I love competition as long as it is not a laundromat or cleaners located within 5 mile radius of my business..lol
have you took the time to do any research on insurers selling nationwide ? Honestly?
at least 6 states have tried this already. Rhode Island, Kentucky Georgia,Wyoming, Maine and Washington. Not one of these states saw single insurer enter a new market or offer a new product. People do not want to go out of state for health services , which means that if out-of-state insurers want to compete with existing insures in a new market, they have to build a local network of providers. Do you have any idea what this details ? because providers have no assurance that these new carriers will bring any local patients to their facilities the risk is high with the reward being low. example would be the 6 states previously mention.
So NLXSK1 if you brought insurance in Texas but you live in Arizona, how good would your insurance network be in Arizona from a insurer in Texas ? The problem is not the ability to buy insurance across state lines. we doing it already. It is the network that has insurers and consumers saying NO. Now after saying all that, if we talking a consumers living right on the border of two states, well the insurer might have the network set up being the it is so close, but for the rest of us, buying across state lines would likely have very little impact on our coverage or our costs.
I'm sitting here wondering if you even understand what insurers have to do to set up a working network in a state ? DO I have to do your homework on that too ?