Anti-Trump Protests


Well-Known Member
We're laughing "at you" not "with you"
Oh yeah, the past exchange between you and COC sucked. "I know you are but what am I?" I mean, that is what he thinks is funny. Sooooooo boooooring. I wasn't entertained enough to even laugh at him. Mostly, just motivated to punch the "I" button, means idiot or ignore, or both.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
OK, rosey. If you are able to do taxes as a professional then I know you can read that graph. You are just playing the role of a fool and that's not going to work. I've always found cat of curiosity to be boring and you seem to be the same. I'll just put you on ignore now, because unlike flaming pie, you and cat are boring, which is the worst.


Well-Known Member
Dimon approach signals Trump is eager to reconnect Washington and Wall St
The period of bashing banks appears to be drawing to a close

After an election filled with rhetoric about big and brash bankers running amok on Wall Street, Donald Trump has turned to the biggest and the brashest of them all: Jamie Dimon, chairman and chief executive of JPMorgan Chase.

The transition team of the president-elect called Mr Dimon on Wednesday night to sound him out about serving as Treasury secretary, according to a Reuters report that the FT has been unable to confirm.

Le Grande sell out begins. You were being lied to Pie. Trump is doing the same thing that Bush did when he trashed the economy by letting "too big to fail" self regulate. What were the losses last time? I recall it was about 150 trillion. Bank CEO's did really well when that happened.


Well-Known Member
Dimon approach signals Trump is eager to reconnect Washington and Wall St
The period of bashing banks appears to be drawing to a close

After an election filled with rhetoric about big and brash bankers running amok on Wall Street, Donald Trump has turned to the biggest and the brashest of them all: Jamie Dimon, chairman and chief executive of JPMorgan Chase.

The transition team of the president-elect called Mr Dimon on Wednesday night to sound him out about serving as Treasury secretary, according to a Reuters report that the FT has been unable to confirm.

Le Grande sell out begins. You were being lied to Pie. Trump is doing the same thing that Bush did when he trashed the economy by letting "too big to fail" self regulate. What were the losses last time? I recall it was about 150 trillion. Bank CEO's did really well when that happened.

Didn't he say the reseccion was good for guys like him? what a patriot.....
But remember he's doing this for us, lol we're so fucked!


Well-Known Member
Rediculous. SS and NYPD have their hands full with these people who cannot accept the rules of the game.
Donations to charitable groups surge after Trump victory
Environmental and civil liberties groups see contributions rise on fears over rights

Opponents of a Donald Trump presidency are fuelling a surge in donations to non-profit organisations and charities over fears that a Republican-controlled government will roll back progressive initiatives concerning the environment, immigrants, women and gay marriage rights.

The Sierra Club, a 125-year-old environmental group, and the American Civil Liberties Union have reported record donation rates, while dozens of other groups have also issued new marketing campaigns to capitalise on the momentum.

The Sierra Club has nearly quadrupled its monthly donation record in the days following the election, adding 4,000 monthly donors, worth about an estimated $2m over the course of their donations. Donations to ACLU, a legal advocacy group, also broke records, with $2.4m reportedly collected from 38,626 contributors by Thursday morning.

LOL, The Sierra Club and the ACLU don't accept that civil rights and the environment are spoils for Trump and the financial elite to feast upon. You were lied to Pie. Your children will hate you for what you and your evangelist hypocrites are supporting.

Don't you know that one of the "rules" your wing nuts created is this nutty idea that speech and money are the same thing? Overturn Citizen's United and the rules might change for the better.

More people were against Trump than for him. Trump is leading a minority based government. Ignore the masses at your peril.

Is the upside down flag a sign for anarchists?
LOL, next you will be claiming it is the sign of the Antichrist. The upside down flag is an old maritime signal of a ship in distress.

Calm down bird brain. You won, you will now be protected from those dirty muslims howling at the US across our border with Mexico who want to force you to wear a birka and enslave you. You are safe now. Benedict Donald will protect you. (snicker)