Trump the Cannabis RE-legalizer?


Well-Known Member
From Karl Denninger, the Market Ticker, on Trump, cannabis and the Tenth Amendment (see link below for whole article):

His 10th Amendment position on recreational use is likewise well-informed and augurs not for "crushing" states that choose to legalize weed but rather for potentially removing it from the Federal Drug Schedules entirely, not just down-scheduling it, leaving it to states that wish to leave possession and use in their criminal code. That's the "50 state political laboratory" approach and it's about damn time a President took that view toward anything -- and this is the first time, I remind you, in my memory that I've heard a President actually say that. This means that should you live in a state that refuses to legalize weed simply move to one that sees it the other way, a right you have and will continue to enjoy under President Trump. Your choices (as of now) for recreational marijuana use include Alaska, Colorado, Oregon, Washington, the District of Columbia (not a state but close enough), California, Massachusetts and Nevada. All set the age at 21, as with alcohol. All of these states at present prohibit public consumption of weed, but since the most-common means of use that is detectable by others is smoking it that's not unexpected (smoking in most public places is prohibited as well.)

Come in off the ledge, marijuana advocates. You not only don't need to jump you are about to have a President who supports your position to a far greater degree than either Obama or Hillary, and he is taking office in January.

We'll see if President Trump's acts jive with Candidate Trump's words, but what you heard on the campaign trail was a promise to do more for personal liberty and the use of cannabis, whether medically or otherwise, than any previous President in the modern era.

link to entire article and video of Trump's cannabis position:
who will his AG be?.....

Yes, who will the AG nominee be? That is a mystery of the moment...

But it sure is fascinating to observe Trump advocate the Tenth Amendment as a means to cannabis RE-legalization! Watch for the appointee of DEA too, who can probably de-schedule cannabis immediately upon assuming office.

AG is a critical post as the current and recent cast of corrupt judicial criminals of both parties that have been past AGs demonstrates.

The name I hear most often-Rudy Giuliani-casts doubt about Trumps stated position that our totally corrupted Rule of Law must be restored...

Trump campaigned on an anti-establishment drain-the-swamp no-more-corruption platform.

We should have a good idea what to expect from Trump in the choices he makes to staff his administration by Jan. 20, 2017.

Prior presidents for decades have appointed the usual suspects that keep the corruption gravy-train on track.

They have particularly appointed members of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) and the Trilateral Commission (TC) to key important posts. I'm not advocating any conspiracy theories but merely pointing out the organizations from which administrations are usually staffed. These folks should not even be under consideration, unless we have been deceived by Donald Trump.

Trump has also championed reform of Rule of Law.

However, even more often he has spouted off in support of "law and order".

They are NOT the same thing...

"Law and order" is what the Nazis and Soviets had, and what North Korea still has...and what we increasingly suffer under.

Rule of Law is an infrastructure that forms the bedrock of any society worthy of existence.

Rule of Law means the wealthy and powerful are held accountable as is everyone, while "law and order" means the rabble are indicted, convicted and punished without benefit of the sort of mercy or hall pass accorded the likes of Jon Corzine or Bill and Hillary Clinton.

True Rule of Law preserves the Bill of Rights, just as a corrupt judicial system has operated to diminish due process of law and the Bill of Rights.

The War on *some* drugs is and has been the primary driver of corruption of courts, judges and prosecutors, and corrupted and militarized our police officers.

Will Trump insist on a re-examination of failed drug policy as he apparently has in regard to cannabis?

Will Trump muzzle and leash the DEA in regard to decisions made regarding cannabis RE-legalization in the various states?

In fact, the DEA is a government agency without Constitutional authority to even exist (where is the Constitutional Amendment allowing governmental action in regard to drugs...or the flora the people may choose to cultivate?) and therefore should be decommissioned via executive order.

Draining the swamp is a tall order...and absolutely essential to restore liberty and Rule of Law.

Trump freely took these responsibilities as his platform as no President-elect has since I have been an observer starting with Nixon; they all-regardless of party affiliation crapped all over the Bill of Rights and the Constitution. Very powerful toes will be crushed if Trump is true to his word and applies serious reform to the judicial system and limits governmental power generally.

Citizen pressure should be applied ceaselessly in order to support President Trump in carrying out these critical behind-the-scenes efforts to thwart them will surely be attempted.
For your thousand words I present a picture.

AG and DOJ will have mega yuuuuuuuge implications.
I saw a video where he was speaking fairly friendly about cannabis (regardless of what some might want to believe)
praying that he was being authentic, I pray he really has friends that use the medicine and that he won't kick sand in the cogs of the states already with med/rec
AG and DOJ will have mega yuuuuuuuge implications.
I saw a video where he was speaking fairly friendly about cannabis (regardless of what some might want to believe)
praying that he was being authentic, I pray he really has friends that use the medicine and that he won't kick sand in the cogs of the states already with med/rec
The problem is his "friends" are too rich for cannabis illegality to affect them.
The problem is his "friends" are too rich for cannabis illegality to affect them.
True and with that we saw how quick he will punt his friend overboard in front of the media (final debate) in the face of potentially losing face or a dig at his ego.