Stay away from Medical Marijauna Services.

redi jedi

Well-Known Member
Ive been dealing with these fucks, what a joke. Seen a Doctor in October who authorized my mother. Now MMS is saying that Dr will not sign to grow your own. Even though I made it clear what we wanted to do during the consultation.

When I asked for a direct contact number, I was told they cant give me her number. Oh and they cant refund my money the promptly accepted.

Fucking scammers! I feel like driving to Ottawa and having a nice face to face with these cunts.
Ive been dealing with these fucks, what a joke. Seen a Doctor in October who authorized my mother. Now MMS is saying that Dr will not sign to grow your own. Even though I made it clear what we wanted to do during the consultation.

When I asked for a direct contact number, I was told they cant give me her number. Oh and they cant refund my money the promptly accepted.

Fucking scammers! I feel like driving to Ottawa and having a nice face to face with these cunts.
Can't you just reverse your credit card charges? You paid for a service that you did not receive.
Now MMS is saying that Dr will not sign to grow your own.
A doctor does not have the authority to decide where the patient obtains his medicine. If the doctor is comfortable prescribing cannabis, denying you the right to grow your own is illegal. I would make it clear to the quack that you intend to sue him/her as well as MMS to recover your money and compensation for your wasted time, and that you intend to show how the illegal kickback scam is a cooperative effort to control cannabis patients' wallets.
A doctor does not have the authority to decide where the patient obtains his medicine. If the doctor is comfortable prescribing cannabis, denying you the right to grow your own is illegal. I would make it clear to the quack that you intend to sue him/her as well as MMS to recover your money and compensation for your wasted time, and that you intend to show how the illegal kickback scam is a cooperative effort to control cannabis patients' wallets.
Not only that but they can't claim they aren't signing for fear of the college, when the very thing they are doing by picking and choosing what parts of the ACMPR to follow is far more in violation of anything than signing a cannabis script. It's the PATIENT who chooses what part of the ACMPR works best for them. PERIOD. They're either all in, in terms of patient support or GTFO. They have no business even speaking about medical cannabis
how can the allowed to grow portion.. be up to the Dr.???..and the ACMPR be the same as the MMAR...
something is fishy with your prescribber...I would say
sounds like you were shanghi'd
maybe email him the grow part of the pkge....for the Acmpr... then call them...
ask him where he is supposed to sign....when he can't answer...ask for your money back... if unsucessful at getting that money back.... then fill out the acmpr forms for growing and mail them in to HC anyways....with whatever crap this dildo gave you for your authorization...or ask for a copy of it..
you have a case against them.... of trying to steer you to a certain lp...I don't think they can do that.

I wonder if people brought in the ACMPR forms with them to these canna clinics
and had the whole package with them, when they sit down with these doctors...
If the doc's would at least acknowledge your right to grow...
Maybe Kirk Tousaws Business Card attached to it....would also help...
The MMS asshat has been fucking the sick and injured out of hundreds of dollars for a potential script for ages.. Personally I recommend and use Lift Resource Center, they will sign to grow and give you a 12 month script with a very minimal cost (they call it a technology fee) if you use telemedicine.

don't use any cannabis prescribing service.......if you need a recommendation go see your gp...
most of them are coming up to speed....

Not everyone has or can get a GP (I have been waiting on the health care connect list for 6 years now), so some people are forced to use services. I don't know about elsewhere but here neither NP's or clinic doctors will sign off and the er docs will laugh at you and write you another script for opiates.