do so even as you engage in your efforts to subvert reality ... is a story plainly told to those who are watching your postings.

The above casts your sadism, the simple wish to hurt someone for its own sake, into stark relief. You have stopped trying to hide your vampiric nature, abe.

Now I also return to disregarding you.

abe supercro

Well-Known Member
This song is dedicated to my rock and roll granny, @curious2garden I know you may not believe me or approve of some of the things I say, however I do love you and wish you the very best in your pursuits of a happy and fulfilling life.


Well-Known Member
I got removed from my residency, and my life, when my head hit the B pillar and ricocheted off the windshield when my seat belt failed. I fractured 6 vertebrae in my spine and wiped my brain clean. That's why I was so hurt over Heisenberg and your popcorn meme. I lost all my logic classes (which I loved). I simply wanted an explanation of how I was wrong. I am absolutely astounded at how far I have come back. But I do not hold a candle to what I once was. But I am kinder because of that. I was an absolute jackass prior.

BTW I lost my ability to play music too. I envy your ability. I miss that much more than most of what I've lost.
Holy fuck, I had no idea. Thanks so much for that clarification. I cannot notice any loss at all from you, when did this accident occur? I am so sorry you had to endure that, and I'm sorry for the partial loss of your abilities. I'm especially sorry to hear about your musical loss, what did you play and what genre? That would fucking kill me, but I'm really not great at anything else. Except growing weed, world class in that department ;) Don't get too kind - it is largely your confrontational style and acid tongue that makes your personality so attractive. A Regarding Henry or Flowers for Algernon scenario wouldn't suit you...


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Holy fuck, I had no idea. Thanks so much for that clarification. I cannot notice any loss at all from you, when did this accident occur? I am so sorry you had to endure that, and I'm sorry for the partial loss of your abilities. I'm especially sorry to hear about your musical loss, what did you play and what genre? That would fucking kill me, but I'm really not great at anything else. Except growing weed, world class in that department ;) Don't get too kind - it is largely your confrontational style and acid tongue that makes your personality so attractive. A Regarding Henry or Flowers for Algernon scenario wouldn't suit you...
I played accordian (yeah I wanted piano but well), and alto saxophone and oboe. I miss music.


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
Wow, multi-talented. Double reed instruments are a bitch. Did you lose your muscle memory for these instruments? What happens when you sit down to play? I understand if it's too painful to discuss...
I was a terrible Alto Sax player and they needed Oboe so I was most disposable, LOL. I actually was better at Oboe than Alto Sax (who has some real talented players). I geeked out on double reed. I got to make my own reeds knives so razors LOL I hope you understand.


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Staff member
Trumpet is a real bitch, too. Such a virtuoso instrument! Do you still own one, and do you still have an embouchure? I never understood how you brass guys make such lovely sounds in such a strange and difficult way...
Ok I'm drunk enough to say this but I figured the brass guys were the best at cuninglingus. Yea my eldest daughter's father was percussion (so shoot me).