help me with over watering, my first indoor grow.


New Member
15128525_719001428251131_742761164_n.jpg 15139237_719001404917800_1458286211_n.jpg 15139237_719001404917800_1458286211_n.jpg So both my babies have had the same feeding and soil. but this ones pot, a gallon and a half, is heavier and the dirt has more moisture.. this is the only one with this problem and i only have seen it when my others got to much rain. i ruled out nitrogen toxicity because the other received the exact same amount of food. i poked holes in the sides of the pot and added more air circulation. if anyone has anymore advice to help them i would really appreciate it thank you very much


Well-Known Member
View attachment 3832585 View attachment 3832586 View attachment 3832586 So both my babies have had the same feeding and soil. but this ones pot, a gallon and a half, is heavier and the dirt has more moisture.. this is the only one with this problem and i only have seen it when my others got to much rain. i ruled out nitrogen toxicity because the other received the exact same amount of food. i poked holes in the sides of the pot and added more air circulation. if anyone has anymore advice to help them i would really appreciate it thank you very much
I'd go with what @vaporz said. Your soil doesn't look like it has much airiation to it


Well-Known Member
if i read post right,,the plant giving trouble is in 1.5gallon pot currently? Im just guessing here because I dont know what your goals for this grow are, but Im gonna assume you will be potting up to a bigger container....I would take the opportunity to add perlite at that time if you plan on potting up to larger container size that is...adding perlite may not fix your issues but i dont think it can hurt anything the other member was saying "check your roots"...he may be hinting at plant being rootbound in the 1.5 gallon container, and I guess thats possible too...alot of things it can/can't be to be honest....but adding perlite and transplant to bigger container shouldnt hurt you if you use caution during the transplant if you go that route, probably want to go for a 3 gallon container minimum,,if your grow style/area allows it..maybe even a 5 gallon container


Well-Known Member
two LEDs one r

Two LEDs one is red and blue and the other is full spectrum. the bulb i know is 1600 lumins and the temp stays between 72 and 76 degrees
You need more light or go lighter on your nutes. You're feeding too heavy for that amount of light.


Well-Known Member
I would transplant and you could do it cheap too.

just get yourself some inexpensive organic potting soil and add in a shitload of good perlite.

if you have the money to spend I would do this... buy a big bag of fox farm ocean forest and a bag of fox farm big n chunky perlite... mix in like 50% perlite and it will drain fast.

Another trick I do growing under LED is to use seedling soil for the life of the plant.

I have seedling soil in a 3.5 gallon container growing a blue mystic right now and my plant starts to droop after 3 days.. Its great because you literally cant over water


New Member
if i read post right,,the plant giving trouble is in 1.5gallon pot currently? Im just guessing here because I dont know what your goals for this grow are, but Im gonna assume you will be potting up to a bigger container....I would take the opportunity to add perlite at that time if you plan on potting up to larger container size that is...adding perlite may not fix your issues but i dont think it can hurt anything the other member was saying "check your roots"...he may be hinting at plant being rootbound in the 1.5 gallon container, and I guess thats possible too...alot of things it can/can't be to be honest....but adding perlite and transplant to bigger container shouldnt hurt you if you use caution during the transplant if you go that route, probably want to go for a 3 gallon container minimum,,if your grow style/area allows it..maybe even a 5 gallon container
thank you. it was completely fine yesterday. they were the biggest pot i had on hand. i watered yesterday and it puddled a little more then usual but i think i put more the I normally do


Well-Known Member
I would not transplant until she's healthy again, 1.5 gallon is fine for that size plant. Let her dry out a little and add more lumens and she'll perk right up!


Well-Known Member
Id buy a mars hydro 300 led light too. you want your nodes to just stack on each other.

something like this.

this is a blue mystic growing under mars 300 and growing in seedling soil.



New Member
I would transplant and you could do it cheap too.

just get yourself some inexpensive organic potting soil and add in a shitload of good perlite.

if you have the money to spend I would do this... buy a big bag of fox farm ocean forest and a bag of fox farm big n chunky perlite... mix in like 50% perlite and it will drain fast.

Another trick I do growing under LED is to use seedling soil for the life of the plant.

I have seedling soil in a 3.5 gallon container growing a blue mystic right now and my plant starts to droop after 3 days.. Its great because you literally cant over water
thank you. I live in the country and dont have acess to diffrent types of soil...I usually use mirical grow soil and put black G


New Member
Id buy a mars hydro 300 led light too. you want your nodes to just stack on each other.

something like this.

this is a blue mystic growing under mars 300 and growing in seedling soil.

View attachment 3832640
beautiful.. I dont want to do to large of a grow because it for personal use and my wife doesn't want to much but the other plant that i cropped i want to yield more.