Most Efficient LED Light

The guy hasn't even finished the grow lol. Man you are reaching.

Did you even look at the photo I posted.

I'll tell you what...... Wanna make a bet????? We will send your Pro-9 to a sphere and Our quantum board fixture. I'll bet you winner takes lamps that the Pro 9 isn't 48.6% efficient and the quantum board fixture is higher. I just want you to see the numbers. I don't really care about the Pro-9 just your ignorance is abound and I'm up to the challenge. Are you?

Still don't get it? I don't even know what a Quantum board fixture is, nor do I care, never mind saying anything is more or less efficient. Who said the pro-9 was more efficient then that cmh or Quantum whatever anyways & how is it you even applied it to the test results I posted? After all, that's all I did. Never said anything or made claims about anything.
Where do you get this stuff from?
Also, I said how efficient it was based on what the owner told me & that chart. Not everyone can have their fixture bomb a sphere test guy.
I shared what I know, didn't create it myself.
You're reaching. Saying a bunch of irrelevant stuff in that does not apply in any way at all in attempt to look like I'm stating false info. & you're super smart. That's sad.
I never wanted to put it out there that you made a false claim costing someone a big loss, you kindve forced me to. And believe me, a grower doesn't need to finish a grow to know he's getting less then intended or expected based on web-site info that made him buy the lights to begin with. Especially when he's running side by side guy. I grow, I know this much.
Can anyone tell me what I said that's got Stephen all rilled up, cuz he won't. Just keeps making stuff up. I don't get it????

I had already said it why repeat myself I've seen grows with the Johnson light only complain was when there temps where to low they rised the temp and killed it I know that I got 25 percent more yield out of my last grow with his lights there killing it with more frost and heavy nuggets!
That's cool, but who cares & how does it apply to anything?
So, Stephen, you can't answer not even one of my questions hu? But you can make false claims about me. Lmfao!
I guess false claims is your new thing hu?
Works well w/ getting other non-growers to follow your mischief.
I still have Absokutely No Idea where you're coming up w/ this stuff or why???
Are you drunk?
Just doesn't make any sense.
Editted. Trying to be nice here.
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a very very very cheap led from china cost about 33 bucks from a chinese led companny


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So, Stephen, you can't answer not even one of my questions hu?

I'm trying to tell you that the cmh isn't that efficient. You can not calculate a fixture efficiency without a Sphere or Goniophotometer....... You have to capture or measure every single photon coming out of it to know the efficiency. Like I said you should know the numbers aren't right. It says the Sun isn't 100%. Surely you understand that right???????????????????????

I'll only say this one more time...... The efficiency number you are taking about is THE SPECTRUM NOT THE LAMP EFFICIENCY!!!!! Please ask the person you got those numbers from how they got them.........
I'm trying to tell you that the cmh isn't that efficient. You can not calculate a fixture efficiency without a Sphere or Goniophotometer....... You have to capture or measure every single photon coming out of it to know the efficiency. Like I said you should know the numbers aren't right. It says the Sun isn't 100%. Surely you understand that right???????????????????????

I'll only say this one more time...... The efficiency number you are taking about is THE SPECTRUM NOT THE LAMP EFFICIENCY!!!!! Please ask the person you got those numbers from how they got them.........
Funny thing is, I'm not talking about anything. Just posted the results to a study. All the talking & saying I'm talking is coming from you.
I could care less what's what efficiency. Yeah, it's passport, that's why the sun is what it is there I guess.
A side by side test using the same parameters on each light is ALL that matters.
Also I'm not worried about it just please ask. I'm telling you I know what these numbers are and I just want YOU to know as a customer what you are looking at. It's not what you think is all im saying.

Ask what exactly?
Man, this is really slowing down my build progress. Can we just conclude please?
Yeah but for a 3x3 thats crap PPFD
I'm pretty sure he used to say it covers 5x5. Probably has an optical laser that adjusts its spot read ppfd based on it seeing grow room size. Probably calculates and adjusts ppfd from humidity readings too. Hell it even knows when you're flowering so it can send all its ppfd its been saving through veg phase. Actually I've read even the special metal amare uses for the case is from alien space ships and emits higher ppfd than most HID. I think victor has a contract with Putin but Hybirdway would have to kill us all to talk about it.......
Funny thing is, I'm not talking about anything. Just posted the results to a study. All the talking & saying I'm talking is coming from you.
I could care less what's what efficiency. Yeah, it's passport, that's why the sun is what it is there I guess.
A side by side test using the same parameters on each light is ALL that matters.

I'm saying a single spot reading means absolutely nothing . That's what you got there. I saw a 120 watt LED at Cannagrow that was over 3000 "PPFD" under the lamp at 24" does it make that 120 watt lamp better than a 1000 DE? Not at all. That's what I'm telling you. With optics I can make 1 50 watt cob look as good as a DE in a single measurement. That's what I'm getting at.
I'm saying a single spot reading means absolutely nothing . That's what you got there. I saw a 120 watt LED at Cannagrow that was over 3000 "PPFD" under the lamp at 24" does it make that 120 watt lamp better than a 1000 DE? Not at all. That's what I'm telling you. With optics I can make 1 50 watt cob look as good as a DE in a single measurement. That's what I'm getting at.

So you're telling me that professionals don't know how to take a PPFD measurement on the lights they're testing?
You don't think they took many, many, multiple readings, same for both lamps?
That these guys don't know how to do their job?
Even if it's multiple single point measurements,it's still the same method for both lights so the differance remains.
Wheather it's as accurate as a sphere is irrelevant.
The point is the differance. It could be done with a damn phone lux app. Differance still remains & is all that matters in a comparison.
Nobody's saying the efficiency of any said lamp is written in stone using a passport meter.

Geeze, is that what the big stink was about?
No wonder o didn't get it. It's completely irrelevant. Damn. What a waste of my time. Now I'm pissed.
Please don't ever waste my time like that again. Just be clear as to what you're trying to say.
I don't have time to listen to myself talk.
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The guy hasn't even finished the grow lol. Man you are reaching.

Did you even look at the photo I posted.

I'll tell you what...... Wanna make a bet????? We will send your Pro-9 to a sphere and Our quantum board fixture. I'll bet you winner takes lamps that the Pro 9 isn't 48.6% efficient and the quantum board fixture is higher. I just want you to see the numbers. I don't really care about the Pro-9 just your ignorance is abound and I'm up to the challenge. Are you?

Ok, challenge accepted. But I'm not interested in how efficient it is exactly. I bet you my Pro-9 will beet your biggest light head to head in Par #'s per watt.
Finally somebody with some balls around here. GG ran for the hills when I offered a challenge. But you my friend have some big balls if you think any of your lights can beat Amare watt for watt.
How do you wanna do this?
PM me & we can work out the details.
BTW, I always liked you, so don't take offense when To have a Big Johnson!
Always wanted one to do a side by side grow vs MyAmare!
This is great.
Haven't raced for Pink-Slips since I was a kid. Ha! Thnx Big Stephen!
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Here you go bro.

The Pro-9 just spanked the "blah blah blah light" In testing.


Also outperformed the Tropical Florida Sun.

LOL! :lol:

The Pro-9 is the Commercial LED/light to have.

2nd rate Marketing..... :rolleyes:

When LED grow light companies start making such ridiculous claims, and people buy into those claims without much skepticism....that makes me skeptical. You are experienced enough on this forum to know better the difference between PPFD 'spot measurements' and total PPF being produced. And be able to distinguish the two based on the light sources being tested alone.

Btw, comparing PAR #'s with vastly different SPD's is like comparing apples to jellyfish. You can't tell how the plant will grow under a RED dominant spectrum vs a full white spectrum based on PAR measurements alone.

LOL! :lol:

2nd rate Marketing..... :rolleyes:

When LED grow light companies start making such ridiculous claims, and people buy into those claims without much skepticism....that makes me skeptical. You are experienced enough on this forum to know better the difference between PPFD 'spot measurements' and total PPF being produced. And be able to distinguish the two based on the light sources being tested alone.

Btw, comparing PAR #'s with vastly different SPD's is like comparing apples to jellyfish. You can't tell how the plant will grow under a RED dominant spectrum vs a full white spectrum based on PAR measurements alone.

How do you guys edit Quotes like that? I have no idea how to play those games.
Don't make excuses for Johnson. He posted a challenge. I accept. Let's do this.
Ok, challenge accepted. But I'm not interested in how efficient it is exactly. I bet you my Pro-9 will beet your biggest light head to head in Par #'s per watt.
Finally somebody with some balls around here. GG ran for the hills when I offered a challenge. But you my friend have some big balls if you think any of your lights can beat Amare watt for watt.
How do you wanna do this?
PM me & we can work out the details.
BTW, I always liked you, so don't take offense when I own a Big Johnson!
Always wanted one to do a side by side grow vs MyAmare!
This is great.
Haven't raced for Pink-Slips since I was a kid. Ha! Thnx Big Stephen!
There you go lying out you ass again.

Not sure how offering up a cx300 free for a sphere test was anything other than putting my money exactly where my mouth was. You were the one that ran away and never did anything. Nothing has ever stopped you from doing anything with one of my lights.

And now you go around babbling nonsense and misinformation.

If you loved amare so much...your 10Kw hps room would be pure amare, no more hps...but it's not. And you still going around saying it's the best light ever and nothing can beat it and it's the best price...yet you only have about 5% of your grow being lit by them.
There you are! Good to see you.
Man at least you grow. These other guys who might be nicer to the customers feed the NG's courage to ramble data-sheet nonsense as if we're all that matters.
Naw, since you've been gone, I took down my whole hps room & am now going all Amare & SunCloak.
I never give false info.
I know, I could buy a light n do whatever. Do you wanna put your 420 light on the sphere with me & Stephen? I wouldn't mind owning 2 new Cob lights to run my side by side by side. Lol! Stephen's paying for the test. Might as well jump in on this one. Matter a fact, I encourage all led company owners to see if they can beat my Amare.
Plenty of folks here would love to see the results. You should be down right? After all, your last web-site claimed your cx-300 was "the most efficient led light available" if I remember correctly! Wazup lil pup?
There you go spewing BS acting like you're going to do something and I am somehow holding you back. are free do whatever you want. I'm not your mom. And FYI, I don't need another sphere test, but again, you're more than welcome to do whatever you like.
I like how your defense move is to try and dispute a light no longer in production anymore, that was exactly what it said it was, against a "new light" that can't even handle updating a website. As well as that you have openly claimed me as the "hacker" of that site.
So tell me little do you have any credibility with conspiracy theories and a plethora of misinformation you spew everywhere? The only thing that is creditable about you is you are definitely a medical patient of some kind.