Openly supporting donald trump got me banned from the 3ma

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I love how Trump promised to drain the swamp of corrupt politicians.
Have you heard about his latest appointments? Sarah Palin was the icing on the cake, but the EPA chairman who has zero scientific qualifications was also a doozy.
I love how Trump promised to drain the swamp of corrupt politicians.
Have you heard about his latest appointments? Sarah Palin was the icing on the cake, but the EPA chairman who has zero scientific qualifications was also a doozy.
Clintons are out, check.

That's one seriously fucked up Politican out of the office

Looks like progress to me.
Oh boy. If I didn't know Rrog personally I'd let this comment slide...

He's one of the best people I know. College educated, self employed, early retirement due to being so successful, just built his own home complete with solar, under ground aquifer, huge garden, etc. He's very smart, and above all else is a great human being and steward of this planet. The earth would be a better place if there were a million more Rrogs.

You seriously picked the wrong guy to try and pigeon hole in to your lazy, angry liberal mold.
Oh you mean I should know someone personally to judge them? You mean me attacking someone I don't actually know is wrong?
Clintons are out, check.

That's one seriously fucked up Politican out of the office

Looks like progress to me.
You completely ignored the premise of my post.
Yes, Hillary was corrupt.
Replacing corrupt politicians with other corrupt politicians doesn't sound like "draining the swamp".
He lied, and people like you believed him. DOH!
Oh you mean I should know someone personally to judge them? You mean me attacking someone I don't actually know is wrong?

You're judging someone based off of a post or two on an anonymous Internet forum. Trump has been in the public eye for decades, and just ran for president. Every detail of someone's life gets exposed when they run for president.

Your comparison is ridiculous.
OH! The Russia, China, Cuba card.....

That's Communism NOT Socialism !!! That's the biggest misconception sold to the public by the right. (FEAR THIS and this, and this, and this -etc, etc!) I basically think that the right wants everyone else afraid and following the wolf in the herders cloths "because they will "protect us"! What rubbish!

I know several business owners who run their business with a socialist twist (I did it too). Employees get paid in shares - even the owner. I know a large scale bakery that does this. The lowest guy on the ladder (the janitor) makes $64,000 a year (to start)! His kids go to college and he and his wife basically want for nothing.....The owner still makes the bulk of the money but has employees that would not even consider leaving. They do the best work in the field. He takes the time to know each employee by name and as he hands out bonus's....He ask's by name how each wife is doing and how the kids are.

The health care is provided. 100%! Each employee gets a $1000 dollar "grant" at the beginning of the year to cover any deductible med costs for the year. IF any of that $1000 dollars is left at the end of the year. It is the employees to keep for them selves. Not to many people taking sick days (you do have to have a Dr.'s note for sick days)!

Whats the catch? You have to work 10 hr days, 4 days a week with Fridays as needed and at overtime share rates. Instead of adding employees and increasing hrs. The owner has simply expanded as needed to cover the increase in business demand for the high quality natural grained and organic bread lines that have been increasing production needs!

That, is a type or style of "socialism".....Money or product does NOT go to the "state" for redistribution "equally" !!!!

The employees direct family get the first chance at new or opening positions. Then from a massive application file.....There is a bottling and packaging company that works that way I know of, along with several other companies that operate that way also.....I learned from one of my best friends as he runs his tool building/ sharpening business this way....

His business has nothing but increased in size for the 30 years he's owned it. Now think of this. As these business's increase in size and profit - so does the workers pay in a direct proportion to the increase!

Still loving your underpaid factory job? A big company near me has just about the strangle hold on "Hitch" products for semi's...That would be WORLD wide dominance of the market!

The workers are in a union that used to actually work. it's now so weak that in the last 8 years the company has TRIPLED (began with 300 million in yearly profits. That doubled every 2 years for 6 and has dropped to a 150 million increase yearly sense) in size globally. They have not got one single decent wage increase! In fact. The cost of living raise was suspended by questionable math, built in the contract "forced" on them by threats of "sign it this way or we move the division out of the US" ! They work a natural 8 but the contract has mandatory Saturday's. you HAVE to work 2 straight - before you can "put in" for 1 off. The request can be denied.....Workers get NO bonus and the front office gets production bonus's based on yearly production figures.....Understand the mandatory Saturdays yet? Want a job? They do pay $18.95 and hr but, it'll take a new hire 10 years to reach that pay level (start at 14.00)....Want a job there? They have trouble keeping them filled!
Wow. Looks like you pulled a couple straw men out of your...out of somewhere. Did someone bring up Russia or the others as examples...I missed it. How about you tell us how Greece and Venezuela are not socialist? Things are working real well there. Then go read some Hayek or maybe some behaviorial psychology as is pretty much comes into play with all forms but it ends out destroying communist and socialist countries. You're not really a Dr. , right. I mean you seem to know your way around a grow and you certainly can bloviate, but ...
Socialism does work. Unfettered capitalism does not. Look no further than the clusterfuck we call health care here. The Canadian system (which I participated in for 21 years) yields better results, at half the price per capita. There are certain things that just shouldn't have a profit motive behind them. Delivering health care, education, and prisons come to mind.

Right wing politicians have done a great job convincing the working class (that would benefit the most from social programs) that its an evil boogeyman. How many seniors do you know that hate their Medicare?
" unrestrained capitalism leads to anarchy" ADAM SMITH.studies have show that a dollar spent on social programs create a lot more economic activities than a dollar spent on tax cuts for the rich.even russia and china have socialized health care and many countries provide better health care for less money with government funded health care. we rate 23rd in the world with our for profit free market health care.
" unrestrained capitalism leads to anarchy" ADAM SMITH.studies have show that a dollar spent on social programs create a lot more economic activities than a dollar spent on tax cuts for the rich.even russia and china have socialized health care and many countries provide better health care for less money with government funded health care. we rate 23rd in the world with our for profit free market health care.
As a Non American it amazes me that you dont have better healthcare like the rest of the 1st world and the other big elephant in the room. 1 in 100 in prison. No other country on Earth has ever locked up more people than America- ever. And then they are made to work and build stuff for the prisons to earn more capitol. Importing anything made from slave labour is illegal but supplying it from within isnt.....
Maybe its time to stop modeling the legal system on Base ball. Three strikes and your out. And stop trying to make a profit from prisoners. Incarceration should not be a business as that leads naturally to corruption with peoples lives.
As a Non American it amazes me that you dont have better healthcare like the rest of the 1st world and the other big elephant in the room. 1 in 100 in prison. No other country on Earth has ever locked up more people than America- ever. And then they are made to work and build stuff for the prisons to earn more capitol. Importing anything made from slave labour is illegal but supplying it from within isnt.....
Maybe its time to stop modeling the legal system on Base ball. Three strikes and your out. And stop trying to make a profit from prisoners. Incarceration should not be a business as that leads naturally to corruption with peoples lives.

A lot of Americans are very rigid in their views. They only see things one way, and it usually starts with "America is the greatest at blah blah blah".

I saw a study recently that looked at education around the globe. America ranked like 23'rd in math, 28'th in science...but #1 in confidence of both math and science skills. We're #1 in thinking that we're #1. lol
As a Non American it amazes me that you dont have better healthcare like the rest of the 1st world and the other big elephant in the room. 1 in 100 in prison. No other country on Earth has ever locked up more people than America- ever. And then they are made to work and build stuff for the prisons to earn more capitol. Importing anything made from slave labour is illegal but supplying it from within isnt.....
Maybe its time to stop modeling the legal system on Base ball. Three strikes and your out. And stop trying to make a profit from prisoners. Incarceration should not be a business as that leads naturally to corruption with peoples lives.

But you can't make any money doing that! Using cheap prison labor is profitable!
A lot of Americans are very rigid in their views. They only see things one way, and it usually starts with "America is the greatest at blah blah blah".

I saw a study recently that looked at education around the globe. America ranked like 23'rd in math, 28'th in science...but #1 in confidence of both math and science skills. We're #1 in thinking that we're #1. lol

We need to get over our feelings of exceptionalism. All least, until we actually ARE.
You don't have a very good handle on this. Where has socialism worked?? Canada, Finland, Sweden, Denmark, Switzerland, etc.

All kicking our ass in education, health care, life expectancy, average net worth, income inequality, overall HAPPINESS (yes, you talk to those folks and they're happier than us).

The better question is, where hasn't it worked?

I don't have a good handle on this apparently you need to research the very definition of socialism because all those countries are capitalist systems. Private ownership of the means of production, distribution, and exchange exist in those countries rendering them capitalist. Venezuela is true socialism all means of production, distribution, and exchange are state owned. The people of Venezuela are literally starving to death right now even eating zoo animals.

Plus you never answered the question how do you expect to impose this socialist utopian society without the use of force? You cannot. So you are openly advocating the use of force aka violence to achieve this.

I could go on about where it hasn't worked (Venezuela) the most current catastrophe. But I know the Mo of you . You will just claim what ever example I give to not be "true socialism".
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Who told you this shit and why did you believe them without independently verifying it for yourself?
Prove it. Typical lefty attacks with no bite. Claims to hate fascism but is a socialist lmao jokes on you buddy. I do my researc
Who told you this shit and why did you believe them without independently verifying it for yourself?
So why don't you move to Canada then? Let me guess they dont offer EbT cards there or section 8 housing.

You socialist will never succeed at anything. Why? because you scumbags will be met with force.
Is this thread still about the problem with 3MA :confused:

I ran into Micheal Komorn at GrowGreen's Harvest Expo recently. He was selling annual memberships to his "MMMA Legal Defense Alliance" for 360$ per year. For that you get "Priority call back for emergencies", up to two hours of "legal council" from his partners over the phone (in 20 minute prescheduled increments?) and membership to 3MA.

I recently called Komorn Law looking for representation for a friend and they wanted 7500/10000 just to get started :eyesmoke: Anyone have a clue to what they're charging for a trial and/or the costs of repeated pleas and lack of competently defended (affordable) trials to our community and MMMA (case law)? I don't believe Komorn's business/political interests, and in turn 3MA or NORML, are any good for our community. Too bad the term Marijuana Mafia never took off ...

Anyone willing to protest/boycott these NORML cat's divide and other costs to and failures within our community over the past eight years? Not realizing the same six month signature window MMMA had (or any other initiative in my lifetime) with MIlegalize and/or this new commercial legislation out of Lansing that they've spent years lobbying, for just a couple of the most recent examples? It's not about Democrat vs Republican ideology, it's about taking the money without taking the responsibility ...

As for all the ignorant national political bullshit filling this state MMJ thread, I can find that on Fox News and/or MSNBC from folks a whole lot brighter than you if I cared to waste my time. Who the fuck is looking out for the Michigan Patients and Caregivers that come to this subforum for honest MMMA related info and news not available elsewhere :confused:
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Prove it. Typical lefty attacks with no bite. Claims to hate fascism but is a socialist lmao jokes on you buddy. I do my researc

So why don't you move to Canada then? Let me guess they dont offer EbT cards there or section 8 housing.

You socialist will never succeed at anything. Why? because you scumbags will be met with force.

Why the hate? What did I do to you?

Take a deep breath. By switching to personal attacks and labeling, you're dehumanizing others, the very foundation of fascism.

Now, you're the one who asserted that socialism is unequivocally bad. You prove that. If you can't, then perhaps your assertion is false. Your attempt to put the burden of proof on me is disingenuous at best and intellectually dishonest.
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