Geeze ... Just this very minute I just took you off of ignore hoping to see some rational thought emanating from your brain.
Back on ignore.
and i think obama is fucked just like the rest of themo-bama, o-bama, o-bama, o-bama, o-bama, o-bama, o-bama, o-bama, o-bama, o-bama, o-bama, o-bama, o-bama, o-bama, o-bama, o-bama, o-bama, o-bama, o-bama, o-bama, o-bama, o-bama, o-bama, o-bama,
I like my lunch in my stomach, but I do have to question defining life as when the cord is cut, or the brain is born.
Are you denying that bacteria are alive?
What about fungi?
and i define it as being a sole entity, and when you are connected to another being via a cord that supplies life sustaining substances you are not a sole entity
we have something all those things you listed dont. A "soul". we have the capability of knowing what is right or wrong, we have the capability of feeling emotions like love, hate, lust, greed, envy... and thats what seperates us from the animals. and fungi as you put.
and quite honestly i would rather have a dead baby than a child with a terrible life.
I will never have children in my life because I never want a child to go through what i had to go through and be brought up in a world like this and if i had to i would press the red button.
stoney had a reply somehwhere on here that i liked.
it went someting like, "I wish i was aborted"
why should anyone ever feel that way?
because if a mother doesnt want a child she has growing in her tummy then what makes you think she is going to treat it right and nouriture it properly?
that baby will end up having a shittly life from being nelected and another life will be lost into drug/alcohol abuse, suicide, depression...
why do we need that?
Those pics were pretty sexy Vi
Most (all legal) abortions are preformed before the little kids are that far along tho!
I think regardless of how far along in the pregnancy you abort, it is killing something, I just don't think its a big deal.
I would support a crack heads right to humanely euthanize her 5 year old if she could not take care of it.
Human life is not special, anymore so than the ant you stepped on or the cow you ate.
People are programmed through evolution to be emotionally attached and value a human life over any other creature, it was once necessary to our survival as a species, but its no different.
I am pro human death, because I'm anti human suffering. I fully expect everyone to think I'm crazy, I just wanted to share my opinion.
I just can't condone late term abortion for some reason, it just seems sick to me (why wait 7-8 months?).