Anti-Trump Protests


Sector 5 Moderator
People are protesting what he represents and because he is a crook and shouldn't be allowed in office.
You know we wouldn't have heard the end of it yet if hc won.
LOL, you voted for the most corrupt criminal in history. She stole $6,000,000,000 from the State department, hundreds of millions from the Haiti relief fund, took hundreds of millions in BRIBES and 6 more murdered in 5 weeks and you call Trump a crook?? You must be under 25 years old. You've never seed a good president. The vote was fair and square - regardless of all the fraudulent votes that hillary got and the votes from Michigan, Arizona and Alaska that were not counted for him. We suffered through Obama so suck it up like we did; you're going to see that Trump will fix a LOT of problems in this country.


Well-Known Member
People are protesting what he represents and because he is a crook and shouldn't be allowed in office.
You know we wouldn't have heard the end of it yet if hc won.
What bothers me is much of what he said is lies perpetuated by the media that has been proven to be in Hillary Clinton's pocket. However, there was never a reset. So many people believe that Trump is a sexist despite him having the first woman campaign manager to ever win the presidency.

They believe he is a rapist despite all of those allegations being dropped. One of them was his wife in a divorce case. Some of the people are protesting based on lies. Some are protesting because they are being paid to. Maybe some have a legitimate reason to protest and if they do it peacefully then I have no problem with it.

esh dov ets

Well-Known Member
What bothers me is much of what he said is lies perpetuated by the media that has been proven to be in Hillary Clinton's pocket. However, there was never a reset. So many people believe that Trump is a sexist despite him having the first woman campaign manager to ever win the presidency.

They believe he is a rapist despite all of those allegations being dropped. One of them was his wife in a divorce case. Some of the people are protesting based on lies. Some are protesting because they are being paid to. Maybe some have a legitimate reason to protest and if they do it peacefully then I have no problem with it.
Lies that he said and the media repeated?
Having a woman campaign manager was clearly political
He's proly not a rapist he's clearly a masagonist

Angry Pollock

Well-Known Member
As a two time losing Presidential candidate once said when they were caught in a lie , "at this point, what difference does it make"? Ahahahahahahaha, you little bitches mad! Your Satan worshipping, baby killing, pay for play money taking, evil witch lost. Now get a job!


Well-Known Member
Oh yeah, forgot to mention the 30,000+ emails with hundreds of classified emails. She should swing from the gallows for this alone.
Reported for the suggested murder of a Secretary of State. And for having zero grasp on reality, political or otherwise. And for being a generally unpleasant and vile redneck.

And for continuing to impersonate a 'mod'.


Well-Known Member
Lies that he said and the media repeated?
Having a woman campaign manager was clearly political
He's proly not a rapist he's clearly a masagonist
He had women working for him in high executive positions for decades before it was heard of in the construction industry.

Clearly he has been planning his run for office and thus positioning himself his whole career!! Who knew that it would be you to uncover him!!!

esh dov ets

Well-Known Member
Oh yeah, forgot to mention the 30,000+ emails with hundreds of classified emails. She should swing from the gallows for this alone.
Ok , pics of Trump's wife, Trump university clear scam , hypocrite because he can , doesn't pay taxes or his workers or contractors uses illegal immagrants then calls Mexicans rapists then brags that he can grab pussy do anything. Huge liar biggly so much lieing I'm tired of him it's like being water boarded for 4 years


Well-Known Member
What bothers me is much of what he said is lies perpetuated by the media that has been proven to be in Hillary Clinton's pocket. However, there was never a reset. So many people believe that Trump is a sexist despite him having the first woman campaign manager to ever win the presidency.

They believe he is a rapist despite all of those allegations being dropped. One of them was his wife in a divorce case. Some of the people are protesting based on lies. Some are protesting because they are being paid to. Maybe some have a legitimate reason to protest and if they do it peacefully then I have no problem with it.
He had women working for him in high executive positions for decades before it was heard of in the construction industry.

Clearly he has been planning his run for office and thus positioning himself his whole career!! Who knew that it would be you to uncover him!!!
Yeah, but what's a "halfrican"?

Screenshot 2016-11-06 at 6.38.38 PM.png

Here's an idea: Why not jam your brainless racist skull up pot punk's asshole while you both recite Mein Kampf!


Well-Known Member
Yeah, but what's a "halfrican"?

View attachment 3829908

Here's an idea: Why not jam your brainless racist skull up pot punk's asshole while you both recite Mein Kampf!
Do you ever wonder why you are so unhappy? It is because you are sitting around waiting for someone else to take control of your life and it is never going to happen.


Well-Known Member
Do you ever wonder why you are so unhappy? It is because you are sitting around waiting for someone else to take control of your life and it is never going to happen.
I enjoy a very happy life, truth told. Eliminating flesh failures like you is just a side venture I perform as a public service! :)


Sector 5 Moderator
Reported for the suggested murder of a Secretary of State. And for having zero grasp on reality, political or otherwise. And for being a generally unpleasant and vile redneck.

And for continuing to impersonate a 'mod'.
You seriously need remedial comedy training. I'll see you UB will take you under his wing; at least he's funny in a twisted kind of way - which I like.


Sector 5 Moderator
I enjoy a very happy life, truth told. Eliminating flesh failures like you is just a side venture I perform as a public service! :)
Reported for murder threats. ...and lying about having a happy life, you sad little masterbaiter.


Well-Known Member
LOL, you voted for the most corrupt criminal in history. She stole $6,000,000,000 from the State department, hundreds of millions from the Haiti relief fund, took hundreds of millions in BRIBES and 6 more murdered in 5 weeks and you call Trump a crook?? You must be under 25 years old. You've never seed a good president. The vote was fair and square - regardless of all the fraudulent votes that hillary got and the votes from Michigan, Arizona and Alaska that were not counted for him. We suffered through Obama so suck it up like we did; you're going to see that Trump will fix a LOT of problems in this country.
Your a Moderator? Holy shit! I didn't think they aloud halfwits into that position. Prove one of your idiotic statements about Hillary, and I'll take back calling you a fool. (not really)