Openly supporting donald trump got me banned from the 3ma

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I will agree on that. Of course the Republican base supported Trump. But, that's not why he won. County after county that Obama won in 08 and 12 flipped to Trump. These are disenfranchised Obama voters. They held their nose and voted for Trump despite his shortcomings as a person in hopes of some meaningful change. Wether or not he will deliver on that remains to be seen.

The dems ran the wrong horse. How they could be so tone def to support a candidate that represents everything that people on both sides of the aisle are sick of is beyond me.

Democrats allowed the DNC to manipulate the nomination, they did it far too brazenly and it backfired.
No it hasn't. In fact the opposite is true. Besides, after FORTY YEARS of tax cuts, shouldn't we be fucking swimming in jobs?

Tax breaks for millionaires and the corporations they own are the express ticket to aristocracy... which means poverty for everyone else. Is that not a better description for what's actually been going on for the last 40 years?
Not sure what your point of reference is but you are not only wrong but what you are saying is blatantly counterintuitive...just breaking it down into the simple terms of companies having more money to do with as they will.
Or would that money all be used for scotch and cigar parties in the penthouse of the corporate skyscraper. Corporate taxes are comparatively high and create advantages for foreign competitors. Over and above that 2013 had most all of us getting taxed more and add to that the tax that is Obamacare has hurt most all of us. There are some pretty nice changes available to the President-elect. Add to that the removal of executive actions and regulations and you might just have him for 8 years.
Come now. Private conversation between 2 men saved in the archives to be used as fodder for hate over a decade later. Yes, he talked about deporting people present here ILLEGALLY and that has been "softened" . I have not heard much about the women who came forward since it was determined that some were paid handsomely and many of the stories were benign and none of them carried the weight of Bill Clinton's 3 very-plausible rape accusers...not to mention Hillary's attempt at intimidation and bimboizing them. The rape charge has gone away after being rejected in a couple other courts and funny it lost its luster when it was discovered that Gloria Aldred's, the financier of the other accusers, daughter was leading the charge. Not to mention that Bill and Hillary themselves had a closer relationship with Epstein than Donald did. Dude, you are an excuse maker. These imbeciles are not rioting because any of this they are rioting because they lost and their puny little minds could not accept it.
As for Obama, your list is also more than short-sighted. First, the left continually paints the right as racist. Unless that is bullshit (it is) would that not be enough? But lets not forget about Rev. Wright, Bill Ayers, Tony Rezco, His unethical methods of gaining his state office...first castigating the other Democratic candidate with lies (a woman). And then gaining the Senate by getting a liberal judge to open sealed court documents about his opponents divorce. Yeah, stay classy Barack Obama. Add to that sealed transcripts, his fostering the birther debate himself as he tried to use it to his advantage and more.
Sorry, your arguments are weak and the reason conservatives did not protest is because they think like adults and not like the petulant children of the left we see in the streets (and signing petitions crying about a legal election that did not go their way)
It is ironic that you said we should ignore improprieties committed by Trump 10 years ago, then you bring up dirt on Bill Clinton that's 20 years old.
You know that makes you a hypocrite, right?
Not sure what your point of reference is but you are not only wrong but what you are saying is blatantly counterintuitive...just breaking it down into the simple terms of companies having more money to do with as they will.
Or would that money all be used for scotch and cigar parties in the penthouse of the corporate skyscraper. Corporate taxes are comparatively high and create advantages for foreign competitors. Over and above that 2013 had most all of us getting taxed more and add to that the tax that is Obamacare has hurt most all of us. There are some pretty nice changes available to the President-elect. Add to that the removal of executive actions and regulations and you might just have him for 8 years.

Funny how all the PhD holders of economics agree with my assessment, not surprising when I got it from them to begin with- and history is doing a great job of confirming the theory.

How many courses have you taken in economics? I took several during my studies in business administration, along with corporate finance, business law and much more that's relevant to an analysis of current economic conditions.

In other words, you'd better come at me with more than, "nuh uh!" if you want me to take you or your grasp of the subject matter seriously.

And there sure seems to be plenty of those parties you mentioned now. But where is their contribution to the community? Oh yeah, low taxes means they don't make any. How about education? No taxes means no money for educating the next generation of citizens and workers. Infrastructure? Nope. That's tax supported too.

So exactly whose prosperity are we talking about? If you're referring to shareholders, well yeah- their taxes went down too! But employees, communities, the country and other non voting stake holders are getting the shaft. In other words, lots of losers for every C level executive parking his Bentley in the reserved lot.

I'd much rather see corporations pay their fair share, a well as the rich. After all, if your prescription worked, we'd all be swimming in prosperity by now! instead we're poorer- except for a tiny minority.

How do YOU explain THAT?
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It is ironic that you said we should ignore improprieties committed by Trump 10 years ago, then you bring up dirt on Bill Clinton that's 20 years old.
You know that makes you a hypocrite, right?
It might if I actually told you to ignore improprieties committed by Trump.
Nice try though.
Funny how all the PhD holders of economics agree with my assessment, not surprising when I got it from them to begin with- and history is doing a great job of confirming the theory.

How many courses have you taken in economics? I took several during my studies in business administration, along with corporate finance, business law and much more that's relevant to an analysis of current economic conditions.

In other words, you'd better come at me with more than, "nuh uh!" if you want me to take you or your grasp of the subject matter seriously.

And there sure seems to be plenty of those parties you mentioned now. But where is their contribution to the community? Oh yeah, low taxes means they don't make any. How about education? No taxes means no money for educating the next generation of citizens and workers. Infrastructure? Nope. That's tax supported too.

So exactly whose prosperity ate we taking about? I'd you're referring to share holders, well yeah- their taxes went down too! But employees, communities, the country and other stake holders are getting the shaft. In other words, lots of losers for every C level executive parking his Bentley in the reserved lot.

I'd much rather see corporations pay their fair share, a well as the rich. After all, if your prescription worked, we'd all be swimming in prosperity by now! instead we're poorer- except for a tiny minority.

How do YOU explain THAT?
Thank you, 911. Thank you Mortgage Bubble. Thank you Obama.

I would match you economist to economist. Bring it on.

Other than than, while I had almost a 32 in. vertical in my youth...It still would not let me keep up with the leaps you are making.
:) Come on Doc...a poll? Link? And while I would not doubt there might have been some who got out and demonstrated. Did the poll ask how many would take bats to cars, kick the shit out of passer-bys, start fires, and light exposives, block highways etc. etc.? Give it up, its is all speculation against the reality we have.

It was on the NBC national news!
Thank you, 911. Thank you Mortgage Bubble. Thank you Obama.

I would match you economist to economist. Bring it on.

Other than than, while I had almost a 32 in. vertical in my youth...It still would not let me keep up with the leaps you are making.

Trickle down economics has NEVER worked!

Now how the hell does Obama fit in this?

The changing of the banking laws that sparked the bubble - began with Reagan and W let bulls free in the china shop.
911 was well before Obama!

The fact that you even include Obama in this. Points directly to your actual hate for Democrat's. Go ahead and be Gingrich and blame all the worlds problems on the american democrat......If Lincoln was alive today - he would not be a member of the party he founded!
Not to mention ya'alls favorite boy Reagan is rolling in his grave over Trumps love for Putin and Russia!

What really happened to actual republican values?

Both of the parties suck ass!

Time for another...Centrist party....Lets all step to the middle and get things done!
Trickle down economics has NEVER worked!

Now how the hell does Obama fit in this?

The changing of the banking laws that sparked the bubble - began with Reagan and W let bulls free in the china shop.
911 was well before Obama!

The fact that you even include Obama in this. Points directly to your actual hate for Democrat's. Go ahead and be Gingrich and blame all the worlds problems on the american democrat......If Lincoln was alive today - he would not be a member of the party he founded!
Not to mention ya'alls favorite boy Reagan is rolling in his grave over Trumps love for Putin and Russia!

What really happened to actual republican values?

Both of the parties suck ass!

Time for another...Centrist party....Lets all step to the middle and get things done!

This country needs to move a long way to the LEFT. That's just to get to the center. Personally, I think that after all these decades of someone else getting rich at the expense of the middle class, I WOULD like to see some socialism! It might do more for me and the average citizen than the right wing oligarchs ever have!

So how about it, republican party? WTF have you done for MY wallet lately?
title says it all, the adamant forum admins(specifically one) has banned me for my support of donald trump. I go to get on today, and bam locked out. wtf kind of shit is that..really pisses me off having been an active supporter of that site for 7 years.
They must have an IQ limit in place....
Trickle down economics has NEVER worked!

Now how the hell does Obama fit in this?

The changing of the banking laws that sparked the bubble - began with Reagan and W let bulls free in the china shop.
911 was well before Obama!

The fact that you even include Obama in this. Points directly to your actual hate for Democrat's. Go ahead and be Gingrich and blame all the worlds problems on the american democrat......If Lincoln was alive today - he would not be a member of the party he founded!
Not to mention ya'alls favorite boy Reagan is rolling in his grave over Trumps love for Putin and Russia!

What really happened to actual republican values?

Both of the parties suck ass!

Time for another...Centrist party....Lets all step to the middle and get things done!
Maybe if you all stuck tto answering your own posts you would not be so confused.

You're right Obama had little to do with the Housing Bubble and its bursting. Never said he did. Nor did Reagan. Just listed the 3 mutually exclusive things of why we are not swimming in 21st century prosperity. You can add our wars, I guess but I kinda lump the in with 911.

I am done here. I kind of stay out of the Politics stuff and plan to keep it that way. Lastly though, if you really think Republicans are more to blame than Democrats concerning the bubble burst then you have not really studied it or are fooling yourself. Let me know if you would like me to suggest a book or two.

Just hit me though, if not for the bubble burst and the bailouts, Obama probably would not have been elected the first time. Funny how things go.
It might if I actually told you to ignore improprieties committed by Trump.
Nice try though.
Please explain this then: "Private conversation between 2 men saved in the archives to be used as fodder for hate over a decade later".
This is what you are saying we should ignore. Is it not an impropriety?
Just curious: Does statutory rape also not count as an impropriety?
How about racketeering and fraud?
Nice try though. (not)
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I love the fact that Republicunts claim that 99% of our sources of news and information are biased -- even snopes! Yet they cannot say where they get THEIR impartial information, or where they go to check facts.
Please explain this then: "Private conversation between 2 men saved in the archives to be used as fodder for hate over a decade later".
This is what you are saying we should ignore. Is it not an impropriety?
Just curious: Does statutory rape also not count as an impropriety?
How about racketeering and fraud?
Nice try though. (not)

Describing what happened, is not telling you to ignore it, Chunky. It is making sure you know what you are talking about...which I could spend all day here doing it seems. Does baring false witness count as impropriety? And what about racketeering and fraud...I thought you had been talking about Trump.?.?
I love the fact that Republicunts claim that 99% of our sources of news and information are biased -- even snopes! Yet they cannot say where they get THEIR impartial information, or where they go to check facts.
You should check with George Foreman and see if you can sell these inventions of yours. Go away, Lumpy Turd.
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