Ever keep an auto alive after harvest for seed development?


Well-Known Member
Hey guys, I am currently growing some auto Skywalker plants in the Vault comparitive grow, about 35 days in I believe, plants are healthy and still growing, but also flowerring. I am thinking of pollenating them with some feminized pollen. But wont be able to have the pollen for about a week from now.

I suspect the auto will be ready to harvest before the seeds are developed on the brach that I pollenate, would the auto survive long enough after for the seeds to develope?

Im using the pollen for another non auto femized plant for a decent seed run, I figure why not make a few out of these very nice Skywalker plants?? Tips would be appreciated! Cheers
keep the auto fem going long enough for her to herm her own male flowers

is the best bet

as the autoflowering gene is recessive

copulating one photo plant with an auto will make photo seeds

unless you cross again then they 50%..? will be auto

if you cross first time make many seeds

as each gen is undoing the original breeders work

good luck
keep the auto fem going long enough for her to herm her own male flowers

is the best bet

as the autoflowering gene is recessive

copulating one photo plant with an auto will make photo seeds

unless you cross again then they 50%..? will be auto

if you cross first time make many seeds

as each gen is undoing the original breeders work

good luck
Is this a chance or will it herm for sure? I have a weak plant in my current grow that i will let keep going to get more seeds.
Is this a chance or will it herm for sure? I have a weak plant in my current grow that i will let keep going to get more seeds.

no, not all plants will go through what's called rodelization, what you're talking about.. some do, some don't, only one way to find out..
Im not interested in going that route. I would get seeds if I were to pollenate this auto plant with pollen created from a female plant though correct? They would be feminized but likely not auto?
Im n
ot interested in going that route. I would get seeds if I were to pollenate this auto plant with pollen created from a female plant though correct? They would be feminized but likely not auto?

it all depends on how long your auto has been in flowering when you impregnate her.. it takes a good 2 / 3 weeks for seeds to develop enough to become viable..
Yes, just leave the pollinated branch(s) on the plant and they will be fine. I try to wait until the calyx's are splitting open and you can see the seed inside.
I have a month left I would guess. So sounds plausible to keep it alive. I wasnt aware seeds developed so fast

Using pollen taken from a feminised plant seed (done with colodial silver) and used on a branch of this auto plant. I will get feminised seeds? But not auto's? Im confused on that
I have a month left I would guess. So sounds plausible to keep it alive. I wasnt aware seeds developed so fast

Using pollen taken from a feminised plant seed (done with colodial silver) and used on a branch of this auto plant. I will get feminised seeds? But not auto's? Im confused on that

here is how to do this ......the bad news is one does hermi the plant
1 u have the pollen off a male of a different strain u want to cross with a female u picked out .....the pollen is in a brown paper bag u slow slip it down on a branch and then flick the side walls making pollen fall only on that branch

2 u make colloidal silver and spray the branch ....this will hermi the branch for the pollen sacks

ok as for keeping the plant alive ......it is possible but not a month passed harvest ..2 weeks sure u can stagger the harvest in (but once u remove so much of the leaf and flowers the plant will not have the ability to close off the wounds and regenerate .....photo plant yes auto plant no ).....the only time i ever seen a auto plant go long like that would be in a dwc hydro with a massive amount of feed 110days

but what they are also talking about is the seed is not done .........if u cross it with it own strain it is stable but if u cross it with another strain even another auto the seed is not going to be stable ......the seeds it made are going to lean way way or the other in the parent line u need to breed the best 2 of them 2 more times then u would have a stable new strain to call your own

your looking at 6 months to 9 months before u have it done
this is using method 1

if u do try this rem u need honey ........if u harvest some use honey on the cut part of the plant to help seal off the wound and keep out anything bad....this will stress the plant so hermi chance is higher .....so have something in the feed to help destress the plant
Yes all your seeds will be fem, & a percentage will be auto, but there is no way to tell whats what
Your actually heading back a generation , to Photo fem
Not problem with me, Im not hunting for any genes, just trying to make alot of free seeds. Bonus if they are feminized!
If you use colliadial silver on a fem plant, you will only produce fem pollen............thats how the seed banks do it............so applying that pollen to a fem plant , wether it be Auto or not, any seed you get will be fem, ..........BUT were the genetics go , will be unknown, BUT be assure all that seed will be Fem, maybe a few Auto's but mainly fem Photo,s, if thats the pollen youve used..........there is a great thread on here about Collidial Silver & breeding your own seed, or someting like that, i understand y your doing what you are, but hey genetics , are a very strange thing, & its a real experts field, ...........im not ............but female pollen to a bud is always fem
