why be happy about having Trump?

That doesn't make sense. Why should geographical location be an indicator of fairness?

There are roughly 330,000,000 citizens of the United States. The ONLY fair method for which each vote counted is to count each vote.

You do know where the Electoral College stemmed from, don't you? Does 3/5 a man sound familiar?
Not everyone has the same vested interests or makes their living the same way. In some places, few people tend a large geographical area -mainly the farm and ranch lands that feed the people of this country. These areas are crucial to our lives...but most of the population isn't located in those areas. However, the people in those areas need to have their votes represented in a way that can't be excluded or overpowered by the more densely populated -yet geographically smaller areas. So representatives are elected by the people to vote the conscious of their party. If voting was done as you suggest, then the greater portion of votes would come from those populated areas that may/may not have any consideration for the needs of those farmers, ranchers, etc.
And, I can tell you from having been raised in one of those rural areas, the people don't have a large amount of trust or respect for politicians because there have been few politicians over the years who have done much for them. So there is no love lost on Hillary by them. She was just another loudmouth politician that would have continued to do nothing for them. So they gambled, threw the dice on Trump and here we are.

There was really no winning in this election. Nearly half the country is in complete disagreement now.
You're a smart dude. and I'm not arguing with what you said.

I just want to point out the fact that main stream media really distorts people's views. it is so very powerful. Palin never said she could see russia. it was Tina fey. lol
Indeed the media wields much power in all of this too. Good point.
corporations are going to love Trump

Delusional disorder, previously called paranoid disorder, is a type of serious mental illness called a "psychosis" in which a person cannot tell what is real from what is imagined. The main feature of this disorder is the presence of delusions, unshakable beliefs in something untrue or not based on reality.
Well I guess when Trump does an excellent job as president I'll be laughing at you and your little buddy
Indeed the media wields much power in all of this too. Good point.
And now to anger people and be called ignorant....

I feel like the media pushes this pc and diversity shit on us. it's ridiculous.
I support gay rights. I mean they're fucking humans. but now me and the children are bombarded with LGBT this and that. Transgender Transgender and on and on. its not normal. it's abnormal. it's not bad and people should be treated right but god damn stop already.
And now to anger people and be called ignorant....

I feel like the media pushes this pc and diversity shit on us. it's ridiculous.
I support gay rights. I mean they're fucking humans. but now me and the children are bombarded with LGBT this and that. Transgender Transgender and on and on. its not normal. it's abnormal. it's not bad and people should be treated right but god damn stop already.
are you saying a lot of men approach you because you are cute ? does this make you uncomfortable ?
And now to anger people and be called ignorant....

I feel like the media pushes this pc and diversity shit on us. it's ridiculous.
I support gay rights. I mean they're fucking humans. but now me and the children are bombarded with LGBT this and that. Transgender Transgender and on and on. its not normal. it's abnormal. it's not bad and people should be treated right but god damn stop already.

"Abnormal", eh? Lemme take a WILD guess -- you are a red stater/'Christian', yeah?

R--e--l--a--x, pal.....

Omg Big Lou! Lol, that's disgusting! Haha what the fuck is that? lol

Whaddya mean "disgusting"? It's just Pepe's underside, perfectly natural!

download (41).jpeg

Well I guess when Trump does an excrement job as president I'll be just as broke and dumb as I was before.

trail·er trash
US informal derogatory
  1. poor lower-class white people typified as living in trailers.
    "their parenting style has moved the family from upper-middle-class suburban to trailer trash in one generation"
  2. Supporters of Donald Drumpf
Why should the whole country be governed by the bible thumpers and rednecks that elected Trump?

I voted for Hillary, not because I thought she'd be great. I just thought she'd be better than Trump. I feel there are others like me. I saw no real winning in this election.

The thing that really, REALLY scares me...is Barron Trump. Someone needs to check his head for that "666" birthmark. Hey, if they can check on Obama's birth certificate.....just saying...I don't even believe in Christ but I DO believe that Barron Trump may be the antichrist....which would then suggest that I do believe in Christ...which I am totally willing to do if it turns out he has that birthmark....

And with that said, I will leave you with this little work of art that I found....kinda sums it up for me:

I voted for Hillary, not because I thought she'd be great. I just thought she'd be better than Trump. I feel there are others like me. I saw no real winning in this election.

The thing that really, REALLY scares me...is Barron Trump. Someone needs to check his head for that "666" birthmark. Hey, if they can check on Obama's birth certificate.....just saying...I don't even believe in Christ but I DO believe that Barron Trump may be the antichrist....which would then suggest that I do believe in Christ...which I am totally willing to do if it turns out he has that birthmark....

And with that said, I will leave you with this little work of art that I found....kinda sums it up for me:


Same here dude. I'm not a fan of Hillary Clinton, not in the slightest, she would have literally brought more of the same thing in terms of political agendas favoring those that don't fucking need it. But I voted for her anyway, not because I didn't like Bernie or some write-in candidate, but because I thought it through and researched how utterly awful Donald Trump would be as POTUS and knew the only two options I had were Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump. Because I'm not a total fucking moron and wanted to vote for me heart and feelings.
Did I touch a nerve caveman ?
Yes you did, have whatever beliefs you want at least have the balls to say it. You're safe behind your computer screen and still need to talk out of the side of your mouth is pathetic even for the bottom feeders in this section.